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Shepal Mallaali

Västerås Karlavagnsgatan 4

Written on Feb 14th, 2024

Subject: Application for Summer Job at Hitachi Energy

I am writing to express my interest in the summer job opportunity at Hitachi Energy, as

advertised by my school. My name is Shepal Mallaali, and I am currently a student at Hitachi
High School. The prospect of working with Hitachi Energy excites me, and I am eager to
contribute to your team's objectives.

Throughout my previous work experiences, I have demonstrated a strong commitment to my

responsibilities. I prioritize punctuality, accuracy, adaptability, and effective communication in
all tasks I undertake. Whether it's being on time for work, completing tasks diligently, or
collaborating efficiently within a team, I consistently strive for excellence.

My suitability for this role stems from my extensive experience in the workforce, which began at
a young age. From the age of 13, I have been employed at Svensk Direktreklam, where I have
delivered advertisements and newspapers every weekend. Additionally, I have gained valuable
skills and insights from my roles at companies like Coop-Xtra and Youth Entrepreneur. These
experiences have equipped me with a solid foundation in the workings of professional

I am accustomed to the demands of the working world, and my supervisors have consistently
commended my dedication and proficiency. For instance, during my internship at Coop-Xtra, my
manager praised my exceptional work ethic and seriousness. Furthermore, my current
supervisor acknowledges my adeptness and efficiency in executing tasks.

I am excited about the opportunity to contribute to Hitachi Energy and further develop my skills
in a dynamic and innovative environment. Thank you for considering my application. I look
forward to the possibility of discussing how I can contribute to your team.

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