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Raif - Book 3: A Steamy Contemporary

Romance (Love and Loyalty Series 9)

Avery North
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Also By Avery North
Love and Loyalty Prequel
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Other Books In This Series
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Also By Avery North
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Raif - Book 3 © 2023 by Avery North

All Rights Reserved

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information
storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the author. The only exception is by a reviewer, who may quote short
excerpts in a review.

This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are products of the authors imagination or are used
fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

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isted below are other books in the series by Avery North:


Everett: ( Book 1)
Everett: ( Book 2)
Everett: ( Book 3)
Everett: ( Book 4)
Everett: ( Book 5)
Everett: ( Book 6)
Raif: ( Book 1)
Raif: ( Book 2)
Raif: ( Book 3)
Raif: ( Book 4)
Raif: ( Book 5)
Raif: ( Book 6)

To get your copy of my FREE books visit:

Join Avery’s newsletter to stay updated with new releases, get access to exclusive bonus content and
much more!”

You can see all books by Avery North here:

isted below are more books by Avery North. All of the books are currently available to
read FREE in Kindle Unlimited.

Italian Lovers Box Set (Books 1 - 6)
Darlington Brothers Series Boxset
Romance At The Spa: Eden Spa Series Boxset
Chiltern Hotel Series Boxset
Riad Dubois Series Boxset


Instant Attraction: ( Book 1)
Forbidden Affair: ( Book 2)
Hard Choice: ( Book 3)
Unwelcome Revelation: ( Book 4)
Just Exoneration: ( Book 5)
Sweet Freedom: ( Book 6)

Darlington Brothers Series:

Lucas: ( Book 1)
Jason: ( Book 2)
Logan: ( Book 3)
Tristan: ( Book 4)
Tyler: ( Book 5)
Joey: ( Book 6)
Rebel: ( Book 7)


Exotic Allure: ( Book 1)
Unexpected Passion: ( Book 2)
Finding Freedom: ( Book 3)
Endless Desire: ( Book 4)
Another Chance: ( Book 5)

Seduction At The Spa: ( Book 1)
Reconciliation At The Spa: ( Book 2)
Devotion At The Spa: ( Book 3)
Production At The Spa: ( Book 4)
Redemption At The Spa: ( Book 5)
Rejuvenation At The Spa: ( Book 6)


Breaking Barriers: ( Book 1)
Breaking Christmas Traditions: (Book 2)
Breaking Liberty: (Book 3)
Breaking Rules: (Book 4)
Breaking Promises: (Book 5)
Breaking Boundaries: (Book 6)

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y Monday morning, Raif was a crazy hot mess. After Alina’s departure he had flown back
from New York, angry and ready for a fight. He wanted to lambast his mother and figure out
why even though she hadn’t been around for years or acted like a proper parent she had still
managed to mess with his world. He had no idea what in the world she could have done to elicit such
a response from Alina and her family. The link between them seemed so random, and yet as he
considered Everett, Lana, and their new business ventures, he wouldn’t put it past her to do her
research and somehow insinuate herself where she wasn’t wanted.
He was angrily reading through his emails when a knock sounded on his door, causing him to look
up with a growl. “What?” He barked as his father’s curious face stared back at him.
“It is barely the crack of dawn,” he said, walking into the office. “And I know you were headed to
New York this weekend, so what gives?”
Raif inhaled slowly and tried to recenter himself. “Why didn’t you ever divorce mom?”
“Wow,” Geoff said, his eyes widening in shock. He put his hands over his eyes for a second
before finally meeting Raif’s gaze. “What happened?”
“I’m serious, dad. She walked out on us and has asked for nothing but enough money to maintain
her stupid lifestyle over all these years. Why wouldn’t you have rid us of her by now?”
“Rid us of her? You and I both know that a divorce would have just given her a bigger stage and
audience to perform to. That woman honestly believes she is the wronged party in everything that
happened between us,” he said, though his face was flushing a few shades darker, and Raif could tell
he was uncomfortable.
Raif sighed before he replied. “I just ran into a situation that mom apparently has a hand in, and I
don’t understand how that is even possible.”
“Your mother is quite a resourceful woman; trust me, I have kept an eye on her dealings over the
years. You would be shocked at the trail of broken lives, promises, and checkbooks she has left
behind her over the years.”
“You keep an eye on her?” Raif said, moving to brace against the desk so that he was facing his
dad. It was time to be upfront. “What do you know about her and the Molchalin family?” Maybe,
against all the odds, his father would know something.
“Yeah, I wondered if that would ever come back to bite us in the ass,” he replied simply. “Even
before Everett started dating Lana, I got wind that the same technology we were perfecting and
eventually would sell to her family’s business – well, your mother took a package to the Molchalin
Textile firm.”
“You knew this and did nothing about it?”
“It was a very sticky predicament and one that you won’t appreciate. I recently found out that the
bylaws of this company that originally had your mother on them would require a court order or other
legal action to sever,” his father said heavily. Not for the first time Raif wondered about the power
his mother still held over his father after all this time.
“So, do it,” Raif said in a tone much louder than he would normally have used. “Are you telling
me that after all the demanding work I’ve put in, mom could take this all away from me if something
happened to you?”
His dad’s face turned crimson and his head dropped toward his chest. “I don’t think that she
would do that, but it would definitely pose some legal concerns. I am hearty and healthy, though, so
we have quite a while to worry about that,” he added with a slight smile.
“Dad,” Raif said, reeling from this information. “We need to put a pin in that and come back to it
later. First, about the Molchalin family – her approaching them about a business opportunity does not
warrant the venom Alina’s brother just spewed at me. He yanked Alina from me and demanded she
leave for Russia immediately. There was nothing in his expression that told me this was about a
business dealing they had turned down.”
“The man that I pay to monitor your mother’s business said that it appeared she and Dimitre –
Alina’s father − might have had a brief affair. He didn’t have pictures or anything, but he and Katja
were going through a rough patch. You know your mother is ruthless when she wants something, and
then,” he sighed, and his shoulders sagged.
“I’m sorry, dad, but can you be more specific? How did a business opportunity turn into them
having an affair? Was it really just a coincidence?”
“Okay, so my guy said that when you and I started talking about going to Russia and began talks
with the Ivchenko Company, she approached Molchalin about a partnership. Apparently, despite not
being in the same business, she knew they were looking for some new assembly lines and thought to
make a deal on our coattails. I think she thought she might be able to bring us a lucrative deal and we
would accept her back, or maybe she always intended to do us wrong. I don’t know,” his father said.
“Have you seen her doing things like this before with other companies? Or making deals on our
“Yes, quite a lot over the years that we have had to shut down to be honest, and a few such as that
make-up distributor we took on who helped redesign the distribution centers a couple years back –
your mom brought them to us. Of course, she held it hostage and we didn’t make profit on it because
of her,” his father said with a weary nod.
“So, is she trying to help or what?” Raif was confused by all this new information.
“No, normally she has some money motivated reason or sometimes it seems like a need for
power. The demands and threats normally far outweigh the benefits.”
“Okay, but an affair with Dimitre Molchalin – is that a new thing? That she actually sleeps with
the people she is trying to bring to us as a business opportunity?”
“Definitely not. Your mother had always used sex and blackmail to get what she wants. I’ve lost
track of all the powerful men she has slept with over the years, so I didn’t even question that story
when it was brought to me.”
“And now Dimitre is dead,” Raif said with a sigh. “No one will probably ever know for sure, and
his family has to live with the ramifications of that affair. I can definitely see why Ivan would be
“Mad enough to fly across several continents, and drag his sister back to Russia? She is a grown
woman and not a child,” his father said. Though Raif knew it was sometimes easier to be removed
from the situation, as emotional people didn’t always act rationally.
The strain of losing a parent was bad enough, but doing so under such circumstances, he wouldn’t
want a member of the mistress’ family around either. “I can’t believe what a small world it is,” he
said, shaking his head. “I mean, what are the chances of her doing this to someone halfway across the
world and our paths meeting?”
“Honestly, it was only a matter of time,” Geoff said with a disgusted tone. “She has swindled,
dated, or coerced more of the world's rich business owners than you could ever know.”
“Dad, how do you know all of this, and why hide it from me?”
“I keep thinking she will change,” he said wearily. “After a couple of bad deals she did in our
name I’ve had to hand over money to keep it quiet. Lately, she’s getting bolder and bolder,” he paused
and appeared to be thinking carefully. “I think you are right; it’s time to take it to the courts and sever
ties because I wouldn’t want you to lose all of this. I have no doubt she would try either – that woman
is not who I thought she was when we married. I think you are the best and only good thing to ever
come from her.”
“Please, I’m just the pawn she has used for her own payday,” Raif scoffed. “But I agree, dad.
Please, we must take care of this financially and cut ties before she costs us more than money alone,”
he said, thinking about Alina and her family. He couldn’t imagine how many others there were out
there who she had hurt.
“I know. I promise I will talk to the lawyers today,” Geoff said though his expression was so
unhappy, Raif was compelled to walk over to him and lay a gentle hand on his shoulder.
“What’s wrong, dad? I know it has been decades of this going on now, and she could hurt us,”
Raif said sympathetically, hoping his dad might open up to him.
“I know but she was the love of my life, and stupidly I thought she might change over time,” he
said with a slight scoff. “I now know that was just a silly dream. I will get the lawyers working on
it,” he said and, without another word, left the office.
He felt sympathy for his father, who had never really dated or gotten close to another meaningful
relationship. The love he had for the woman he met in his youth had carried him through all her bad
deeds, even to this day. Raif wished for his dad’s sake that time would heal his heart. He didn’t
deserve to grow old alone because his cold-hearted mother couldn’t love him the way he deserved.
Turning back to his desk, Raif’s brain returned to the bigger problem. Now that he knew what his
mother had done to Alina’s family, could he fix it? He knew he had to try, one way or the other
because he had a sneaking suspicion that Alina was his true love even after such a brief time together.

lina tossed and turned in bed, unable to find a comfortable position. The flight had been
long, uncomfortable, and tense. Ivan had continued his rant for the first couple of hours
and then turned away from her for the rest of the long flight. She was more worn out than
she could have ever imagined, despite her many cat naps. The emotions raging through her system
made her feel like a wild animal in a cage. When they had landed, she had headed to the gym for a
two-hour workout. After a brief lunch, she was now trying to sleep.
She was exhausted, but the rest evaded her unsettled mind. Slapping her pillow, she rolled to the
other side and picked up her cellphone. She had taken a few pictures of her and Raif at the reception,
and just pulling them up immediately put a smile back on her face. He had looked so smart. She sat up
and padded to the bathroom. Hoping maybe a warm bath would put her in the right frame of mind, she
dropped some lavender oil in the water. Lucky for her the tub had jets and would also be able to
massage her sore muscles. Hopefully, she would be lulled to sleep like a baby.
As she sank into the water, a moan escaped her lips. She felt heavy in the warm waters as the
stress from the past day started to fade from her body. She picked up her phone from the shelf she had
set it upon. Flicking through the images, she found a smile curve her lips.
As the image of Raif filled her mind, she sank against the tub and allowed her eyes to close. She
made certain to replace the phone on the shelf, cracking only one eye to ensure placement before
allowing it to close once again. Her hands sank beneath the water, one resting on her taut nipple, and
the other between her legs.
She could feel Raif taking that nipple into his lips as she flicked it and teased it to an even harder
state. The man could make her body sing like no one else, and she could only pleasure herself
properly these days with him playing front and center in her mind’s eye.
Drifting in between sleep and an aroused state, she continued to rub in slow, gentle circles. She
imagined him here with her now, moving slowly in and out. As her fingers moved slowly, she could
see his face clearly over her. She pinched her nipple lightly as the thread of arousal wound its way
from that spot to the urgency building between her legs.
She remembered how Raif would cover her mouth, possessing her fully with his body and tongue
at the same time. She whimpered as in her mind Raif made slow sweet love to her. No one else had
taken the time to ensure she was enjoying the experience every step of the way the way he did. She
imagined his hand gripping her rear to anchor her closer to him as they rode the wave together.
Building, stretching, teasing, and racing each other to that finish line.
She moved her hand faster and faster, mimicking what Raif’s actions would be if he were here
with her. She felt the water splashing around her, but the relief she sought was so close she let the
hand continue to play her like a violin. She could clearly see him now, that sexy smiling gaze was so
enticing. She flicked, rubbed, and pushed harder. It wasn’t the same, but it was what she had for now,
she thought, her hips lifting in the water, allowing her fingers better access. As she felt the tide rising
and her climax mounting, she could see Raif in front of her as she cried out. She silenced the release
with her hand, not wishing any others in the house to catch wind of her activities.
Her cellphone suddenly started buzzing on the shelf next to her as she gasped. Picking up the
device she exhaled, and then answered as normally as possible.
“Can we meet in the morning?” Artem’s voice requested without any preamble.
“Office at nine?”
“I’ll be there,” she said and hung up with a small tear rolling down her cheek. This couldn’t be
what her life had come to – a visitor in Ivan’s house because he didn’t trust her to be alone for fear
she would run away. Only herself to pleasure the night away as Raif was so far out of reach, and
orders barked at her as if she were a teenager again. She worried that everything she had worked so
hard for would be taken away if she didn’t stand up and take the control back. She just had no idea
how she was going to manage such a thing.
Not right now, though, she thought as lethargy seeped into her bones as she stood from the tub. She
was ready for a good long sleep, and hopefully, all would look better in the morning once she looked
at it with fresh eyes. As she toweled off and put on her nightgown, she found herself gazing at Raif’s
picture on the phone once again. She would find a way back to him someday, of that she was certain!

“I am going to need you to go to Russia,” his father exclaimed out of the blue as he strode
unannounced into Raif’s office the following morning. Considering how out of sorts he had been the
day before, Raif was shocked his father would even trust him to do such a thing.
“Why do I have to go? You know Everett is due to go over for his month in only ten days. Why
can’t he handle whatever it is?”
“Because it has to do with the negotiations side of the business agreement,” his father replied
without missing a step, lowering himself into the chair across from Raif. “Also, the divorce papers
are being prepared. I want the attorneys to take stock of everything I hold but also do a bit of digging
into your mother before we finalize the paperwork. It might take up to a month to pull everything
together, but there is a team working on it.”
“Wow, that was fast,” Raif gave him a suspicious look. “Why?”
“Why? What do you mean?” his father asked, giving him a most confused look. “Didn’t we sit
here and discuss this very thing just yesterday morning? You could lose everything you have worked
for if I didn’t protect you and the business. Didn’t we discuss what she did to Molchalin and how it
wrong it was?”
“Yes, but seriously, dad, you can barely pick out an outfit to wear with only twenty-four-hours’
notice. In fact, you have your personal assistant lay out a week’s worth of clothes at a time for you,
with labeled hangers and all so that you don’t have to focus on such a task.”
“That is because I have more important things to think about than coordinating a tie each morning.
As for your mother,” he said with a shrug. “I will admit I have been dragging my feet a bit on that
ordeal. I just,’ he licked his lips and pursed them before blowing a long breath out dramatically.
“Okay,” he said, leaning forward. “Here is the truth. I didn’t know if you would grow to have the
balls, pardon the expression, to run this big of an organization. I wanted to ensure that we had a plan
should something ever happen to me. Your mother was not ideal, but she is a money-hungry little –
well, you get the picture. She wouldn’t want this to disappear, and that level of motivation probably
could have translated to her being a passable leader until the board could figure out a plan.”
“Wow, mom was your attrition plan for the company. You do know we have many, many loyal
employees who would mutiny if that ever came out?” Raif said, looking at him incredulously.
“I know, but as I had only one child, there weren’t a lot of options. You shocked me, though, and
you are more than competent. When you hired Everett, I thought you were soft and simply hiring a
friend. Little did I realize he is a savant when it comes to inventing electronics and rewiring our
world for very lucrative returns. Then the Russian deal happened, and you continue to surprise me
every day. You are by far the better choice for CEO should something happen to me, and with that
uncertainty cleared up there is nothing else holding me to your mother.”
“Except you still love her and hope someday she will change and come crawling back to you,”
Raif said. He was as stunned at the words that tripped off his tongue as his father was judging by the
expression on his face.
His father nodded awkwardly. “Honestly, I wish it could have been different. I’ve spent years
dissecting where it all went wrong, but as much as I tried, I never did hate the woman. Not to say she
hasn’t done a lot that would have made that an understandable feeling.”
“I don’t hate her. I just wish sometimes that she would acknowledge she abandoned me. Not just
you, but her child. She only approaches me when there is something in it for her, it seems,” Raif
admitted, happy he could finally vocalize this feeling to his father and release some of the guilt he had
“Well,” his father said after a long pause. “Let’s hope your future marriage works out better.”
“Yeah, don’t see that happening in the near future,” he said with a slight chuckle. “The last woman
I fell for was from another country, and, oh yes, it turns out mom tried to seduce her father. That puts a
bit of a wet blanket on things, don’t you think?”
“I can see it being a bit more complicated,” his father replied with a smile. “All couples have
challenges, though.”
Raif just shook his head. “Let’s talk about business. I think that at least we can see eye to eye
there. When do I need to head out, and can you give me the rundown on what has changed?”
“You have time now?”
“I’ll make the time,” he said firmly, looking his dad straight in the eyes, as he simultaneously
grabbed a notebook in case he needed to jot anything down.
He waited patiently as his father opened the laptop he carried, silently mulling this trip, which
would put him on the same continent as Alina. Maybe he should be the one to offer an apology to her
family for his mother’s actions. Would he be able to say hello to Alina, and just check-in? Could he
do that and still walk away if they demanded it? He was going to follow through and see where the
chips landed.

lina was sitting in a chair, absently nursing a cup of tea, when Artem walked in and sat
down in the matching upholstered chair a short distance away. She ignored him for as long
as she could before the nervous tension took hold, and she turned in his direction.
“What is it?” She asked, raising a brow at him.
“They found mother,” he said simply and Alina’s heart lurched in her chest. She nearly dropped
the cup in her head but managed to place it on the small table between them.
She didn’t want to ask the question. She didn’t want the finality of the words to be spoken aloud.
“When?” was all she managed to croak through her lips.
“About an hour ago,” he said and swallowed hard. “She’s alive,” he whispered, causing her to
feel as if she might pass out right there in her chair.
She turned to him fully. “Where has she been all this time?” She was confused and elated at the
same time.
“In a hospital in a remote area, but when they found her, she was in bad shape with no
identification,” he said. “She slips in and out of consciousness. They said that she has been more
aware for a few months now than she was initially, but she still did not tell them her true identity. The
private investigator followed the breadcrumbs, I think is the American saying, to the hospital where
she was checked into.”
“We need to go to her,” Alina said, rising.
“Actually, she is due to arrive at the local hospital soon so she can be seen by Dr. Sokolov. She
was brought in the private jet Ivan sent.”
“Good,” Alina said, sitting back down. “Are we going to be able to see her tonight?”
“Yes, but Alina,” Artem said gently. “I’ve heard she doesn’t look like we remember, as she has
lost a lot of weight and suffered significant injuries.”
“Is that why you look so sad? The look on your face before,” she said, swallowing as the image
came back to mind. “I thought for certain she was dead. Are you not happy about this?”
“She doesn’t know about father, may not recognize us, and we have no idea the trauma she has
been through,” he said simply. “I just don’t want to get our hopes high again and then have her pass
away, or worse, live with no memory while we struggle on.”
“Artem, we are a family and we will figure it out,” she said, leaning towards him and clasping his
hands for a moment.
“Are you planning to forgive Ivan his interference with your fling in New York?” He asked,
leveling her with a gaze.
“I know what they all said about Mrs. Nedelson and father, but there was no proof. He and mother
were going away to try to set things right between them,” she sighed. “Besides, she has nothing to do
with Raif and hasn’t for years. It was not fair treating him, nor I, in such a manner.”
“Okay, I can see your point,” Artem said. “Right now, we just need to present a united front, as
this will be big news.”
“I understand and, as you know, I never say or do anything in public to disrespect my family.
However, I do wish that could be said for Ivan.”
“I will give you that,” he said with a small nod. “Family is family, though. In the end, we are all
we have. Did you really think that Raif Nedelson could be someone you could marry?”
She thought about that for only a second. “Yes, for a moment, I thought everything was possible,”
she said, getting a dreamy look as she remembered them dancing together.
“I’m sorry, Alina, I really am.”
“Thank you,” she said. “But for now, we need to focus on mother and getting her well.”
“I will meet you downstairs as soon as you are dressed. I want to be there to meet the plane,” he
said, standing to exit.
“Five minutes,” she said.

he meeting had lasted nearly eight hours as they hammered out various aspects of the new
patented electronics which would go in the Russian-manufactured cellphones. As they
continued to work into the evening, Raif felt his good mood waning. He had hoped for time
to see Alina, but now that was looking like nothing but a dream for this evening.
As their contracts were marked up, timelines were drawn, the clock's hands continued to mock
him as they counted down from afternoon to evening. Finally, around seven o’clock, they started
wrapping up. Lana had sat in on the proceedings all day but hadn’t engaged as much as she had the
last couple of meetings. She had seemed distracted. The number of times she had checked her phone
was unnerving and made Raif wonder if there was something wrong with Everett.
She stood as did everyone else to make their exit, but just as he was about to walk through the
door, she reached a hand out to stop him. “Raif, do you have a minute?” She asked, allowing the last
of the finance team to walk past them before shutting the door.
“Okay, if Everett already did something to mess things up, I will have words with him,” Raif said
“Oh, no,” Lana said, trying to smile but failing miserably. It made his anxiety even worse so it felt
like it was nearly strangling him. “It’s about Alina.”
Raif felt his shoulders droop along with the corners of his mouth. “You heard about Ivan coming
to retrieve her from New York?”
She furrowed her brow. “No. I just know that the two of you are very close from what Everett has
told me. I didn’t know about New York, though,” she said with a slight wave of her hand. “That is not
important now, though. They found her mother.”
Raif’s hand flew to his mouth in shock. “When?”
“Just a little while ago, and it is expected to be on the news and probably around the world soon.
She is living the worst kind of nightmare, and yet, somehow, I’m sure this is great news at the same
time,” she said. The expression on her face confused him and Raif studied her face. Something was
wrong. She seemed to be struggling despite them all expecting Alina’s mother to be dead. The
confirmation was hard, but this was something else.
“Lana, just spit it out. What does this have to do with me?”
“I’m sure she could use someone who is just there to support her right now,” she said after a long
moment. “There is no knowing exactly what lies ahead.”
“Well, I mean a funeral is always hard, but Alina did okay after they buried her father,” he said
and then stopped cold as Lana’s head snapped up.
“Her mother is very much alive,” she said and he wobbled where he stood, stunned by the
“What? It’s been a year since she disappeared, and after her father … ” his voice trailed away,
letting the statement hang there between the two of them.
“Yeah,” Lana said quietly, drawing a heavy breath. “I think stunned is the right expression. I am
heading over to the hospital now. I thought you might like to come with me.”
“Oh,” Raif balked. He wanted to be there for Alina more than anything, especially now. This kind
of thing could shake a family, but he had no idea if she would want him there or not. “Maybe I should
sit this out, and maybe if she wants to see me later … ”
“Man up, Raif! Lana snapped. “You want to be with her or not? If you do, this is your chance to
prove that through thick or thin you aren’t going anywhere.”
“True,” he said with a nod. “I just don’t want to cause any more family drama.”
“You won’t,” Lana said. “I will make it plain that I asked you to come for support.”
“Thanks,” he said. “So, really, her mother stayed away all this time – to what end?”
“No, that is the problem,” Lana said. “From what I was able to get from Alina, her mother was
found in a hospital, having suffered traumatic injuries as one would expect from a plane crash. She
was in a coma for some time but is mostly conscious now. She has lost a lot of weight and probably
not received the best care.”
“Hey, at least they kept her alive,” Raif said, trying to process everything. “I can’t even imagine
what Alina and her brothers must be going through. Even big bad Ivan must have had the rug pulled
out from beneath him.”
“I would imagine. Do you need to go to the hotel or anything? It will take about forty minutes to
get there,” she said. “I checked, and visitors are allowed until 11 p.m.”
“No, let’s go right away,” he said, turning to open the door.
She slapped him playfully. “You really thought Everett had messed up,” she chuckled, reminding
him of how he had started the conversation.
“Can we maybe keep that between us?” he asked, knowing he would never hear the end of it
should Everett find out.
“We shall see. Step out of line once, Mr. Nedelson,” she said with a tease, “and he is my first
phone call.”
“Are you blackmailing me?” He asked, pleasantly surprised to see she was able to joke around
despite the odd news she had received today.
“Maybe,” she quipped right back at him with a grin.
“Impressive,” he said, holding open the door so that they could pass through and head for the

lina sat by her mom’s bed, still shocked. She looked healthy overall, just not like the
mother she remembered. She was about forty or fifty pounds lighter and nearly all flesh
and bones compared to when she had left for her ill-fated trip. She had already gone
through a battery of tests by numerous doctors, including Dr. Sokolov. They did have some concerns
about possible amnesia. Her right leg had been set during her time in the other hospital, but it would
probably cause her to limp for the rest of her life because of the way it had healed. They had been
told she had arrived nearly frozen to death, her leg was broken, concussed with internal bleeding at
the hospital that had treated her.
The reports Ivan had told them over the phone indicated that while she was conscious, she had
never asked for anyone or been able to give them a name. Had the private investigators been called
off the case or not been as good as they were, she might still be wasting away in that horrid tiny clinic
that passed for a hospital on the edges of the wilderness to the north.
Alina heard a quiet knock and turned to see Ivan, Anja, and Victor entering the room. Ivan had
been here earlier, but Anja’s arrival downstairs had drawn him from the room. She rose to wrap her
arms around her sister-in-law.
“How is she?” Anja asked her.
“She is okay; she doesn't recognize me,” Alina said, keeping her voice as even as she could. The
immense pain around her heart at this development felt even worse than losing her father. At least the
closure there was final and there was no arguing with fate. This though, her mother returning to them
in this condition, not knowing who she was – well, that seemed worse in so many ways.
“Mother,” Ivan said in such a gentle voice it momentarily took Alina’s breath away. He was
normally so loud, boisterous, and in charge of everything. This tender side was rarely brought out,
telling her exactly how deeply this was touching him also. “Anja and Victor are here to see you.”
“Victor and Anja,” she repeated, rolling the names over her tongue as her forehead furrowed. She
didn’t say anything but looked at Alina with a quivering lip. “Do I know them?”
“Yes, mom,” she said gently. “This is Victor, your grandson, and Anja is married to Ivan.”
“I’m sorry,” her mother said, turning to Anja and outstretching her hand.
“It’s okay,” said sweet Anja, who never liked hurting anyone, moving forward to take the hand.
Alina had honestly never understood what a good woman like Anja saw in her overbearing brother.
However, he was much more tender and giving towards his wife than her these days, so it might be
that side that appealed to her.
“Anything from the doctors?” She turned to Ivan, who was looking downtrodden.
“They say that physically she has been taken care of and other than putting on weight and therapy
to help her walk nothing physically is amiss with her right now that time and a good diet can’t fix.”
“And her memory?” Artem, who was standing to Ivan’s right, asked. She watched Ivan’s face turn
red, and he wouldn’t meet their eyes.
“They truly don’t know – this may be as good as it gets,” he said softly.
“That’s okay,” Alina said, sticking her chin out stubbornly. “She seems to recall what we tell her
now. If she doesn’t remember us or anything before the accident, we can help with that. When do they
say we will be able to take her home?”
“They think keeping in hospital for therapy, intravenous fluids, and nutrition is a good idea for
now. They will monitor for other concerns, work to get her walking, and organize some at-home care
for us,” he said with a deep sigh. “Let’s take it a day at a time … ” he stopped and glanced up at the
“Lana,” Alina said as her friend appeared in the doorway, and she lunged forward to hug her tight.
She glanced up as she hugged Lana and froze. Her heart raced in her chest like a galloping horse.
“Raif,” she whispered, but it came out hoarse as she felt breathlessly unsure what to do next.
“Alina, I’m sorry to hear about your mom,” he said with the sweetest smile.
She had to curb the urge to move toward him. She was so shocked to see him here, in this hospital
room, with her family, in Russia. What in the world would have possessed him after that scene with
Ivan back at the hotel? At that thought she glanced back at her brother and saw the furious expression
on his face as he looked at Raif.
“What are you doing here?” Ivan growled, looking ready to pounce on Raif.
“Ivan,” Artem said under his breath. “Hallway. Now.”.
“Rayne!” Alina heard her mother scream across the room and every eye turned in her direction.
“Rayne,” she repeated excitedly as tears flowed down her cheeks. “Oh my, I’m so glad to see you.
I thought you were going to be back in America by now, making that new movie?”
Alina turned and glanced at Lana, who was the object of her mother’s excited gaze. Lana looked
like she was about to pass out as Raif reached to support her.
“What’s wrong?” Alina asked, not understanding what was going on.
“Lana’s mother was Rayne Bishop, the American actress,” Raif said, looking at her wildly before
glancing back at her mom. “Did you know that your mother knew Lana’s mom?”
“No,” Alina said, glancing at Ivan and Artem, who looked incredibly uncomfortable. “I don’t
think any of us did.”
“Rayne,” her mother called out again as she looked pleadingly at Lana.
“I know it’s a big ask, but this has been so emotional for her,” Alina said, turning to Lana. “If you
could just maybe ask her some questions, let her talk to you, maybe she would stay calm?”
“Alina, no – let sleeping dogs lie,” Artem whispered. He was normally the even one, and she
realized she was grasping at straws. To put her mother at ease, she was asking Lana to do something
she was uncomfortable with.
“I’m sorry,” she said, turning to Lana.
“Actually,” Lana said, patting Raif absently before releasing his arm. “I could do that. I can
pretend to be my mother and see what she might say.”
“Are you sure?” Alina asked, worried now more for Lana and how much this might hurt her.
“I’m sure. I might learn something,” she whispered and moved forward before anyone could say
another word. “Hello, Katja. How are you feeling?”
Raif stood transfixed as he glanced from Artem to Ivan and back to Alina. “Maybe we should all
step outside and have a chat, leave Lana alone for a minute.”
“Agreed,” Ivan said as Alina looked directly at Raif and then glanced back at her mom and Lana.
“Yeah, I think this could take some time,” she said and followed the unhappy group to the hall.
After all, they were already surrounded by nervous energy − why not finish it with a tense family
conversation. Maybe tomorrow, she would get some sleep and untangle the knots that filled her
shoulders. Right now, she just needed to remain focused on stopping her brothers killing Raif.

aif was finishing his workout in the gym at the hotel. It had been a long forty-eight hours
since the discovery that Alina’s mom was alive. In addition to that, her mother genuinely
believed that Lana was Rayne, who she had been friends with when she first came to
Russia. Luckily, that turned out to be a good thing as Lana was getting a much clearer picture of her
mom than anyone had provided before – albeit in a weird roundabout manner. He would be finishing
his work here tomorrow but had told his dad that he would be staying through the weekend. He’d had
an informal conversation with Ivan and Artem last night and they had come to a gentleman’s
agreement never to mix him and his mother’s unholy business again.
Last night they had talked openly about the issues with their assembly line and that had made him
think that maybe there was a win that he could still pull out of this difficult situation. He had worked
with Everett to perfect the electronics assembly line, which wasn’t normally their cup of tea. It had,
however, provided many insights that could possibly be adapted to the textile manufacturing side. Not
all the textiles were done by machine, but the pieces caused a lot of problems. He wanted to look into
possibly extending some goodwill in the form of a consultation, though he didn’t really know how to
work that into conversation while sitting in their mother’s hospital room.
Tonight, he had decided to call it a night early instead of going with Lana to the hospital again. It
was kind of hard to be near Alina all the time, and yet imagining her naked or trying to get her alone
to talk seemed wrong under the circumstances. He didn’t know when it would ever feel right again,
but he figured after a long workout, shower, dinner, and maybe a solid eight hours of sleep, he would
wake with a bit more clarity tomorrow.
He finished the workout, swung a towel around his neck, and grabbed the water bottle he had
refilled on the way down. Trudging up to the room, he was mentally reviewing his dining options
from when he had looked at the menu earlier, when he bumped into someone.
“I’m sorry,” he said, catching the woman by the elbows to hold her upright. He felt his heart skip
a beat when he met Alina’s waiting gaze.
“What are you doing here?”
“I have exactly thirty minutes,” she said, tapping at her watch. “You want to sit her talking or
continue that workout upstairs?” She asked, arching an eyebrow at him.
He didn’t speak just shuffled a couple of steps to the elevator and punched the buttons. Inside,
they didn’t speak, considering an older couple who got on directly behind them and another man who
looked confused as he watched the floors go by. Raif could feel his curiosity peeking and his libido
kicking into overdrive as Alina’s sweet perfume tickled his nostrils. Thankfully, it was a short ride to
the third floor, and they rushed to get out and head down the hall to his room.
“Are you sure you should be here?” He asked. He wanted her here so bad, but Ivan was a force to
be reckoned with. Then there was her mother’s precarious situation to think about.
“I had to run an errand here in the city for some new material that came into a friend’s business,”
she said. “I have only thirty minutes until I need to head back to the hospital. It has been a horrible
week, and all I can think about is my mother never getting well, having to quit modeling, maybe
working here under Ivan forever and never traveling again because I have to take care of my mom. I
miss you so much.” She moved toward him and grabbed the bottom of his sweaty tank top. “Please,
no more talk. We can talk later.”
He looked at her and then lowered his face to her and kissed her soundly. Everything finally made
sense again as their lips collided, and she ran her hands over his shoulders, up into his hair, and
anchored him firmly against her, not caring about his sweaty chest. He reached down to pull the hem
of her long flowing dress up and over her head. Finally, he started kicking off his tennis shoes as she
wiggled out of her lace panties, standing before him naked in no time.
He pushed her slightly back onto the bed and landed on top of her, bracing on his arms so he
didn’t hurt her. His length rubbed right on her moist, warm center, and he nearly lost it then and there.
She grabbed his butt and yanked him down hard, continuing to incite him to madness as her tongue
waged war with his.
He moved slowly against her. She wiggled as he settled between her legs; she wrapped one up
and over his back, giving him the perfect entry point. Not a man to look a gift horse in the mouth, he
slid home, feeling every ridge rub against her warm core.
She raised her hips up against him and back down; these tiny, shallow, and mind-bending
movements played havoc with his resolve. He moved in and out slowly, holding her close, wanting to
savor every second of this time together. He slid a hand down her flowing curves, and worshiped
every inch of the warm, supple body he adored. Moving in unison, she ran a hand over his stubble and
then over his back and down. Their hands kept teasing each other, and the heat built as their bodies
came together time and again. He didn’t have the resolve to hold out long, and it was evident as she
grabbed his butt and yanked on him, guiding him to move that she was just as impatient.
He increased the pressure of his strokes, making sure he hit the perfect spot for her as she gasped
and moved with him. He could feel her movements telling him she was getting close to release, and
he gave himself over to the ecstasy of it. In and out, moving, stroking, and soon they were standing at
the precipice about to fall over together. She stilled as he came out of her one last time and then thrust
forward, throwing them both up and over the mountain to a release that surely would leave them free
of stress, at least for a while.
Then they simply lay, holding each other until Alina’s thirty minutes were up, and she had to slip
away from him once again as if it had all been a dream. As she left, the scent of her lingered,
reminding him well into the night just how real she truly was.

aif walked nervously into the Molchalin offices on Friday afternoon, having finished all
business with Gregor and his team earlier in the day. Out of respect, he had ensured no
conflict of interest between the two companies existed before looking into the textile
“I am here to see Ivan Molchalin,” he told the secretary that greeted him.
“Hey, Raif,” Artem Molchalin welcomed him, appearing at the desk.
“Hi, Artem,” he said, extending his hand. “Is Ivan joining us?”
“Yes, and my sister also. Mother had a big afternoon with some therapies for regaining her
movement. We decided to take care of business during that time and then be back there for dinner with
her,” he said, he indicated that Raif should move ahead of him toward the door leading into the main
office away from the reception area.
“It’s good that she is progressing. Do the doctor know if she will regain her memory?”
“They said that memory is a funny thing, and something might trigger her to recall memories now
that she is more actively engaging with places and people from her past. They aren’t certain,” he said
as he pointed to a door that said it led to the factory.
“I hope that you all get a miracle soon,” Raif replied.
“Her coming back to us is that already. Now, don’t let my brother terrify you – I think he likes that
you forced the conversation about Alina. He respects someone who can stand by their principles, and
he always loves a good businessperson that might make him more money. I would, of course, simply
avoid talking about your relationship with my sister,” he said in a tone that made Raif turn to stare at
“You approve or disapprove?” Raif asked, curious to know where he stood. Ivan was easy to
figure out – Artem, though, was a different story. He didn’t give much away, and kept his emotions
well hidden. Alina respected his opinion, though, so that made it matter to Raif.
“I think my sister already loves you,” he said simply. “Sometimes the wants of our hearts get in
the way of life. Think about Lana’s mother and others who never got to live out life with their true
love. I don’t know the ending of your story yet, but I won’t be the one to stand in your way as long as
you love her, respect her and treat her right.”
“That I can do,” Raif replied as he walked through the door to find Ivan and Alina talking to a few
workers. They turned when they entered, and Alina’s eyes met his with a soft smile.
“I’m glad you are here,” she said. “I wanted to show you my family’s business.”
“I’m excited to see everything and see if there are places we might be able to help,” he said.
“Let us start here then,” Ivan said, launching into details of the weaving machines, the packaging,
and even how they shipped items out for dying.
He walked through their business with so much pride in the details it was obvious this was a
well-run company. The buildings were massive, and the output so impressive it was difficult to wrap
his head around. It took nearly two hours to get through everything before they arrived at a sub
building set back from the main space.
“And that is?” He asked, pointing to it but then he saw Ivan clench his jaw.
“That is the part of the plant that has been designated for my women’s run, all organic and hand-
sewn fashion label. We have already started getting some sample pieces done for several styles, and I
picked up the first fabric this week. Little by little that will become a part of the business, I believe,”
Alina replied with the happiest smile he had seen on her face in quite some time.
“We shall see,” Ivan said, but there was a hint of something that Raif would have sworn was
pride. He glanced at Artem, who said nothing but smiled back also. It was a family that fought
together, and in the end, he felt they would learn to build even better business models in the future.
“Well, now can you point me to the specific issues you think our electronics or processes might
help with?”
“Assembly cells two and six,” Ivan said, “if we go back that way, I have some plans I would love
for you to look at.”
“Lead the way,” he said as they all turned. As soon as he was certain he wouldn’t be caught, he
winked at Alina, wishing he could reach out and squeeze her.
He knew how much she was working on getting her clothing line up, and seeing her talking about
it made it even more real for him. He knew as tenacious as she was, someday she would be a
household name.

lina was watching all the employees file out of the building, and yet Ivan droned on. Raif
was being a pretty good sport, giving amazing feedback and taking lots of notes.
Additionally, Ivan had fired no less than fifty questions about efficiencies, space
utilization, and other boring topics in his direction. She thought for certain he would need to eat soon
as it was now four hours into their visit. Just as she was about to suggest they take a break, Ivan
pulled his vibrating phone from his pocket.
“Yes,” he said into the phone, holding up his finger to the group to pause while he took the call.
“Okay, we are on our way.” He hung up and looked up at the group. “Mother needs us to bring her
some clothes. We will drive together as I left my car there earlier.” He turned to Alina. “Can you lock
up and follow me and Artem?”
“Certainly,” she said, conscious of Raif standing behind her. A devilish idea crossed her mind.
“Raif, would you care to see my area quickly?”
“Um, we must hurry to mother,” Ivan interjected. He had been getting along well with Raif all day
and considering there seemed a lot that Nedelson Electronics could help with, he was torn about
interfering. “Please come soon.”
“Yes, ten minutes behind you,” she said, trying to control her expression as Ivan and Artem
headed out. She waved at Artem when he turned to give her a curious stare.
“Come on,” she said, grabbing Raif’s elbow and leading him toward her space. As she walked,
she turned out lights in the now-abandoned space. “What do you think of everything?”
“Honestly, it’s much bigger than I thought and so efficient already. While I think adding several of
the machines we talked about will up the ante, you have a pretty amazing process already.”
“Thank you,” she said. “We like to think so.”
She finished locking the main building, and they slipped through the now dark space between that
building and her work area, where she flipped on the switch.
“Wow,” he said as he took in the tables used for cutting material, manakins standing poised, and
the row of sewing machines along one wall. “This is great. I will need to come back someday when I
can see everything in action.”
“You should,” she said, turning around to hop up on a table and giving him a naughty smile that he
knew all too well.
“Alina,” he growled. “Your brothers and I just started getting on, and I’m not going to do anything
to hurt that new side of our relationship.”
“Really?” she teased, hiking up her skirt high enough that he could tell she wasn’t wearing
He licked his lip and stepped closer. He didn’t have a choice; her kind of naughty just made him
want her more. “I think you forgot,” he said, sliding his hand up the inside of her leg, “a critical piece
of clothing today.”
“You think?” she said, leaning forward to nibble his lower lip gently. “Maybe you should show
me what happens when girls forget such clothing. Can bad things happen?”
“Oh, most definitely,” he said as his finger slid up higher and found its mark. He pushed inside
and then added a second digit as she giggled and bit her lip, giving a tiny gasp of pleasure.
“I think that maybe I might need even more punishment,” she said in a husky voice that made his
skin tingle. The feeling increased when she leaned forward, and had his dress pants falling around his
“Alina,” he growled when she reached inside of his boxers and took hold of his length. “What if
… ” he stopped thinking as she stroked him slowly, igniting a river of hot lava in his veins.
“Yes, Raif,” she said, continuing to stroke him. “What can I do for you?”
“First off,” he said, moving swiftly to get her to skirt over her hips as he lifted her off the table in
one swift motion. “You can take your hand out of … ” he stopped as she gripped him harder and
stroked faster, unable to speak.
“Only if you promise to put it somewhere I’m going to like better,” she said with another gentle
“Definitely,” he promised as he moved his boxers strategically down over the swollen shaft.
Without further preamble, he grabbed her hips and thrust deep inside.
“Ahhh,” she cried out, flinging her head back as her arms braced on his shoulders. He moved
quickly, back and forth, deeper and deeper. The table was the perfect height to seat him deep inside of
her and drive them both mad with desire. This was not a slow passionate session, but instead hot,
fast, and frenzied.
They moved together, their mouths locked as their bodies found the release they needed. Wanting
to tease her, he withdrew and, with superhuman strength, stood away from her, denying her what she
wanted. Exasperated she grabbed his butt and viciously brought him towards her in a power move
that immediately had him coming and her letting out a loud scream, he managed two more thrusts, and
she was right there riding the wave of her climax. He knew it was a memory he would treasure as he
tried to regain his ability to think clearly. He was grateful to the core that Ivan and Artem had not
walked in on that, or he would have been dead, buried, and never seen again. He realized he was
willing to risk life and limb to continue seeing where this relationship was headed.

Raif was heading to the hospital, hoping to chat with Alina about maybe taking a weekend trip. He
had talked to his father earlier, and while he warned him about mixing business and pleasure, he was
impressed about the possibility of bringing on Molchalin Textiles as a client. He seemed happy that
Raif had someone like Alina around, but after what Everett had gone through, he also appeared to be
cautious about the situation. Raif could appreciate that because, in the end, he knew his dad would
always have his back.
He stopped to pick up a couple of puzzle books and a tiny plant to give Mrs. Molchalin. She had
seemed to be improving when he talked to Alina earlier today. Her kids were so grateful to have her
back, though many questions lingered. She didn’t seem to be regaining her memory, though her ability
to walk was expected to improve in the coming few days and weeks.
As he bounded up the stairs and headed to the room, he recognized several patients, nurses, and
others from his previous visits. One nurse stopped him before he entered the room. “Sorry, Mrs.
Molchalin is undergoing an examination. I think her sons went to the cafeteria, and her daughter asked
about using a quiet space for a call,” she said, pointing to the end of the hall. “You can find her in a
little office at the end, turn left and it is the second little cubby area on the right. No doors, but hardly
anyone goes down there.”
“Thanks,” he said, turning to her. “Do you mind if I just leave these,” he held up his bag of gifts.
The plant wasn’t big, just kind of clunky to carry around with him.
“Sure. Just put them on the end of the counter, and you can pick them up when you come back
He walked in the direction the nurse had directed. As he turned, he could hear Alina talking
quietly, so he turned to leave, but something she said caught his attention.
She giggled and said, “No way in the world am I staying with him. Are you kidding me? It was
fun while it lasted, but he is completely bonkers if he thinks that I will stick by him long-term. I have
my plans, and I’m not living in his small confining world.”
Raif could feel that steady buzz that he felt inside when he got nervous. He thought she might be
talking about him – he didn’t think there was another man in her life right now. Then he mulled what
she said over and worried that if it was him they were not on the same page about what was
happening between them.
“Honestly, he is okay looking but thinks way too much of himself for certain. It doesn’t matter how
rich you are, or if daddy’s money bought you a position – I don’t care. I care how you make me feel,
and he is a loser. No matter how hard he tries he is just in it for one thing – the money he can make off
The anger sliced hot and fast through his insides. She was talking about him. It was obvious. Who
else could she possibly be talking about being given a position by their daddy? The money he was
making was for her, to better her family’s plant and hopefully build a beautiful partnership into the
future. Her tone was unlike anything he had ever heard from her before, but he didn’t like it – not one
“Come on, he thinks he’s amazing in bed, but man, what he lacked in talent, he sure tried to make
up for in effort. Though he just doesn’t measure up if you catch my drift,” she cackled.
He turned away, not wanting to hear anymore, but then she nailed the coffin shut. “I just have this
one last big thing I need him to get done for me, and then I’m dumping him. He got what he needed,
and I got what I needed, and that should be good enough!” She laughed again as if her words were
Well, Raif had heard enough and was already walking forcefully down the hall toward the
elevator. He wasn’t going to be made a fool of, and he most certainly was not going to allow her to
use the love he had for her to get ahead. He felt the tears welling up but wiped them away. He needed
to get out of here – get home, and once and for all forget that Alina Molchalin ever existed! She was
going to be sorry that she had ever tried to play with his emotions, and he knew exactly how best to
inflict the kind of pain she would understand.

ear Reader,
Thank you so much for taking the time to read Raif, Book 3 of Love and Loyalty Series.
Join me to find out what happens next to Raif and Alina. The story is filled with
romance, love, drama and suspense.


Raif - Book 4: Love and Loyalty Series
In the middle of a crisis, the last thing on their minds is love...
Caught up in a life-altering predicament and unsure who he can really trust, the thought of Alina is
the only thing that keeps Raif going. But a moment of weakness could sabotage everything that he’s
worked so hard to build...
Alina can’t seem to find a break from her whirlwind of a life. Time never seems to be on her side,
and her family’s latest intrigue threatens to overwhelm her. Can Raif be the calming force that she
desperately needs? Or will she end up pushing him away?
And when another massive news story breaks, it throws them both headlong into chaos. It seems
like they’re never able to catch a break. But can they find happiness despite the odds?
Packed with pulse-pounding intrigue and no shortage of wild twists and turns, Raif Book 4 is
the latest explosive instalment in Raif and Alina’s love story. Grab your copy here today!

really hope you enjoyed reading Raif- Book 3: Love and Loyalty Series.
It would be amazing if you could take the time to give me a fair and honest review of the
book on Amazon.
Thank you.

isted below are other books in the series by Avery North:


Everett: ( Book 1)
Everett: ( Book 2)
Everett: ( Book 3)
Everett: ( Book 4)
Everett: ( Book 5)
Everett: ( Book 6)
Raif: ( Book 1)
Raif: ( Book 2)
Raif: ( Book 3)
Raif: ( Book 4)
Raif: ( Book 5)
Raif: ( Book 6)

Find Avery North at:

Facebook: authorverynorth
Instagram: authoraverynorth
Twitter: authoraveryn

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Join Avery’s newsletter to stay updated with new releases, get access to exclusive bonus content and
much more!”

You can see all books by Avery North here:

isted below are more books by Avery North. All of the books are currently available to
read FREE in Kindle Unlimited.

Darlington Brothers Series Boxset
Romance At The Spa: Eden Spa Series Boxset
Chiltern Hotel Series Boxset
Riad Dubois Series Boxset


Coffee Love: ( Book 1)
Hidden Secrets: ( Book 2)
The Revelation: ( Book 3)
Blind Jealousy: ( Book 4)
Unexpected Attraction: ( Book 5)
Forever Love: ( Book 6)

Darlington Brothers Series:

Lucas: ( Book 1)
Jason: ( Book 2)
Logan: ( Book 3)
Tristan: ( Book 4)
Tyler: ( Book 5)
Joey: ( Book 6)
Rebel: ( Book 7)


Exotic Allure: ( Book 1)
Unexpected Passion: ( Book 2)
Finding Freedom: ( Book 3)
Endless Desire: ( Book 4)
Another Chance: ( Book 5)

Seduction At The Spa: ( Book 1)
Reconciliation At The Spa: ( Book 2)
Devotion At The Spa: ( Book 3)
Production At The Spa: ( Book 4)
Redemption At The Spa: ( Book 5)
Rejuvenation At The Spa: ( Book 6)


Breaking Barriers: ( Book 1)
Breaking Christmas Traditions: (Book 2)
Breaking Liberty: (Book 3)
Breaking Rules: (Book 4)
Breaking Promises: (Book 5)
Breaking Boundaries: (Book 6)
Another random document with
no related content on Scribd:
right hand; and two gentlemen were standing in the farthest corner at
the back of the room.
As he reached out his hand, His Majesty began to express, in simple
but sincere fashion, his satisfaction at the instruction and advice
which had been given to his people, and added renewed assurances
of his gratitude for the service. In few words, he was assured by me
of the great pleasure which had been taken in the work of the year,
and of the debt of gratitude which was felt for the opportunity to be of
service to Japan. His Majesty then said that he had heard of my
intention soon to depart for home, wished me a safe and prosperous
journey, and expressed the hope that my family and friends would be
found in health and prosperity on my arrival. He then dismissed me
by extending his hand again for me to take.
I have spoken of the four audiences which I have had the honour to
enjoy, with His Majesty, the Emperor of Japan, with some detail and
with all the frankness within the limits of a courteous reserve,
because they seem to me to throw light upon his personality as a
man and as a ruler of men. There has never been any diplomatic
reason or political motive for noticing me or my work in any
distinctive way. I am only a teacher; and I have had no ambition for
any higher title than that of “teacher,” no desire for any more
imposing kind of service. But His Majesty’s painstaking to recognise,
and to signalise with his favour before the nation, his appreciation for
any services rendered to the “moral education” of his people, has
been as unmistakably sincere as it has been distinctive. And there is
abundant reason to believe that this painstaking regard for the moral
and other welfare of his people, irrespective of considerations of
diplomatic policy, or rank, or expectation of similar favours in return,
characterises throughout the Imperial rule of the present Emperor of
Japan. One would have to search hard among the world’s present
day rulers to find another so affectionate, so solicitous, so self-
sacrificing, where the interests of his people are concerned, as
Mutsu-hito, His Imperial Japanese Majesty.
Let it be remembered that the present Emperor succeeded to the
Throne on the January of the year before the one (1868) on the third
of November of which he became sixteen years of age. A civil war
had placed him upon the throne, with something like the real Imperial
power which had been withheld from his ancestors for so many
generations. There was partisan strife and confusion of opinion and
of counsel everywhere. Since his day, the nation has passed through
one civil war, and two bloody and expensive foreign wars. Meantime,
too, it has in a manner to astonish the civilised world, come forward
into the rank of one of the nations destined to lead the world’s
civilisation. Without laying any stress upon the traditional way among
the Japanese of ascribing all manner of success and prosperity to
the virtues of the Emperor, it is simple matter of historical fact that
the patience, wisdom, and benevolence of their present ruler are,
either directly or indirectly, responsible for the escaping of much evil
and the securing of much good on the nation’s behalf. Japan has
been guided out of the old era into the new by a very remarkable
body of men; but among them all, there is probably not one who will
not tell you in all sincerity, if he can be induced to speak freely and in
confidence upon the subject, that, all things considered, His Imperial
Majesty must be conceded to be the most patient, wise, and
benevolent guide and supreme ruler of them all.

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