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academic communication 02

-Invloves presenting ideas effectively and formally in a

scholastic environment. Also,academic communication

-Refers to methods of commucation that are highly

structured and generally only used in pedagogical
What we are going to talk about:

Academic Communication

Academic Paper

Research Paper
academic paper 02

Academic papers contribute to the advancement of knowledge

in various disciplines and serve as a basis for further research
and discussion within the academic community.Academic
papers are written to contribute new knowledge, insights, or
perspectives to a particular field. They aim to address research
questions, test hypotheses, analyze data, or propose theories.
It includes.
• Reports
•Academic Assignments
•Case Study Analysis etc..
Research paper 02

Research is a systematic investigation conducted to

discover new knowledge, validate existing theories,
solve problems, or answer specific questions.
Research aims to advance knowledge and
understanding in a particular field or area of interest. It
may seek to explore new phenomena, test hypotheses,
develop theories, or address practical problems.
Basic Skills 02

Basic skills in academia refer to fundamental abilities

that are essential for success in academic settings.
These skills are crucial for students, researchers, and
scholars to effectively navigate and excel in their
academic pursuits. The ability to analyze, evaluate, and
interpret information and arguments objectively and
logically. Critical thinking involves questioning
assumptions, considering alternative perspectives, and
making informed judgments.
Special Circumstances 02

Special circumstances in academic communication refer to situations or

considerations that may arise and require particular attention or
handling when communicating within academic contexts. These
circumstances can vary widely and may impact how information is
conveyed, received, or interpreted.
English as a Second Language (ESL) students and those with special
learning, speech, or hearing issues may benefit from intense academic
communication teaching. In these situations, specific learning
strategies are frequently utilized to guarantee that pupils learn to
communicate academically in the simplest way feasible.
Transmission of academic information 02
Academic information is often transmitted through peer-
reviewed publications, including scholarly journals,
conference proceedings, books, and research reports.
Researchers publish their findings in these outlets to share
new knowledge, theories, methodologies, and empirical data
with their peers and the broader academic
community.Academic libraries play a vital role in facilitating
access to scholarly information through their collections of
books, journals, databases, and archival materials.
internet communication 02

The internet and digital technologies have

revolutionized the transmission of academic
information, enabling researchers to share their work
globally through online platforms, repositories,
preprint servers, blogs, podcasts, and social media
channels. These digital platforms facilitate rapid
dissemination, accessibility, and collaboration in
academic communication.

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