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List Formalny

Dear Local Government Officials,

I am writing to express my strong dissatisfaction with the plan to allow the

redevelopment of the popular shopping center into luxury apartments. This decision
not only ignores the needs of the local community, but it also goes against the
principle of sustainable development.

The shopping center is a vital resource for the local community. It provides affordable
and accessible retail options for residents, as well as employment opportunities.
Redeveloping it into luxury apartments would only benefit a small portion of the
population, while depriving the rest of us of these important services.

Furthermore, building more luxury apartments goes against the principle of

sustainable development. The construction of new buildings generates a significant
amount of greenhouse gas emissions, which contributes to climate change. In
addition, luxury apartments are often underutilized and contribute to urban sprawl.

Instead of redeveloping the shopping center into luxury apartments, I suggest that
the local government invest in renovating and expanding the existing retail options.
This would not only provide valuable services and employment opportunities for the
local community, but it would also be a more sustainable option.

I urge you to reconsider this plan and consider the needs of the local community and
the principles of sustainable development.


Jacob Bar

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