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Collec ve:

Case Study Presentation Guideline

On your assigned date, you will be presenting a case study to your collective in order to discuss your
progress and receive feedback. Please choose coaching experience that has been challenging for
you so that you can make the most out of this opportunity.

Do NOT present on your work with a peer-coach, but rather from your work with one of your other
practice clients. Remember never to include the client’s real name or provide any speci c identifying

Client Initials: S.L

Age: 7
Gender: Femal
Number of sessions so far: 3
Method of communication (in-person, video, phone): In perso

Part I: Provide a brief overview of the work you have done with your client so
far, using the questions below as a guide

What are your client’s goals or stated intentions for seeking Nurse Coaching? My client’s goals at
present are to get some movement in due to her Lewy body dementia that is slowly turning into
Parkinson’s. She would also like to be able to do be able to do some hobbies that she enjoys which
are painting and some sewing
What progress has your client made in moving towards their goals and/or building the capacity to do
so? My client has been attending regular PT appointments to give her some movement in her day
and helping her to do certain exercises to help some of the Parkinson’s symptoms.
What new goals have emerged as you have moved through the Nurse Coaching process? Because
of her dementia, she has a hard time focusing on too many tasks at once or goals. She becomes very
tired easily but has been working on things to help her brain
What insights, shifts, and changes have occurred as a result of your coaching together? Before I
started coaching her, she was sleeping a lot and not putting effort into movement or exercise. She
now enjoys going to PT even though it is tiring for her and she has a copy of all the exercises from PT
and attempts to work on those at home on the days she does not have PT.

Part II: Nurse Coach Self-Re ection. Use the questions below as a guide

What have you learned about yourself (personally and professionally) through the process of
coaching this client? Since this client is my mom, it is harder for her to take me seriously. She likes to
tell me no a lot. I am also realizing how much I need to learn about patience with coaching someone
with Dementia. It is really hard to keep her focused and I am nding clever ways to distract her when
she gets of course.

Copyright © 2018 - The Nurse Coach Collec ve //
No part of this document can be reproduced without permission of The Nurse Coach Collec ve.






What has been your biggest challenge in working with this client? My biggest challenge is like I said
above. Keeping her focused on topic and redirecting her. Her brain loses focus so easily.
Where have you noticed yourself holding back? I only nd myself holding back because she is my
mother but she does have a lot of respect for me being a nurse and is open to suggestions from me.
In what ways have you been most successful? What do you like about the way you coach? What do
you wish you could be doing more of? I feel successful she knows the importance of PT and goes a
couple times a week and works on exercise at home. I think I am pretty straight forward as a coach
and good at empowering people to make their own decisions. I wish I could be more helpful with all of
the brain changes and to learn what else I can be doing to help people with dementia

Part III: Provide at least two or three speci c areas where you would like to
receive feedback and support. Use the questions below as a guide.

What additional resources do you need to feel more con dent? I would de nitely feel more con dent
by having a better knowledge of Lewy body dementia. More in depth knowledge to know better how
to help and work with that population. I do Labor and delivery so that is way different!
What barriers, questions, or challenges would you like to discuss in supervision? Just suggestions to
keep sessions on task and new ways of helping her.

Copyright © 2018 - The Nurse Coach Collec ve //
No part of this document can be reproduced without permission of The Nurse Coach Collec ve.


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