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2022年8⽉13⽇ 星期六


1. 借机砍价
2. 观察海运费,伺机⽽动
3. 打算从本地采购,和你解释原因
4. 纯粹是借⼝


- 客户真的想买,只是借海运费太⾼砍价,我们可以找以下切⼊点

1. ⽆论你从哪家采购,只要是从中国买,那么海运费都不便宜:I agree the

international shipping cost is much higher than last year. However, you will face
the same rates no matter which suppliers, as long as you purchase from China.

2. 我们家的运费已经是最便宜的,因为我们的运输数量⽐较⼤,⽐较稳定,和船公
司关系好:Frankly speaking, our shipment rates could be slightly lower than the
others because we keep a very close relationship with our cargo agent and one
shipping company, due to the large quantity and stable business with them.

3. 我们会尽量争取最好的海运费,同时还会给客户争取更多的免⽤箱的时间: we are
going to try the lowest rates you can ever nd in today’s market, but also the
most favorable free detention period for our valuable clients.

- 如果客户不能被说服,并且表示要观察海运费⾛势,伺机⽽动
- 我们需要展示专业素养,给出合理建议。忌讳⽆根据催单

1. 海运费可能还会上涨:yes, we agree, the freight rate is quite expensive so far,

and we believe it may go up even further. Our team has analyzed many factors
which may a ect the freight rate and drew such a conclusion. So my advice
would be: place your order now to avoid even high shipment costs.

2. 海运费可能近期下跌:that’s true, the freight rate is quite expensive right now.

However, according to the global container index, we can see a clear downtrend
this year. So if you are not in a hurry to place a new order, I really suggest you
hold it for a week or two. BTW, how much stock do you currently keep? Can you
hold the order for another 15 days?

- 如果此时客户表示出很本地(其他国家)采购的意愿

1. 表示理解和认同:if I was you, most likely I will make the same choice. Since the
price from China is even higher than the local stockiest / local supply, it makes
perfect sense for you to place the order locally. I totally agree.

2. 刺探消息:It’s ne for me to lose this order, let’s see the next chance. But can
you please let me know at what price level they have o ered? I need to collect
some market info and feed my supplier.

3. 保持交流: let’s keep in touch and please inform me of any news about this order.

4. 以退为进:If you found any items not available in the local market, you may turn
to us for help at any time. Would you consider splitting your order and placing a
small part with us?

- 如果客户此时仍旧执意不下订单,有借⼝脱身之嫌疑
- 我们还可以采⽤下⾯话术在触发下次交流 yeah, so far the container shipment cost
is way too high. Let’s keep our ngers crossed and hopefully it may go down
soon. We are going to check this with our shipping brokers and give you our
forecast and help you to make the decision. Please hold your order and bear with
me for one or two days.


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