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OSIANAS 03/14/2024

Sign and symbols or safety precautions to prevent hazard or risk in your laboratory/major areas.

What are Safety Signs and Signboards?

Safety symbols are required to warn and inform you of the possible risks that can cause serious health
issues or injuries.

A safety or health sign informs and instructs the workers using boards, illuminated signs, colors,
acoustic signals, and hand and verbal signals. A signboard can have symbols or pictograms, and
supplementary text to provide information. A combination of symbols and acoustic signals can also be
used to effectively instruct and warn the workers.

Different Colors of Symbols and Their Meanings

Red, Yellow, Blue, and Green are the colors used in safety signs to notify the workers about rules and
risks. Here are the meanings of these four colors
o Red Symbols
 Category: Prohibition Sign or Danger Alarm
 Information: Dangerous Behavior, Stop, shutdown, Emergency cut-out
devices, Evacuate
 Description: Usually round with a thick edge and a thick diagonal line over a
black and white picture illustrating the behavior prohibited.
o Yellow or Amber Symbols
 Category: Warning Sign
 Information: Be careful, take precautions, examine
 Description: These hazard signs must be mostly yellow or amber with thick
black edges with a clear symbol of the hazard within them.
o Green Symbols
 Category: Emergency escape, First-aid sign, No danger
 Information: Doors, exits, escape routes,
equipment and facilities, Return to normal
 Description: Rectangular or square shape with a white pictogram on green
o Blue Symbols
 Category: Mandatory Sign
 Information: Specific behavior or action
 Description: Circular in shape, these signs are mostly blue with white symbols
or text depicting the instruction

common Symbols and Their Meanings

o Prohibitory Signs

Symbol Meaning

Mobile phones are prohibited

Smoking is Prohibited

 Warning Signs
Symbol Meaning

Hot Surface

Falling objects Hazard

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) such as gloves, FFP3 dust mask, safety overalls can help in
shielding against biological, chemical, and other hazards in the workplace
Emergency Escape and First-aid Sign
Symbol Meaning

Location of First Aid Box

Mandatory Signs
Symbol Meaning

Foot Protection

Wear protective clothing

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