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Microsoft Excel – is an electronic spreadsheet used to manipulate numerical data with formulas and

built-in function. It consists of 65,536 rows and 256 columns.

Each excel file is a workbook that can hold many worksheets. A worksheet is similar to
an accounting ledger, with numbers, text, calculations lined up in columns.

A worksheet consists of columns and rows. Columns run vertically and are identified by
letters, called column headers, which run across the top of the worksheet. Rows run horizontally
and are identified by numbers, called row headers, which run down the left side of the worksheet.

The intersection of a row and a column is called a cell. Cells are identified according to their
positions in the rows and columns. The combination of the column letter and row number of a cell is
called a Cell Reference or the Cell Address.



New Worksheet Opens a new worksheet. Equivalent to
choosing the Blank Workbook.
Displays the dialog box for opening an
Open File existing file. Equivalent to choosing the
Open Workbook.
Automatically saves the active named file.
Save File
Displays the file save as dialog box.
Automatically executes the File Print
Print file command and begins printing the active
Shows how a file will look when you print
Print Preview
Checks spelling in the active document,
file, workbook or item.
Removes the selection from the active
workbook/document and places it on the
clipboard. Copy duplicates the selection to
the clipboard.
Insert the contents of the clipboard at the
insertion point and replace any selection.
This command is available only if you have
cut or copied an object, text or contents of
a cell.
Copies the format from a selected object or
Format Painter
text and applies it
Undo reverses the last command or deletes
Undo/ Redo the last entry. Redo reverses the action of
the Undo Command.
Adds the number automatically with the
sum function. Excel suggests the range of
Auto Sum
cells to be added. If suggested range is
incorrect, add through the range you want
and then press enter.
Displays a list of functions and their
Insert Function
formulas and allows you to set values for
Arranges the information in selected rows
or lists alphabetically, numerically or by

Starts the Chart Wizard, which guides you

Chart Wizard
through the step of creating an embedded
chart on a worksheet or modifying an
existing chart.
Displays or hide the Drawing toolbar.
Enter a magnification between 10 and 400
percent to reduce or enlarge the display of
the active workbook/document.



Font Style and size changes the font
Font Style and Size design and dimension of the selected text
and numbers.
Bold, Italic and Underline Makes the selected text Bold, Italic and
underline respectively
Combines two or more selected adjacent
Merge and Center
cells to create a single cell.
Applies the currency style to the selected
Currency Style
cells. To change the currency style, use the
style command on the Format menu.
Applies the percent style to the selected
Percent Style
Applies the comma style to the selected
Comma Style
Increases or decreases the number of
Increase/Decrease Decimals
digits displayed after the decimal point in
the cells.
Adds a border to the selected cell or range.
Adds, modifies or removes the fill effect
Fill Color
from the selected object. Fill effects include
gradient, textures pattern and picture fills.
Formats the selected text with the color
Font Color
you click.
Reduces or increases the indent of the
Decrease/Increase Indent
selected cell contents by approximately
one character width of the standard font.
Formats the way the selected text of the
Align right, Align Left,
cell will be align with the left and right
Center, Justify

In spreadsheets, unlike in word processors, data comes in a variety of types for purposes of

 Label. The data is represented by a character string (non-numeric), or if the data is

numeric in nature but will not be used in computation.
 Value. The data is represented by a numeric string which may be used for computation.
 Formula. The expressions that perform calculations. Formulas in excel begin with an
equal sign. It is a sequence of values, cell references, names, functions, or operators that
are contained in a cell and produces a new value from an existing value.
It is used to add a column of numbers, calculate percentages, and perform other
mathematical functions.

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