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Name of Reporter:_____________________________________________

20 15 10
CONTENT The presentation covers The presentation The presentation
the topic completely and includes some essential includes little essential
in-depth information is information. Some information; information
clear, appropriate and information is confusing, is confusing, inaccurate,
accurate. incorrect or flawed. or flawed.
ORGANIZATION There is a logical There are logical The presentation
sequence of information sequences of includes little essential
information. information; information
is confusing, inaccurate
or flawed.
PRESENTATION The presentation is The presentation is Little to no attempt has
attractive and appealing somewhat appealing to been made to make the
to the viewers. viewers. presentation appealing
to viewers.
MASTERY Explained the lesson very Explained lesson a little No explanation given.
well. bit. Always looking at the
DELIVERY Voice is clear and Sometimes the voice is The voice is not clear and
understandable clear and hard to cannot be understood.

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