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Tələbə: Vəliyeva Şəhla

Müəllim: Süleymanzadə Səidə

Novruz Holiday

Novruz, also spelled Nowruz or Norooz, is a traditional holiday celebrated by

many countries in Central Asia, the Middle East, and parts of South Asia. It
marks the beginning of spring and the New Year in the Persian calendar. The
celebrations usually involve various cultural traditions, such as spring cleaning,
visiting family and friends, preparing special foods, and participating in outdoor
activities. It’s a time of renewal and rejoicing, symbolizing the triumph of light
over darkness and the arrival of new beginnings.
Novruz is widely celebrated in our country as the symbol of winter’s leaving and
spring’s coming.
Novruz also has Interesting traditions relating to water and fire. Being the land
of the fire Azerbaijan has rich traditions relating to it. The fire is the symbol of
purification and clarification. Bonfires are made in Novruz and before the
holiday comes people in Akhir Charshanba, despite the age and gender, jump
seven times over one, or once over 7 bonfires and say: ‘Give me your redness
and take my yellowness.’ The fire is never put out by water; it burns down by
Novruz is a fun and favourite holiday. Novruz is a holiday that embraces all of
our people.

Water Wednesday is also called False Wednesday, Eternal Wednesday, Water

Novruz. On Water Wednesday, water and water sources are refreshed, ditches
are put in order, improvement works are carried out in water basins, and various
celebrations related to water are held. Before dawn, everyone goes to the water,
washes their hands, sprinkles water on each other, jumps over the water, and
sprinkles water on the wounds of the wounded. According to the belief of the
people, those who pass through “fresh water” on Water Wednesday, those who
give it a scolding and bezar will stay away from illness throughout the year.

Second Wednesday is Fire Wednesday. The second of the last Wednesdays of the
year is Fire Wednesday, which is popularly known as News Wednesday, Usku
Wednesday, Addy Wednesday. This Wednesday comes from the ancient people’s
belief in the protective and purifying power of wood. According to tradition, on
this day, a bonfire remains, and by jumping over the flame, they burn all the dirt
and filth inside.

On Windy Wednesday, the warm winds blowing indicate the arrival of spring.
Third Wednesday is still celebrated as Dead Wednesday (Black Wednesday,
Rose Wednesday) in some regions of Azerbaijan. On that day, people visit the
graves of their loved ones, clean the graves from winter mud and dust, and pray
for the souls of the dead. On Shrove Tuesday, bereaved families are also visited,
to ensure that they come out of mourning and celebrate the upcoming holiday

The last Wednesday is celebrated more solemnly than other Wednesdays. Last
Wednesday leaves other Wednesdays behind with its own rites and ceremonies.
A person who has seen the suffering and hardships of cold and frost is happy to
say goodbye to winter and raises his joy to the level of a holiday. In many
regions, the celebration of Ilakhir Wednesday even surpasses Novruz. These
Wednesday ceremonies begin early in the morning with going to the spring and
the river.

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