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M-31/2110 10466/N

Condensed Matter Physics-I

Paper - AP 2.1.1

Time Allowed: 2 Hours Maximum Marks: 60

Note: Attempt any four questions. All questions carry equal marks.
I. What is reciprocal lattice? Obtain Bragg’s diffraction conditions in terms of reciprocal
II. Obtain dispersion relation for the vibrations of 1-D diatomic linear lattice. Discuss different
branches to this relation.
III. Write short notes on the following:
a) Structural and electronic properties of carbon nanotubes.
b) Quantum well, quantum wire and quantum dots.

IV. Obtain Krammers-Kronig relations. How are these relations used to analyse optical
reflectance data?
V. What is an effective mass in semiconductors? Provide its geometrical interpretation.
VI. Obtain an expression for intrinsic carrier concentration of semiconductors and explain its
dependence on energy band gap and temperature.
VII. Derive wave equation of an electron in periodic potential and provide its solutions.
VIII. What are semiconducting nanoparticles? Discuss their properties.
IX. a) What is thermal effective mass?
b) Find out the structure factor of cubic cell with basis having identical atoms at 0,0,0 and
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c) What are the applications of Hall effect?

d) What do you understand by inelastic scattering by phonons?
e) Is colour a size dependent property of nanoparticles? If yes, explain it.
f) What is Frenkel exciton?
g) Construct free electron Fermi surface of a square lattice for first three zones in reduced
zone scheme.
h) What is magnetic breakdown?
i) What are the properties of vacant orbitals in an otherwise filled band?
j) State some salient features of nearly free electron model.

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