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Precautionary/Safety Sign

These safety symbols must be red and indicate that dangerous

behaviour must be stopped. They can also tell the reader to stop
or not enter. For a prohibition sign to be within the law, red must
cover at least 35% of the sign. Usually, these safety symbols have
a black image on a white and red background. For prohibition
signs, a red circle with a strike-through line indicates which action
must be stopped. The most common red prohibition signs are no-
smoking signs.

Mandatory health and safety signs are always blue and tell the
reader that a certain action is required. If you work in construction,
these are commonly seen at the entrance to the construction site
and tell employees that they must follow a certain action, such as
wearing the appropriate PPE. These mandatory signs are on a blue
background with white text and a white image.

These are health and safety signs with a yellow background that
tell the reader to take precautions or be careful. They warn of
possible dangers, such as an electric or trip hazard. Warning signs
are often triangular in shape, with a black image and black edging.
These warning safety signs are usually accompanied by some text
explaining the warning in more detail.

Emergency exit signs are always green in colour. They represent a

safe escape route if there were to be a fire in the building. These
are usually standardised and have a green background with white
writing, with a man running out of a door.

First aid signs are also green and indicate a first aid zone within an
area. As green is a neutral colour, it can indicate help and safety.
First aid signs are not always mandatory, but can be helpful
depending on your work setting. They can also be used to indicate
where specialist first aid equipment is kept, such as a defibrillator.
Radiation, while invisible, can have harmful effects on human
health. Radioactive signs, with their trefoil symbol, communicate
the presence of radioactive materials or areas with high radiation
levels. These signs are prevalent in nuclear facilities, certain
medical rooms with radiological equipment, or research labs.

Certain chemicals can accelerate combustion, making fires more

intense. The sign indicating the presence of oxidizers warns of
substances that can provide oxygen to fuel fires. It’s a vital sign in
chemical storage or handling areas, reminding workers to avoid
any ignition sources.

Signifying the presence of materials that can easily ignite,

flammable signs often incorporate the image of flames. They’re
crucial in areas where combustible materials are stored or used,
ensuring that individuals are aware of the risk and thus can take
necessary precautions—like not using open flames or spark-
producing tools nearby.

Represented by the universally feared skull and crossbones

symbol, these signs are dire warnings. They indicate the presence
of lethal or harmful substances if consumed, inhaled, or even, in
some cases, touched. They are common in chemical storage
areas, laboratories, and industrial sites.

Explosive signs are stark warnings about materials that have the
potential to detonate. Generally depicting an explosion or a
bursting graphic, these signs are vital in places like mines,
construction sites with blasting operations, or storage areas for
explosive materials, ensuring heightened caution.
Explain the significants of the symbols in ensuring the safety and security of a person/
or a group.

Safety sign helps indicate various hazards that are present in a workplce or plant site.
Precautionaru sign or safery sign are important because not only they are designed as warning
but also it provide an opportunity to remind people the safest and most effective ways. It
highlight safe wayss or exit routes, provide guidelines, and location for first aid kits. Safety signs
are color-coded and shaped specifically to make it obvious at a glance when a person is
entering a high-risk area, or when there are actions they need to take in order to ensure the
safety of themselves and others. Through safety sign, accidents, injuries, and possible death
can greatly reduce. Sign are also a useful tools in providing general information, education and

Submitted by: Shekinah Mae N. Enerio


Submitted to: Mr. Linster Manikan


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