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Camp Crame, Quezon City

ENGLISH 7 – Quiz # 5

Name Subject ENGLISH

Grade & Grade 7 - Date

 Summarize key information from a text (EN6OL-IVj-3.6)

Multiple Choice. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

Getting to Camiguin island from Misamis Occidental is not easy. The fastest way to travel to Camiguin
is through bus and ferry. You need to take a bus from Ozamiz to Cagayan de Oro City via car ferry. Then from
Cagayan, a jeepney or van can take you to Balingoan port, which is 38.5 kilometers away from Camiguin. Then
you can sail to Benoni Port, Camiguin through a shuttle ferry. That is the fastest way to get to Camiguin island.
1. Which is the best summary of the paragraph?
a. Getting to Camiguin island is easy.
b. The fastest way to travel to Camiguin is through bus and ferry.
c. Camiguin island is far from Misamis Occidental therefore getting there takes a long time.
d. The fastest way to travel to Camiguin island from Misamis Occidental is through a bus and ferry.

Nobody wants to be bitten by a dog. Dog bites can be dangerous. It can cause death if the dog has rabies. But
what if a dog bites you? Take these steps right away if you are bitten by a dog. First, wash the wound. Slow the
bleeding with a clean cloth. Next, apply over-the-counter antibiotic cream if you have it. You can apply the crushed
garlic to the wound as alternative. Then wrap the wound in a sterile bandage. Finally, keep the wound bandage and see
your doctor for a vaccine.

2. What is the best summary of this paragraph?

a. Dogs have rabies, so don’t get near a dog.
b. A dog bite can cause death especially when the dog has rabies.
c. A dog bite can be harmful, so if you are bitten by a dog, you need to apply first aid and get a vaccine for anti-
rabies immediately.
d. Dog bites need to be treated, although it can’t cause harm, a vaccine is needed to relieve the pain which the
patient experiences.

COVID-19 can cause symptoms very similar to the flu-fever and a dry cough, fatigue, pains and nasal
congestion. Severe cases can lead to serious respiratory disease and even pneumonia. Those who are most at risk
are elderly or people with underlying medical issues, such as heart problems or diabetes.

3. Select the best summary of this paragraph.

a. COVID-19 can put anybody’s life to danger.
b. COVID-19 is a pandemic which takes many lives.


Address: Camp Crame Compound, Quezon City
Telephone No.: (02) 86546292
c. COVID-19 is never a threat to anybody without serious medical issues.
d. COVID-19 can show different symptoms that can lead to serious cases which can put the life of an elderly
person or person with underlying medical issues to danger.
The COVID-19 pandemic has rapidly spread around the world. One factor which contributes to the rapid
spread of this virus is the peoples’ lack of discipline. Some have no concern of what is really happening to the
world with this pandemic. Most of them choose to ignore what the government is trying to implement in order to
prevent the spread of the virus. Health protocols and guidelines are imposed by the government to protect the
people from the threat of virus but to no avail.
Which sentence is appropriate to be a summary of the paragraph?
a. The COVID-19 pandemic was caused by peoples’ lack of discipline.
b. The COVID-19 pandemic was happening due to the peoples’ rebellion.
c. The COVID-19 pandemic was a result of the government’s negligence.
d. The COVID-19 pandemic was a result of peoples’ lack of compassion to one another.

5. What is meant by the underlined word in the sentence? A dog also sets a perfect example of adaptability.
a. fixed b. universal c. unchangeable d. established

6. A _________ is a shortened version of piece or a gist.

a. summary b. paraphrase c. classify d. precis

7. Which is NOT a tip for summarizing?

a. Keep your summary quite long.
b. Use your own words.
c. Point out the main idea of the text.
d. The summary should be based from the original price.

8. “It squeezes out through the gap in the doorway”. Give the meaning of the word “squueze”.
a. smash b. expand c. decompress d. outspread

A dog teaches us a thing or two about unselfish love. When a dog knows death is approaching ,it tries, with
its last vestige of strength, to crawl away elsewhere to die, in order to burden its owners no more.

An excerpt from the text “Lesson One Can Learn About Life From a dog,”

9. Which of these positive values best describes the given passage?

a. Honesty
b. compassion
c. generosity
d. fairness
10. When summarizing a text, if I’m not sure with what I’m writing, I should _________________.
a. Keep writing.
b. Keep reading.
c. Reread the original piece.
d. Judge the text with my own opinion.


Address: Camp Crame Compound, Quezon City
Telephone No.: (02) 86546292
A man found a lonely stray dog in the streets. He adopted it and gave it shelter and food. After a few days,
the dog looked happy and content to finally have found his new family.

11. What values did the man show to his dog?

a. Love and Care
b. Hospitality and Bravery
c. Honesty and Truthfulness
d. Courteousness and Cooperativeness

A dog does things with all vigor. However, when there is nothing to do, it lies down and rests. It does not
waste its strength and energy needlessly. Many working people are burning the candles at both ends. Many suffer
nervous breakdown due to stress. Perhaps, they should learn to rest like a dog does.

12. Select the best summary of this paragraph.

a. The dog wastes its strength and energy.
b. They should learn to rest like a dog.
c. Many suffer nervous breakdown due to stress.
d. Humans and dogs are different in terms of working, while the man never take rests, the dog does.

13. What character trait that best describes the dog in the text?
a. content
b. loyal
c. kind
d. helpful

14. What does the text tell about the dog?

a. A dog sets a perfect example of contentment.
b. A dog teaches us a thing or two about unselfish love.
c. A dog does things with all vigor.
d. A dog is truly a man’s best friend.

15. You should not include specific details when you summarize a text.
a. True b. False c. Maybe d. None


Address: Camp Crame Compound, Quezon City
Telephone No.: (02) 86546292

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