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Gender question

Out of 48 respondents, 81.3% identified as female, while 18.8% identified as male. This gender
distribution suggests a notable overrepresentation of females in the survey sample. Considering
gender demographics is crucial for interpreting responses, as gender may influence perceptions
of parental expectations. The female choice is 62.5% more the male choice which shows a
higher interest in the topic among females than males

Indicate your agreement with the statement: "My parents expect me to prioritize
academic success over personal interests." (Scale)
The survey revealed a spectrum of perceptions regarding parental expectations' influence on
self-confidence and sense of worth. While 10.4% viewed them positively, attributing increased
confidence, 16.7% felt a very negative impact, likely due to feeling overwhelmed. Most fell in
between, highlighting the complexity of this relationship. Factors like expectation nature,
personality, and relationship quality shape these perceptions. Positive experiences often result
from supportive, realistic expectations, while negatives stem from overly demanding standards.
Understanding these dynamics is vital for fostering healthy parent-child relationships and
supporting emotional development

Do your parents express explicit/clear expectations regarding your choice of college

major? (Yes/No)
48 responses

According to the survey, a significant majority (66.7%) of respondents reported that their parents
do express clear expectations regarding their choice of college major. This indicates a prevalent
influence of parental guidance on academic decisions. Conversely, 33.3% stated their parents do
not express such expectations, suggesting either a more hands-off approach or greater
autonomy in decision-making. These findings underscore the varied ways parental expectations
shape educational trajectories.

Indicate your level of agreement with the statement: "My parents expect me to pursue
a career that aligns/agrees with their aspirations for success." (Scale).
Among 48 respondents, 29.2% strongly agreed or agreed that their parents expect them to
pursue careers aligning with parental aspirations for success. Conversely, 20.8% disagreed or
strongly disagreed, indicating a subset with lesser parental influence on career choices.
Intriguingly, 33.3% remained neutral, implying uncertainty or complexity in parental influence
perception. These results underscore the nuanced nature of parental impact on career decisions.
While some feel significant pressure to conform to parental expectations, others experience
greater autonomy. The sizable neutral group suggests varying degrees of parental influence
among respondents. Understanding these dynamics is vital for comprehending the interplay
between parental aspirations and individual career trajectories.

How do you perceive the influence of parental expectations on your self confidence
and/or sense of worth? (Scale)
Among 48 respondents, perceptions of parental expectations' influence on self-confidence and sense of worth

varied. The largest group (37.5%) perceived a moderate impact (option 3), indicating neither significant

enhancement nor detriment. A notable portion (22.9%) felt slightly negatively affected (option 2), while 16.7%

perceived a strongly negative impact (option 1). Conversely, 12.5% experienced a strongly positive influence

(option 5), and only 10.4% felt somewhat positively affected (option 4). These findings reflect the complexity of

parental influence on self-esteem, ranging from detrimental to beneficial perceptions. Understanding these

diverse experiences is crucial for providing support tailored to individuals' needs in navigating parental

expectations and fostering healthy self-esteem.

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