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Dona Barbar Poly Technic College

Animal Production Level I

Full Name ____________________________________ sign ___________
Final Exam of Working on Animal Welfare Requirement
I Choose the best answer from the given alternative {20%}
_____ 1, We can say that an Anima’s welfare is good when the Animals is :
A, Healthy B, Safe C, Comfortable D, Well nourished E, None F, all
______ 2, ____ is refers to the condition and practice that preserve the quality of
food to prevent contamination and food born disease .
A , Food safety B, Food quality C, Food quantity D, Nutrition
_______ 3, From the freedom of Animals w/c one is depend on Nutrition and
consider it ?
A, Thirst B, Hunger C, Fear D, Discomfort E, Disease
________4, All are elements of Animal Welfare. Except:
A, Physical wellbeing B, Mental wellbeing C, Aspects Naturalness
D, Protection E, None
_____5, How many principles of HACCP are there in Animal welfare ?
A, 5 B ,6 C, 7 , D, 8
_____6, Signs of ill health in LV stock may include
A, Reduce appetite ,B, Decrease production C, Abnormal condition D, Physical
change E all.
----------7, One of the ff is not the regulation of Animals and their activities.
A, prevent and eliminate burden of Animals
B, Insure that Animals intended for use in research
C, Assure the humane treatment of Animals during transportation
D, exposed the owner’s of Animals from the theft E, None
---------- 8, w/c one is often associated with certification and strict criteria ?
A, Assessment B, Audit C, Auditer D, Balance
--------9, From body condition scoring { BCS} w/c one is very emaciated ?

-------10, All are members of Animals welfare assessment and Audit . except:
A, Animal producers B, veterinarians C, scientist of Animals
D, private Man
II Matching 10%}
-----1, BCS5 A, Husbandry activities
-----2, BCS1 B, To make normal health
-----3,Resource problem C, Lack of feed and water
-----4,protect disease D, Emaciated Red zone
------5, Feed and water E, Fat Red zone
III Fill the Blank space { 10%}
1, ____________ is refers to the condition that Animals live in good and how
they cope in those conditions
2, ____________ is harmful health less or illness mainly affecting gastroenstinal
tract and transmitted or caused by consumption of contaminated food or drink
VI Give short answers
1, list the five {5} freedoms Animal’s
2, list and describe Animal welfare requirement
3, list the four {4} principles of good Animal welfare
Pre by : Geme Bulti /BSC/ . GOOD LUCK.

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