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Sri Wulandari 1), Faisal Islamy2),
1) SMK Negeri 02 Bombana, Bombana
E-ISSN: 2686-3731 2) SMP Negeri 11 Baubau, Baubau city
P-ISSN: 2460-0504 Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia.

Article Info
Article history:
Author's Correspondence
Received: 10/10/2022
Email:sriwulandari.17aprilnadia@gmail. Received in revised form: 26/10/2022
com Accepted: 30/10/2022

Problem statement of this research was whether
there are any significant correlation of reading
anxiety towards reading comprehension on
grade eight students of SMP Negeri 1 Baubau.
Objective of the research was to find out
whether there was the correlation reading
anxiety towards reading comprehension on
grade eight students of SMP Negeri 1 Baubau.
The data collection in this research was carried
out using a research instrument in the form of a
questionnaire to determine the student’s reading
anxiety and a test to determine student’s reading
comprehension. The data obtained were analysis
by descriptive statistical analysis and inferential
statistical analysis. The results of this research
showed that the correlation coefficient value of
students reading anxiety towards students
reading comprehension was 0.037 with a
significant level of 0.798. Because the sig.(2-
tailled) > 0.05 the hypothesis H0 is accepted and
Publisher: H1 was rejected. It means that there was not any
English Education Department Faculty significant and correlation classroom reading
of Teacher Training and Education anxiety towards reading comprehension on grade
Universitas Dayanu Ikhsanuddin eight students of SMP Negeri 1 Baubau.

Keywords: classroom reading anxiety, reading

Address: comprehension.
Jl. Sultan Dayanu Ikhsanuddin No. 124
Baubau, post code 93724 Abstrak
Rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah
Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia apakah ada hubungan yang signifikan antara
kecemasan membaca terhadap pemahaman
membaca pada siswa kelas delapan SMP Negeri 1
Baubau. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk
mengetahui apakah ada hubungan kecemasan
membaca terhadap pemahaman membaca pada
siswa kelas delapan SMP Negeri 1 Baubau. tend to spend too much time on things, which
Pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini adalah is not related to reading activities. For
dilakukan dengan instrument peneletian ini berupa example, spending a lot of time thinking
angket guna mengetahui kecemasan membaca about vocabulary words that are difficult to
siswa dan tes untuk mengetahui pemahaman
pronounce while reading, can take much
membaca siswa. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis
menggunakan analisis statistik deskrptif dan mental energy to complete a reading task and
analisis statistik interferensial. Hasil penelitian can be frustrating. In simple terms it can be
menunjukan bahwa nilai koefisien korelasi said that in many cases, very anxious readers
kecemasan membaca terhadap pemahaman siswa cannot understand their reading such as
adalah 0,037 dengan tingkat signifikan 0,798. guessing the meaning of unknown
Karena sig.(2-tailled) > 0,05 maka hipotesis H0 di vocabulary, reading the text to improve
terima dan H1 ditolak. Dengan demikian dapat comprehension.
disimpulkan bahwa tidak ada hubungan yang Based on this phenomenon and
signifikan antara kecemasan membaca di kelas preliminary observations done by
terhadap pemahaman membaca pada siswa kelas
researchers in grade eight students of SMP
delapan SMP Negeri 1 Baubau.
Negeri 1 Baubau, the researcher found that
1.INTRODUCTION students still have an understanding of
English, especially in reading comprehension,
Learning English in this era must be when students have to answer a test from the
more challenging. Some factors can affect the teacher, the result is that the student is a
students’ achievement, such as strategy, student got bad marks. They read a
anxiety, motivation, and many more. Learning paragraph, students do not understand what
strategies are applied by students to improve they are reading and they do not know how
their studies [1]. While anxiety is defined as to pronounce a word. And also the students
a subjective feeling of tension, fear, felt worried when the teachers ask them
nervousness, and worry experienced by a about reading comprehension questions. All
person, resulting in increased activity of the these facts are very likely to make students
autonomic nervous system that accompanies face anxiety in understanding the reading.
these feelings [2] .At a low level, anxiety helps Anxiety serves as a mechanism to protect the
a person prepare to take action to prevent ego because it signals to us that there is
harm or minimize the effects of harm. To danger and if it is not done properly the
some extent, anxiety can lead to increased danger will increase until the ego becomes be
performance and productivity. For example, defeated. Additionally, reading anxiety is a
wanting to get good grades, making students certain type of foreign language anxiety that
study hard, and preparing for exams. This is associated with spoken performance. Based
type of anxiety is facultative anxiety. on the above problems, reading anxiety is
However, if anxiety is very high, it will be very important to solve because it can affect
very worrying. For example, excessive their reading comprehension and the
anxiety when students will read a written researcher intends to conduct a research
foreign language text in front of the class will entitled "Reading Anxiety and Its Effect on
feel nervous and unable to understand the Reading Comprehension in Grade Eight
contents of the text in the reading. This is Students of SMP Negeri 1 Baubau".
known as debilitating anxiety. It can be Based on the foregoing, the research
concluded that anxiety is an unpleasant question was whether there was a significant
emotional state characterized by subjective correlation of reading anxiety towards
feelings such as stress, fear, worry, and is also reading comprehension on grade eight
characterized by an active central nervous students of SMP Negeri 1 Baubau. The
system. anxiety is indicated as one of the purpose of this study was to see if there was a
problems most students experience in significant correlation of reading anxiety
reading, so this is a major highlight because towards reading comprehension on grade
anxiety in reading is also seen when students eight students of SMP Negeri 1 Baubau.
are asked to read foreign language texts, they

1.1 Reading Anxiety emotional adjustments inside the person.
Mild anxiety is a sensation that something is
According to [3] reading anxiety is a specific and warrants special attention.
specific phobia, situational type, toward the Sensory stimulation increases and enables
act of reading. It has been defined as an the man or woman's attention interest to
unpleasant emotional reaction either toward analyze, solve problems, suppose, act, feel,
reading that results when the student’s and defend him or her. Moderate anxiety is
intellectual drives of curiosity, aggression, the disturbing feeling that something is truly
and independence become associated wrong; the man or woman will become
singularly or in combination with significant frightened or agitated. Because the character
other disapproval and the reading process. progresses to severe tension and panic, extra
Significant other is defined as a person or primitive survival abilities take over,
persons who have a significant emotional protecting responses turn up, and cognitive
influence over the student‟s behavior or skills lower considerably.
belief system. 1) Mild anxiety includes: (a) wide
According to [4] there are three perceptual subject, (b) elevated
reading anxiety categories which are: motivation, (c) powerful trouble fixing,
1) Top-Down Reading Anxiety (d) ability, and (d) Irritability.
The majority of students are highly 2) Slight anxiety consists of (a) The
anxious most especially when they: (a) perceptual subject narrowed to on the
cannot recognize minor ideas (details) of spot assignment, (b) Selectively
the text, (b) cannot get the gist of the attentive, (c) cannot join thoughts or
text, and (c) cannot spot the main idea of events independently, and (d) improved
a certain paragraph. These are findings use of automatisms.
mean that the students' high reading 3) Severe anxiety includes: (a) Perceptual
anxiety is caused by the lack of field reduced to one detail or scattered
understanding and synthesizing details info, (b) cannot whole duties, (c) can't
and main ideas of the text. solve troubles or research efficiently, (d)
2) Bottom-Up Reading Anxiety conduct geared in the direction of
In bottom-up reading, students on anxiety alleviation and is typically
average are highly anxious when they: useless, (e) Does now not reply to
(a) cannot figure out the meaning of a redirection, feels awe, dread, or horror,
word that they feel they have seen (f) Cries, and (g) Ritualistic conduct.
before, (b) encounter a lot of words 4) Panic consists of (a) Perceptual field
whose meanings are unclear, and (c) find decreased to recognition on self, (b)
it difficult to pronounce unknown words. cannot technique any environmental
At this juncture, vocabulary is the issue. stimuli, (c) Distorted perceptions, (d)
Together with details, knowledge of loss of rational thought, (e) Does no
word meanings is a basic necessity in longer understand the potential risk, (f)
reading comprehension. can't talk verbally, (g) viable delusions
3) Classroom Reading Anxiety and hallucination, and (g) may be
As to classroom reading, students suicidal.
disclosed that they are highly anxious
when the teacher corrects their 1.3 Reading Comprehension
pronunciation or translation mistakes. The process of understanding, the text
Clearly, for them, correcting mistakes is is a called reading comprehension. Reading is
the most anxiety-inducing situation not a simple process, not only opening the
inside the classroom. book, reading the book, and then closing the
book, but also the reader must understand
1.2 Level of Anxiety what the author is talking. [6] say that
Consistent with [5], tension has four reading comprehension is a multi-
degrees: mild, moderate, severe, and panic. component, highly complex process that
Each degree reasons both physiologic and
involves much interaction between readers connections based on experiences (from
and what they bring to the text as well as background knowledge and life). If we
variables related to the text itself. In other went to the Guggenheim Museum of
terms, the reader and the author combine Modern Art and looked at an abstract
into one mind, and the ideas are passed on painting, we could similarly list the
from one individual to the next. At least two shapes, colors, and medium observed in
individuals are involved in reading abstract painting the text content.
comprehension: the reader and the authors. However, our interpretations would
The reader uses his or her context differ. The work would evoke personal
information to create the writer's messages emotions, memories, and associations;
after decoding the writer's sentences. such variations are accepted and
According to [7] the letters of FIVES respected.
represent a competency or skill for 5) S is for a summary. In a summary, the
understanding concepts, the message, and reader rephrases the gist of the text with
vocabulary in the text. They also represent a modicum of inference or none at all.
making personal connections with Readers reveal the accuracy, extent, and
background knowledge and experiences as depth of their comprehension, ability to
well as elaborating and expanding to discern main ideas and significant
construct personal meaning and express it details, and degree of clarity in
succinctly and accurately. expressing what they have gleaned from
1) F stands for facts. Before readers can the text. Effective summaries involve
move to higher levels of thinking on much more than merely lifting details
Bloom’s revised taxonomy, they need to from the text.
initially acquire facts to work with as
grist for engaging in deeper levels of 1.4 Level of Reading Comprehension
meaning-making. The Fact level is There are three elements in reading
expressed as a verb (remembering) comprehension, amongst others:
rather than as a noun (knowledge) in the 1) The reader who is doing the
revised taxonomy the revisions comprehending
appreciate that each level involves a To realize, the reader has a wide variety
cognitive process performed from of capacities and skills. these include
recalling facts to higher levels of cognitive capacities (e.g., interest,
thinking. memory, essential analytic potential,
2) I represent inference. Readers read 1nferencing, visualization ability),
between the lines, adding what’s in the motivation (a purpose for studying, an
text content (tc) to what’s in their mind interest in the content being study, self-
(background knowledge [bk] and efficacy as a reader), and numerous
experience [e] to construct an inference. varieties of understanding (vocabulary,
3) V is for vocabulary. “Words are domain and topic know-how, linguistic
important; they have power”. Authors and discourse information, expertise of
use precise words to clarify their precise comprehension).
message, lessening the potential for 2) The textual content this is to be
misunderstanding. Some words may be comprehended
new or unfamiliar in the context in which The functions of the text have a massive
they are found. It is incumbent on the impact on comprehension.
reader to fully understand words, Comprehension does no longer arise
terminology, and expressions as used in through certainly extracting meaning
the context of the text read. Students from text. all through reading, the reader
who have limited vocabularies struggle constructs a one-of-a-kind
to understand grade-level text, representation of the text that is crucial
particularly informational selections. for comprehension.
4) E stands for experience. Readers 3) The activity wherein comprehension is a
elaborate, expand, evaluate, and make component.
A studying hobby entails one or more consisting of 53 students from the total
purposes, a few operations to manner the text population of this research was 342 students
to hand, and the effects of acting the interest, in the eighth grade of SMP Negeri 1 Baubau.
all of which occur in some unique context. 2.2 Technique of Data Collection
The preliminary reason for the interest can The instruments used in this research
change because the reader reads. Processing were questionnaire and test. The
the textual content entails decoding the text, questionnaire of reading anxiety was adopted
higher-degree linguistic and semantic from [4]. The test was multiple choices that
processing, and self-monitoring for consisted of 30 items. Questionnaire
comprehension. These three sizes (reader, informed to participants in the classroom.
textual content, pastime) defines a Before giving questionnaire to students, first
phenomenon that takes place inside a larger the researcher explained how to answer the
sociocultural context that shapes and is questionnaire and explain for what the
fashioned with the aid of the reader and that questionnaire about. 90 minutes after
interacts with each of the three factors. applying the questionnaire, the researcher
gave the test to students to determine
1.5 Narrative Text whether the reading anxiety had an effect on
There are two main categories of texts, the students' reading comprehension.
literary and factual. Within these, there are
various text types. Each type has a common 2.3 Procedures of Data Collection
and usual way of using language. In this The researcher informed the English
paper, the writer will only discuss one of the teacher of SMP Negeri 1 Baubau that the
texts that are being used for this research, researcher conducted a research by given
which is narrative text. A narrative is a text questionnaires to students. With various
that tells a story and, in doing so, entertains conditions from the school, the data
the audience. Besides that, narrative purpose collection was held online via Google Meet,
is mainly to inform often contains large WhatsApp and Google Form. The researcher
passage arranging the events in a story made a WhatsApp group that consisted of the
strictly in chronological order. Narrative can researcher, the English teacher and 53 eighth
be imaginary or factual (fairy tales, mysteries, grade students from different eleven classes.
fables, romances and adventure stories, Before the researcher distributed the
myths and legends). [8] describe many questionnaires, the researcher held online
different types of narrative; namely humor, meeting via Google Meet on purpose to
romance, crime, real-life fiction, historical introduce themselves and describe their
fiction, mystery, fantasy, science fiction, diary intent to 53 eighth grade students. After that,
novel, and adventure. Narrative text is a story researcher explained how to fill the
occurred in past time which it is social questionnaire as clear as possible and then
function is to entertain the readers. It is given time to students to ask a question if
written with certain characteristics and its there is something that they cannot
language features. understand. After ended the online meeting,
the researcher share the Google form links to
2. METHOD OF THE RESEARCH all students via WhatsApp group. The google
2.1 Design of The Research form link for the reading anxiety
This research used a quantitative questionnaire is
research approach with applying the ex post oNWwaZWREA and the google form link for
facto method. This research used two the reading comprehension test is
different variables, they were independent -hNd2aHfo7. The
and dependent variable. For this study, the researcher gave 90 minutes to students to fill
independent variable was the reading anxiety the questionnaire.
and the dependent variable was the reading
comprehension of the students. The research 2.4 Technique of Data Analysis
used simple random sampling. The In analyzing the data, the researchers
population of the research randomly selected applied descriptive statistics and inferential
statistics. Descriptive statistics was aimed to From the table above, it can be
indicate general tendency (mean, mode, and explained that mean score was 2.71, median
median) the spread of scores (variable was 2.60, mode was 2.60, variance is 0.12,
standard, deviation, and range) of the test standard deviation was 0.35, minimum score
result while inferential statistics was used for was 1.90 and maximum score was 3.60.
testing the hypothesis. In descriptive statistic, The frequency of each category of
the researcher described the state of the data students’ reading anxiety was display on the
as it is through parameters such as mean, following table:
median, mode, frequency distribution and Table 2. Criteria of Students’ Reading
other statistical measures. [9] states that Anxiety
descriptive statistic is required to indicate Mean
general tendency (mean, mode, and median) No Criteria Freq %
the spread of scores (variable standard,
Very Low
deviation, and range). The test in this 1 1.00 - 1.74 0 0
research used multiples choice test, and the
scoring criteria is as follows: 2 1.75 - 2.49 9 17
a. If the answer wrong, it score 0
b. If the answer obtained by using the raw High
3 2.50 - 3.24 39 73.7
scores which are than converted to the Anxiety
final score using scale of 100 using the Very High
4 3.25 - 4.00 5 9.3
following formula: Anxiety
c. Final Score= Raw Score X 100 Total 53 100
Ideal Maximum Score
Based on the table above, it can be
3. RESULT AND DISCUSSION described that there were 0 students or 0%
3.1 Results was in very low anxiety category, 9 students
3.1.1 Descriptive Statistics or 17% were in moderate anxiety category,
a. Students’ Reading Anxiety 39 students or 73.7% is in high anxiety
The students’ reading anxiety used category, 5 students or 9.3% is in very high
score was obtained from the reading anxiety anxiety category. Based on the table above, it
questionnaire for eight grade at SMP Negeri 1 can was concluded that the students’ reading
Baubau. The questionnaire was distributed anxiety was high anxiety.
to 53 students to find out their b. Students’ Reading Comprehension
perceptions about reading anxiety. The The students’ reading comprehension
questionnaire consist of 23 items statements. score was obtained from the reading
The result of the statistical analysis for comprehension test for eight grade at SMP
students’ reading anxiety was presented in Negeri 1 Baubau. The t e s t was distributed
the following table: to 53 students to find out their
Tabel 1. Descriptive Statistics of Reading perceptions about reading anxiety. The test
Anxiety consist of 30 items numbers. The result of the
statistical analysis for students’ reading
No Items Score
comprehension was presented in the
1 Mean 2.71 following table:
Tabel 3. Descriptive Statistics of Reading
2 Median 2.60 Comprehension
3 Mode 2.60
No Items Score
4 Variance 0.12
5 Std. Deviation 0.35 1 Mean 40
6 Minimum 1.90 2 Median 40
7 Maximum 3.60 3 Mode 30
4 Variance 184
5 Std. Deviation 13.60 Table 5. Correlations of reading anxiety
towards reading comprehension
6 Minimum 10
7 Maximum 70
Of the table above, it can be
explained that mean score was 40, median 1 -0.037
was 40, mode was 30, variance is 184, Anxiety
standard deviation was 13.60, minimum Sig.(2-
score was 10 and maximum score was 70. tailed)
The frequency of each category of Pearson
-0.037 1
students’ reading comprehension was display Compre Correlation
on the following table: hension Sig.(2-
Table 4. Criteria of Students’ Reading tailed)
Mean Based on the table, the correlations
No Criteria Freq %
Range of reading anxiety towards reading
1 Very Good 86 – 100 0 0 comprehension of -0.037 with a Sig level. (2-
tailed) 0.794. The rejection limit for H1 is if
2 Good 71 – 85 0 0 Sig > 0.05; based on these data is 0.794 > 0.05
3 Moderate 56 – 70 10 18.1 this means that H1 was rejected and H0 was
accepted, this indicates that the partial index
4 Poor ≤ 55 43 81.1
r is -0.037 with the sig.(2-tailed) 0.794. Based
Total 53 100 on score interpretation criteria in chapter
previous, the r score implies that the
Based on the table above, it can be correlation of reading anxiety towards
described that there were 0 students or 0% reading comprehension was in positive and
was in very good category, 0 students or 0% very low correlation category. It can be
were in good category, 10 students or 18.9% concluded that there is not significance
is in moderate category, 43 students or correlation.
81.1% is poor category. Based on the table
above, it can be concluded that the students’ 3.2 Discussion
reading comprehension was poor category. Based on the finding of research, it is
obtained the score distribution of reading
3.1.2 Inferential Statistics anxiety is 2.71 and it accounted for 73.7%. It
The inferential statistics presented was concluded that the students’ reading
the data as the result of hypothesis testing anxiety was high anxiety category. While the
using SPSS version 21.0 by using the analysis score distribution of reading comprehension
of simple correlations Analysis It was used to is 40 and it accounted for 81.1%. It was
prove whether the hypothesis is rejected or concluded that the reading comprehension
accepted. was poor category. Besides, it is obtained the
The results of the Pearson score of correlations between reading anxiety
Correlations for all research samples with a towards reading comprehension is -0.037 this
total sample of 53 respondents. In the table it score indicates that there is a negative and
can be seen that the correlation of reading very low correlation. This means that reading
anxiety towards reading comprehension has anxiety in learning English has contribution
a significant relationship, respectively, with as many 3% towards reading comprehension.
the results of the analysis were following Meanwhile, 97% the rest was influenced by
table: other factor, which is not observed in this
research. Therefore, there is not significant
correlation of reading anxiety towards

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SMP Negeri 1 Baubau, as evidenced by the
correlation coefficient value of 0.037 with a
significant level of 0.798, because the sig.(2-
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accepted and H1 was rejected.

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