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In this video we can appreciate something very important such as responsibility and more in
virtual classes many of us had to live virtual classes and on more than one occasion it was
boring and we preferred to do other things with the excuse that our camera and microphone
did not work , as we see at the beginning, a child is more aware of a game than of his class and
does not really pay much attention despite the fact that his brother was in the same class.
The brother insists more than once to pay attention to the class but the boy simply prefers to
ignore and continue with his own, in his class they are days away from the final math exam,
the boy's brother says that they are good for their next exam so that they do very well but the
child shows a web page with the supposed correct answers of the exam so he decides not to
study and copy 100% the answers of that supposed page.
The next day their mother gives them a great gift because she hoped that both children would
get the best grade, just at that moment the teacher arrives with the children's exams and
that's when we all found out that the super page with the answers was created by the same
teacher to know which child was going to copy so the child got an F and his brother got an A
because he had the test answered correctly.

1) Exam: Written or oral test that is performed to demonstrate sufficiency in a subject.
2) Mixed: It is a mixture of one or more things.
3) Cheat: It's like the simplest way to reach a goal.
4) Guess: Consider something as possible or probable.
5) Sounds: When we like something.
6) Summer:It's a season of the year.
7) Vacation: Temporary suspension of work, studies or other usual activities to rest.
8) Confidence: Security, especially when undertaking a difficult or compromised action.
9) Expect: Hope or possibility of achieving something.
10) Paying attention: Is the child's ability to focus on a person or object and ignore other
interesting things in the environment that compete for his attention.
11) Should: First person singular (I) of the conditional of duty or of having to be.
12) Loser: A person who loses.
13) Easy: Which occurs without excessive effort.
14) Answers: Interrogative statement that is issued with the intention of knowing
something or obtaining some information.
15) Called: Say the name of a person or an animal or shout, make some noise, gesture or
signal to pay attention or to go somewhere.
16) Share: Bring something to a place.
17) Try: Make the effort and the necessary steps to do something or achieve a certain
objective or purpose, without having the absolute certainty of achieving it.
18) Sorry: Action of forgiveness.
19) Starting: To cause something that did not exist, did not happen or was not done before
to come into existence, occur or be done, or make the first part of this thing.
20) Luck: Cause or force that supposedly determines that unforeseeable or unintended
events and circumstances develop in one way or another.

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