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Mata Pelajaran : BAHASA INGGRIS Pilihan Ganda : 30 Soal

Kelas/Semester : IX /2 Isian : Soal
Alokasi Waktu : 90 menit Uraian Terbatas : 5 Soal

No Bentuk
Kompetensi Yang Materi Indikator
Ur Uraian Materi P Isia Urai
diujikan SB/SPB Soal
ut G n an
1. Kompetensi/ Narrati 1. The text tells about?
Kompetensi Dasar: ve Text Diberi
Menangkap makna a. Beautiful forrest teks 1- 31-
secara kontekstual b. The end of old man lifes bacaan 3 35
terkait fungsi sosial, c. Development of agricultural land tentang 0
struktur teks, dan d. Life on the mountain side Narrati
unsur kebahasaan ve
teks informasi 2. How old Martono when he died? Teks,sis
Narrative lisan dan wa
tulis, sangat pendek a. 80 years old mampu
dan sederhana, b. 81 years old memilih
c. 82 years old jawaban
terkait topic yg
d. 83 years old yang
tercakup dalam
mata pelajaran lain tepat
di kalas IX. dan

3. Why is Martono dead?

Smp negeri 22 surabaya

a. Lack of protein sources

b. Killed by government
c. Crushed by heavy equipment
d. Old age
Kompetensi Dasar:
Menangkap makna 4. Where are martono’s children
secara kontekstual
terkait fungsi sosial,
struktur teks, dan
unsur kebahasaan
a. Wander out of town
teks informasi b. Marto has no children
Narrative lisan dan
tulis, sangat pendek c. Moved in with his mother
dan sederhana,
terkait topic yg d. Killed in an accident
tercakup dalam
mata pelajaran lain
di kalas IX. 5. How does martono live his life?

a. Take advantage of the forest environment

b. Work as beggar in the village
c. Travelling with his son
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d. Become a ranger

Change this sentence into Pasive Voice.No.6 - 10

Kompetensi Dasar: 6. They were cleaning bathroom.
Menangkap makna
secara kontekstual a. Bathroom was being cleaned by them
terkait fungsi sosial,
struktur teks, dan b. Bathroom would be being cleaned by them
unsur kebahasaan
teks informasi c. Bathroom will be cleaned by them
kalimat pasif lisan
dan tulis, sangat d. Bathroom has been cleaned by them
pendek dan
sederhana, terkait 7. My step mother will stab my legs twice
topic yg tercakup
dalam mata a. My legs would be stabbed by my step mother twice
pelajaran lain di
kalas IX. b. My legs will be stabbed by my step mother twice

c. My legs will be being stabbed by my step mother twice

d. My legs had been being stabbed by my step mother twice

8. Was he waiting Trimurti at 8 o’clock last night?

a. Was Trimurti being waited by Him at 8 o’clock last night?

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b. Did Trimurti waited by him at 8 o’clock last night?

c. Is Trimurti being waited by him at 8 o’clock last night?

d. Was Trimurti waited by him at 8 o’clock last night?

9. Did Miss. Khusnul take something in the class yesterday?

a. Did something being taken by Miss Khusnul in the class yesterday?

b. Was something taken by Miss Khusnul in the class yesterday?

c. Has something taken by Miss Khusnul in the class yesterday?

d. Had something been taken by Miss Khusnul in the class yesterday?

10. My country has changed its capital city five times.

a. Its capital city hasn’t been changed by my country five times

b. Its capital city was changed by my country five times

c. Its capital city was being changed by my country five times

d. Its capital city has been changed by my country five times

Smp negeri 22 surabaya

The polar bear is a bear native to the Arctic Ocean and its surrounding seas. An
adult male weighs about four hundred to six hundred and eighty kilograms, while an
adult female is about half that size. Although it is closely related to the brown bear, it
has paws to occupy a narrow ecological niche with many bony characteristics
adapted to for cold temperatures, for moving across the snow, ice, open water, and
for hunting seals which make up most of its diets. Although most of polar bears are
born on land, it spends most of its time at sea, hence its name meaning maritime
bear and can hunt consistently only from sea ice. It spends much of the year on
Kompetensi/ frozen sea.
Kompetensi Dasar:
Menangkap makna
secara kontekstual
11. What does the adult male bear weigh?
terkait fungsi sosial,
struktur teks, dan B.400-680kg
unsur kebahasaan C.480-600kg
teks informasi repot D. 680 – 880 kg
text lisan dan tulis,
12. Where did the animal live?
sangat pendek dan
A. In the Arctic Ocean
sederhana, terkait
B. In the Indian Ocean.
topic yg tercakup C. In the Pacific Ocean.
dalam mata D. In the North Atlantic Ocean.
pelajaran lain di
kalas IX. This day the people of Pangkal Pinang can enjoy an iconic theme park like those in
other big cities, such as Bandung and Jakarta. This new theme park is known as
Bhayangkara Park of Pangkal Pinang Bangka Belitung or Babel Bhay Park.
Babel Bhay Park is located near the administration office complex of Bangka
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Belitung Province. To be precise, it sits beside the Police Force headquarters of

Bangka Belitung region. The area of the park is only rented for a year and the
contract will possibly be extended for public needs. This park makes the office
complex become more attractive and beautiful.
This park has several places to relax and take pictures for your social media with
several unique themes. Those themes are named based on the divisions in Polda
Kepulauan Bangka Belitung. They are Traffic Park from Dirlantas Polda Babel,
Hobbit House from Sarpras Polda Babel, Bird Park from Brimob Polda Babel,
Outdoor Playground from Ditreskrimsus Polda Babel, and many other parks.
There are also a jogging track around the lake, unique photo spots, and a cafe made
of containers as decorations. Visitors may have several activities there. This park can
be an educational place for children. They can play and learn about traffic
regulations there.
13. People will be interested to visit the place because of ...
A. the letters of Babel Bhay Park.
B. the education place for children.
C. the unique theme park.
D. the decoration of the cafe.
14. The theme park gets their names from ...
A. the attractions the parks have.
B. the location near the police headquarter.
C. the social media voting.
D. the names of the police divisions.
Smp negeri 22 surabaya

15. What exercise can visitors do in the park?

A. Jogging
B. Bowling
C. Diving
D. Swimming
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16. What is the function of the medicine?

Kompetensi Dasar: A. To treat acne, blackheads, and whiteheads.
Menangkap makna
secara kontekstual B. To provide vitamins for our body.
terkait fungsi sosial,
struktur teks, dan C. To help clear nutrients.
unsur kebahasaan
teks informasi repot D. To control the strength.
text lisan dan tulis,
sangat pendek dan 17. How do we use the medicine?
sederhana, terkait
topic yg tercakup
A. By mixing it with some water.
dalam mata
B. By applying it to the skin.
pelajaran lain di
kalas IX.
C. By putting it on the acne.

D. By taking it orally.

18. From the advertisement, we can conclude that the medicine can be used for .
. . skin type.

A. oily

B. any

C. dry

D. normal
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19. How often should a consumer take it?

A. Once a day.

B. Twice a day.

C. Four times a day.

D. Three times a day.

20. Not only adults but also . . . can take the medicine.

A. teenagers

B. children

C. infants

D. kids
Smp negeri 22 surabaya

The Wolf and The Goat

A wolf saw a goat grazing at the edge of a high cliff. The wolf
smacked his lips at the thought of a fine goat dinner.
“My dear friend,” said the wolf in his sweetest voice, “aren’t you
afraid you will fall down from that cliff? Come down here and graze
on this fine grass beside me on safe, level ground.”
“No, thank you,” said the goat.
“Well then,” said the wolf, “aren’t you cold up there in the wind?
You would be warmer grazing down here beside me in this sheltered
“No, Thank you,” said the goat.
“But the grass tastes better down here!” said the exasperated
wolf,”Why dine alone?”
“My dear wolf,” the goat finally said, “are you quite sure that it is My
dinner you are worrying about and not your own?”

1. What did the wolf ask when he saw the goat grazing at the edge of a high cliff?

A. To graze on flat land

B. To graze on the level ground
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C. To climb up higher
D. To be his dinner

2. “Aren’t you cold up there in the wind?”

The word ‘there’ refers to ….

A. A high cliff
B. Sheltered area
C. The edge of a high cliff
D. Ground

3. What can we learn from the story above?

A. Don’t look down to other creatures

B. Don’t easily believe in well behaved creatures
C. Don’t judge others by their appearance
D. Don’t easily beat other creatures

From the story we know ….

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A. The goat was very hungry

B. The wolf really wanted to eat the goat
C. The wolf was eager to eat the goat
D. The wolf was going to fight with the wolf

One day a man stopped at a flower shop to order some flowers. He wanted
to send it to his mother who lived far in another town through a delivery
company. Meanwhile he was looking at sad young girl who was sitting in
front of the flower shop. He asked her what was wrong and she replied, “I
wanted to buy a red rose for my mother but my money is not enough”. The
man smiled and said, “Come on in with me I’ll buy you a rose.” He bought
the little girl a rose and he ordered for his own mother flowers too.

After buying a rose flower for the girl the man offered the girl a ride to her
home. She said” yes please! You can take me to my mother. She directed
him to a cemetery. The girl placed the rose on her mother’s fresh grave.
Knowing the girl’s mother had died the man realized that he must show his
love to his mother while she was still alive. Then the man returned to the
flower shop. He cancelled the flower delivery order picked up the rose
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flower and drove to reach his mother’s house.

5. We can learn that we have to ….

A. Show our loves to our mother

B. Buy flowers for our mothers
C. Keep our mother alive
D. Show loves to your mother

6. The main idea of the first paragraph is …

A. A guy helps a girl by buying her flowers

B. A man helped a girl by buying her a flower
C. A girl needed a man to deliver her a flower
D. A man bought a flower for a girl
Smp negeri 22 surabaya

Mosquitoes are small insects belong to order Diptera and Culicidae
family. The word ‘mosquito’ is derived from Spanish that means little fly.
Mosquitos are easily distinguished from other insects due to their slender
segmented body, three pairs of thin legs, and one pair of wings. It also
has elongated mouthparts to sip aquatic algae or blood for adult females.

The life cycle of a mosquito includes egg stage, larva, pupa, and adult.
Adult female lays eggs on water surface. The eggs hatch into larvae that
feed on organic material and aquatic algae. The larvae grow into pupae
and the pupae change into adult mosquitoes. Each stage lasts around 5
days, depending on the environment.

Adult females have proboscis that help them feed on blood for their
breeding stages. Blood supplies protein and iron which are important to
produce eggs. During the bite, mosquito transfers its saliva to the host.
This saliva often causes itchy rash. In many cases, mosquito’s saliva also
transfers pathogens to the host.

7. Which statement is true based on the text above?

a. Mosquitoes are small
b. The word mosquito is derived from English
c. Mosquitoes are insects
Smp negeri 22 surabaya

d. Adult female mosquitoes do not feed on blood

8. What is the main idea of paragraph 3?

a. Life cycle of mosquito
b. Mosquito bites can transfer pathogen
c. Mosquitoes are easily distinguished
d. Saliva often causes itchy rash

9. What is the synonym of word ‘feed on’?

d. fly

10. Based on the text above, the following statement is true: …..
a. Adult females feed on blood to produce eggs
b. Mosquitoes’ life cycle consists of egg, larva, pupa, and adult stages
c. Mosquito’s saliva can transfer pathogen
d. Adult females do not need iron and protein for their eggs


Smp negeri 22 surabaya

“How to Make Easy French Toast”

To make French Toast, you need:

1. 1 spoon of sugar
2. 2 eggs
3. 4 pcs of bread
4. ¼ cup of milk
5. Butter
6. Pan
7. Fork
8. Plate
9. Bowl


1. Break the eggs, then pour the milk in the bowl.

2. Add a spoon of sugar.
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3. Mix the sugar, milk, and eggs.

4. Next, put 1 piece of bread in the bowl with eggs, milk,
and sugar. Then, turn it over.
5. Put butter on the pan and heat.
6. After the pan is hot, take out the bread from the bowl
and put it in the pan.
7. Flip the bread after you cook one side, to the other side.
8. After finishing the bread, cook the other 3 pieces of
bread with the same steps.
9. Now, serve the bread on the plate.

1. What is the purpose of the text about french toast?

2.“To make French Toast, you need:”

The expression in the text above belongs to …

3.The text above is better addressed to …

Smp negeri 22 surabaya

4. “Then, boil the noodles on low heat …”

The best adverb to complete instruction is….

5. “You would need a spoonful of chocolate powder to

make chocolate brownies.”

The word “spoonful” has a similar use with the following….

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Kunci / Kriteria Jawaban/ Aspek yang dinilai Skor

Skor maksimum
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Nama Sekolah : Penyusun :

Mata Pelajaran :
Kelas / Semester :
Bentuk Tes : Tertulis (Pilihan Ganda) Tahun Pelajaran :

KompetensiDasar : No Soal Kunci jawaban Buku Sumber

Materi :

Indikator Soal :

Proporsi Jawaban pada pilihan

Digunakan Jumlah Tingkat Daya
No Tanggal A B C D Keterangan
untuk Siswa Kesukaran Pembeda
1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3
Smp negeri 22 surabaya


Nama Sekolah : Penyusun :
Mata Pelajaran :
Kelas / Semester :
Bentuk Tes : Tertulis (Uraian) / Praktek (Kinerja, penugasan, hasil karya) Tahun Pelajaran:

Kompetensi Dasar : No Soal Buku

Sumber :

Materi :
Indikator Soal :

Proporsi Jawaban pada pilihan

Digunakan Jumlah Tingkat Daya
No Tanggal A B C D Keterangan
untuk Siswa Kesukaran Pembeda
1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3
Smp negeri 22 surabaya

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