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Week 17: Reflection Activity

John Carlos G. Adarayan


1. What is the most important thing you have learned personally in your pathfit1 journey?
Discipline and responsibility are two intertwined things. In order to achieve your goals,
you must be responsible and disciplined. This the most important lesson I realized during my
Pathfit1 journey. To reach the goals regarding my physical wellbeing, I must treat it seriously.
Because disregarding simple practice like proper form and time can lead into negative results.
Having negative results can lower drive and morale to achieve the goals I set. Therefore, for
me, these two concepts can have a great impact on any activity you set yourself in, not only in
pathfit1 or any physical activities but life in general.
2. What part of the course/activity/outcome do you particularly like? Dislike? Why?
There are many things to like in pathfit1. One of the most enjoyable things in this subject
is the incorporation of music with the physical exercises. As someone who loves music and
enjoys some physical tests, I personally enjoyed the activities. In contrast, however, the conduct
of physical exercises online did not leave a positive effect on me. Not that it was not enjoyable;
it simply lacked the required motivation and vibe to pass as a fun activity. There are also the
problem with the internet connections and missing team members.
3. What moments are you most proud of your efforts/involvement?
Again, there are countless memorable experiences in my pathfit1 journey. However, one
of the most unforgettable is the first activity where my group got the full marks. I thoroughly
enjoyed helping with the choreography and music. Moreover, the performance itself was
magical, every member of our group did well and exceeded any expectations. Also, add the fact
that we volunteered to be the first group to perform. Simply brave and amazing.
4. How will you use what you have learned in the future?
You can never really unlearn something you learned in pathfit. It is like riding a bike or
swimming. You just do it or recall it from active memory. As such, these lessons and exercises
and learned can be applied in future pathfit related subject. The discipline instilled in me can
help me accomplish future endeavors not only in pathfit1 but also in any goals, I want to set for
5. How did you incorporate Benedictine core values throughout your PATHFIT-1 journey?
Integrating Benedictine principles into the fabric of PATHFIT-1 can create an
environment where participants not only learn the technical aspects but also develop into well-
rounded individuals who understand the importance of community, inclusivity, responsible
stewardship, and respect for all. Applying the hallmark community emphasizes the importance
of collective growth and achievement. Hospitality ensure that everyone feels valued and
respected, fostering an environment where individuals feel comfortable expressing themselves.

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