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20th Jan 2021

CHG 4307 DGD 2

Group 03
Name Student # Email
Sophie Cobbold (Lead) 300018953
Chloé Richard (Scribe) 8725971
Justin Raymond 8865105
Joseph Habib Absi 300024103
Rémy Pellerin 300044213
Isabelle Parthenais 300021471
Azfar Azfar 8224174
Theo Bologa 8542543
May Ourabi 300036529
Sean Gariano 300014301

Video 1 - CSB video excerpts from Dr. Trevor Kletz:

● ‘’If you think safety is expensive, try an accident’’ : Loss of potential life, loss of equipment, and loss of
reputation/trust in company
● “Organizations have no memory, only people have memory” : after people leave an organization, the
previously established safety guidelines lose emphasis
● Important to document near-misses and ask ourselves the following: How can we improve and ensure this
doesn’t happen again? Safety culture is extremely important.
● While accidents are caused by human error, this is not a helpful fact: it is important to fix systems to
ensure risks are low and people are aware of hazards/follow rules
Video 2 - Experimenting with Danger:
UCLA: Sheri died from Chemical Fire Dec 29th 2008.
● Employed as a research assistant from the university. Was not wearing correct PPE
● In reports prior, PPE was not being enforced in lab and didn’t take proper action to fix it
● Education on lab safety and culture should be a priority, as much as excellence is a priority
● Management’s responsibility to provide adequate training and properly document it. In this case, it was
said training was not but there is no record of it

Accidental poisoning at Dartmouth: ​Aug 1996:

● Insufficient safety evaluation done by the school. Unfortunately, cannot solely rely on supplier safety
● Whenever confronted with toxic material, you should take the highest possible precautions. We must learn
everything we can about toxic materials

Explosion Texas Tech

● They were unaware of 100mg limit for explosive materials and were not provided adequate safety training
for explosives. Material exploded and caused severe injuries.
● Often, blame is placed on individual, but it is truly management’s responsibility to implement proper safety
management and culture
● Accident and near miss documentation must be done, and PPE must be worn at all times. These must be
done even if it is not enforced by a higher body
● There needed to also be a change in the organizational structure in safety management: Individuals who
were responsible for doing safety inspections did not have any authority over lab or principle investigators
● Often, training/messaging is focused on health hazards and not enough on physical hazards

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