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Weekly Tables Volume 10

✗ Betrayal

✗ children and families

✗ Funny incidents

✗ relationships

✗ Night events

✗ underground bunkers

Rodrigo Martins de Araújo Fernandes

Weekly Tables Volume 10
Betrayal (d66) 21- Resource Hoarding: A survivor selfishly
hoards resources, causing resentment among
the group.

22- False Radio Transmission: The group

receives a deceptive radio message, leading to
a dangerous situation.

23- Kidnapping Plot: An outsider attempts to

kidnap a group member, leading to a

24- Infiltration by Spies: The group

unknowingly harbors spies from a rival
faction, risking exposure.

25- Dual Allegiances: A character's loyalties are

divided between the group and an outside

11- Sudden Disappearance: A group member 26- Distrustful Leader: The group leader's
vanishes without a trace, leaving others hidden agendas and mistrust sow division
worried about their fate. and conflict.

12- Secret Communication: A survivor is 31- Stolen Medications: Vital medications

secretly communicating with a rival group, disappear, endangering the health of the
casting doubt on their loyalty. group members.

13- Stolen Supplies: Essential supplies go 32- Vengeful Act: A member seeks revenge
missing, creating suspicion and accusations against another, potentially jeopardizing
within the group. group cohesion.

14- Inside Information: A member betrays the 33- Hidden Agendas: Several survivors harbor
group's secrets to an outside faction, putting secret agendas, complicating decision-making.
everyone at risk.
34- Sabotage of Defense: A traitor sabotages
15- Betrayal for a Loved One: A character the group's defenses, leaving them vulnerable.
betrays the group to protect or reunite with a
loved one, creating a moral dilemma. 35- Abandoned at a Critical Moment: A group
member abandons the others during a critical
16- Sabotaged Escape Plan: An escape plan is situation.
compromised due to betrayal, putting the group
in jeopardy. 36- Traitor's Ultimatum: A member demands
loyalty or threatens to reveal damaging
information about the group.

Rodrigo Martins de Araújo Fernandes

Weekly Tables Volume 10
52- Failed Diplomacy: An attempt to negotiate
with an outside faction results in betrayal,
jeopardizing trust.

53- Stolen Secrets: Critical group secrets are

stolen and used against them by an outsider.

54- Traitor's Redemption: A former traitor

returns, seeking forgiveness and offering
valuable information.

55- Hidden Double Agent: A member is

revealed to be a double agent, leading to a
crisis of trust.

56- Ultimatum from a Rival Group: The group

receives an ultimatum from a rival faction,
demanding loyalty or retribution.
41- Betrayal for Personal Gain: A character
abandons the group for personal gain, leaving 61- Sabotaged Communication: An insider
them in a precarious situation. sabotages the group's communication
equipment, isolating them.
42- Family Betrayal: A family member betrays
the group due to a personal conflict, causing 62- Mistaken Identity Betrayal: A case of
emotional turmoil. mistaken identity leads to the betrayal of a
group member.
43- Misguided Altruism: A member leaves the
group, thinking they can help others more 63- Desperation Betrayal: A character
effectively elsewhere. abandons the group out of desperation,
feeling they have no other choice.
44- Love Triangle Betrayal: A love triangle
within the group leads to betrayal and 64- Influence of a Dark Mentor: A member
heartache. falls under the influence of a malevolent
mentor, leading to betrayal.
45- Desertion in Face of Danger: A survivor
deserts the group when facing a dangerous 65- Betrayal by a Close Friend: A close friend
threat, leaving them vulnerable. unexpectedly betrays the group, causing
emotional turmoil.
46- Cult Influence: A character is seduced by a
charismatic cult leader, leading to their 66- Sacrificial Betrayal: A character betrays the
abandonment of the group. group in a misguided attempt to protect them
from a perceived threat.
51- Revenge Plot: A character seeks revenge
against another group member, potentially
endangering the group's unity.

Rodrigo Martins de Araújo Fernandes

Weekly Tables Volume 10
21- Missing Parents: Find children who are
children and families (D66) searching for their missing parents.

22- Babysitter: Encounter a teenager or adult

who is taking care of several children, trying to
protect them.

23- Family of Wanderers: Meet a nomadic

family that constantly moves in search of

24- Hidden Orphanage: Discover a place that

serves as a secret orphanage for orphaned

25- Child Prodigy: Encounter a child who is

surprisingly talented at dealing with threats.

26- Zombie Parents: Find children who are

taking care of parents who have turned into
11- Lost Child: Encounter a lost child who is
alone and frightened.
31- Separated Family: Meet members of a
family who were separated during the
12- Protective Sibling: Meet an older teenager
apocalypse and are now trying to reunite.
who is protecting their younger siblings and
seeking a safe place.
32- Desperate Parents: Encounter desperate
parents who will do anything to ensure the
13- Orphaned Siblings: Find a group of
safety of their children.
siblings who have lost their parents and now
depend on each other.
33- Rescue Mission: Receive a request for help
to rescue a family in danger.
14- Mysterious Family: Come across a family
that seems strangely unscathed and well-
34- Sibling Rivalry: Meet siblings who are
equipped to survive.
constantly competing with each other, even in
dangerous situations.
15- Survivor Family: Encounter a family that has
adapted well to post-apocalyptic life and has
35- Newborn Baby: Find a baby born in the
valuable skills.
post-apocalyptic world, creating unique
challenges for the family.
16- Reluctant Parents: Meet reluctant parents
who are doing their best to protect their
36- Guardian Angels: Encounter a group of
orphaned children who believe they have
guardian angels protecting them.

Rodrigo Martins de Araújo Fernandes

Weekly Tables Volume 10
46- Generational Conflict: Witness a heated
argument between different generations
within a family, highlighting the challenges of
adapting to the new world.

51- Rescue by Kids: Be rescued by a resourceful

group of children who have formed their own
small community and display surprising survival

52- Child's Imaginary Friend: Interact with a

child who has created an imaginary friend to
cope with the post-apocalyptic world, resulting
in intriguing and heartwarming conversations.

53- Guardian Pet: Meet a family that relies on a

loyal and highly trained pet (like a dog) to
41- Separated Grandparents: Meet a pair of protect them and sense impending danger.
elderly survivors who were separated from
their children and grandchildren during the 54- Family Art Gallery: Discover a hidden
apocalypse and are desperately searching for space where a family has created an art gallery
them. featuring drawings and paintings made by
their children, depicting a mix of hope and
42- Mysterious Diary: Discover a diary or despair.
journal that contains the heartfelt stories and
struggles of a family trying to survive, offering 55- Surprise Birthday Party: Stumble upon a
insights into their lives. makeshift surprise birthday party organized
by a family, complete with improvised
43- Homemade Family Shrine: Stumble upon a decorations and laughter.
makeshift shrine created by a family to
remember their lost loved ones, with candles 56- Candy Trading with Kids: Engage in a
and personal mementos. comical exchange of valuable supplies with
children who have secretly amassed a stash of
44- Family Time Capsule: Find a hidden time candy in the post-apocalyptic world.
capsule created by a family before the
apocalypse, containing cherished memories 61- Child's Sanctuary: Encounter a child who
and items from the past. has built a secret hideaway filled with personal
treasures and mementos, offering a glimpse
45- Comic Book-Reading Family: Encounter a into their coping mechanisms.
family of survivors who bond over reading and
sharing comic books, bringing a touch of 62- Storytelling Around a Campfire: Join a
nostalgia and humor to their lives. family as they share stories around a campfire,
using tales of the past to provide comfort and

Rodrigo Martins de Araújo Fernandes

Weekly Tables Volume 10

63- Sibling Prank War: Witness an ongoing

prank war between siblings within a family,
leading to unexpected moments of humor.

64- Guardians of a Playground: Meet a family

that has turned a playground into a fortified
base, demonstrating their commitment to
protecting their children.

65- Puppet Show by Kids: Enjoy a charming

puppet show performed by children using
handmade puppets, bringing entertainment
and laughter to the survivors.

66- Old Family Movie Night: Join a family for a

heartwarming movie night featuring old family
videos, offering a nostalgic escape from the
post-apocalyptic reality.

Rodrigo Martins de Araújo Fernandes

Weekly Tables Volume 10
16- Radio Miscommunication: A comical
Funny incidents (D66) misunderstanding occurs during a clumsy
attempt at radio communication with other
survivor groups.

21- Zombie Trapped in an Unusual Location: A

zombie gets stuck in an unexpected location,
like a narrow doorway, creating comical
situations as survivors try to pass by.

22- Supplies Stolen by an Animal: An animal,

like a raccoon, steals valuable supplies from the
characters, leading to a humorous chase.

23- Misunderstanding with Hand Signals: A

misunderstanding with hand signals between
characters results in confused and comical

24- Encounter with a "Celebrity" Zombie: The

11- Encounter with a Zombie Dressed as a characters come across a zombie that
Mannequin: The characters mistake a zombie resembles a celebrity, leading to amusing
dressed in mannequin clothes for a real recognition moments.
person, leading to hilarious situations.
25- Constant Stumbling and Falls: A character
12- Accidental Discharge of a Firearm: A or several characters continually trip and fall
character accidentally fires a weapon, causing during a tense situation.
valuable items to fall or attracting zombie
attention, creating chaos. 26- Innocent Prank by One of the Survivors:
One of the survivors decides to play an
13- Slow-Motion Zombie Chase: The characters innocent prank on the group, creating a
find themselves in a situation where they need lighthearted and amusing moment.
to flee from zombies, but the scene unfolds in
slow motion, exaggerating the tension 31- Zombie Yoga Class: Encountering a group
comically. of zombies seemingly practicing yoga,
complete with awkward poses.
14- Disagreement Over Canned Food: A
comical argument ensues when survivors 32- Dance-Off with a Zombie: A character
debate ownership of a rare canned food item. engages in an impromptu dance-off with a
zombie, leading to an unexpected and funny
15- Attack by Zombie Birds: The characters showdown.
face off against zombie birds, leading to
chaotic and comical moments.

Rodrigo Martins de Araújo Fernandes

Weekly Tables Volume 10
42- Misplaced Zombie Props: Discovering a
stash of fake zombie props that survivors
mistook for real zombies, leading to a comical

43- Laughter in a Serious Situation: In the

midst of a dire situation, a character's
uncontrollable laughter becomes infectious,
leading to a lighthearted moment.

44- Dress-Up with Zombie Wardrobe: The

survivors stumble upon a collection of zombie
clothing and decide to have a comical dress-up

45- Zombie Photographer: Encountering a

zombie with a camera, as if it were trying to
33- Zombie Mime Performance: Coming across take pictures, creating a humorous and bizarre
a zombie that appears to be miming an scene.
invisible box or wall, leading to chuckles and
confusion. 46- The Impersonating Zombie: A survivor
decides to impersonate a zombie as a prank,
34- Impersonating a Zombie: A character tries accidentally fooling other characters, leading
to blend in with a group of zombies by to comical confusion.
mimicking their movements, resulting in a
comical masquerade. 51- Zombie Dance Party: Stumbling upon a
group of zombies that appear to be dancing in
35- Zombie Karaoke Night: Stumbling upon a a peculiar and amusing manner, as if it were a
group of zombies making eerie attempts at dance party.
singing in a manner that's both amusing and
unsettling. 52- Surreal Zombie Choir: Encountering a
group of zombies that seem to be forming a
36- Zombie Family Reunion: Discovering a choir and producing bizarre, ghostly sounds,
collection of zombies that resemble a typical creating an eerie yet comical scene.
family, complete with amusing resemblances
and interactions. 53- Pie in the Face Prank: One of the
survivors plays a classic pie-in-the-face prank
41- Zombie Stand-Up Comedy: Encountering a on another character during a tense moment,
zombie that appears to be performing stand- providing unexpected comic relief.
up comedy with groans and gestures, creating
an amusing and surreal moment. 54- Zombie in a Clown Wig: Encountering a
zombie wearing a clown wig and makeup,
creating an eerie yet strangely funny sight.

Rodrigo Martins de Araújo Fernandes

Weekly Tables Volume 10
65- Infectious Laughter Epidemic: A
character's infectious laughter spreads among
the group, resulting in everyone laughing
uncontrollably in the midst of a dire situation.

66- Zombie Clown Car: Coming across a

zombie horde that appears to be emerging
from an abandoned vehicle, as if they were a
comically endless stream of zombies.

55- Zombie Dance-Off Competition:

Witnessing a humorous dance-off competition
between two zombies, as characters watch in

56- Zombie Hoarder: Discovering a zombie that

seems to be "hoarding" random items, creating
a bizarre and amusing encounter.

61- Zombie Pantomime: Encountering a zombie

mimicking pantomime in an exaggerated and
amusing way.

62- Zombie Karaoke Duet: Coming across two

zombies that appear to be singing a bizarre
and off-key duet, creating an eerie and funny

63- Zombie Flash Mob: Witnessing a group of

zombies unexpectedly forming a "flash mob"
dance, providing a surreal yet entertaining

64- Zombie Tour Guide: Encountering a

zombie that seems to be giving a comical "tour"
of its surroundings, as if it were a guide for
other zombies.

Rodrigo Martins de Araújo Fernandes

Weekly Tables Volume 10
21- Mutual Respect: Two characters share a
relationships (D66) deep mutual respect for each other, and their
partnership is a source of stability.

22- Rival Leaders: Two characters both aspire

to lead the group, creating a power struggle
within the survivors.

23- Mentor and Apprentice: One character is

mentoring another, teaching valuable skills
and knowledge.

24- Reunited Estranged Relatives: Two

survivors have recently reunited after years of
estrangement, and their relationship is

25- Grudging Allies: Two characters are forced

to work together despite their mutual dislike,
creating frequent clashes.
11- Family Conflict: Two family members in the
group are constantly at odds, causing tension 26- Betrayal: A character's betrayal of the
among the survivors. group's trust has created deep-seated tension
and distrust.
12- Sibling Rivalry: Siblings within the group
engage in ongoing competition, sometimes 31- Counselor and Patient: One character has
playfully and sometimes confrontationally. taken on the role of a counselor, providing
emotional support to another who is
13- Romantic Attraction: A romantic attraction struggling.
is developing between two members of the
group, creating complex emotions and 32- Adopted Child: A character has been
dynamics. informally adopted by another member of the
group, forming a new family dynamic.
14- Parental Figure: One character has taken
on the role of a parental figure, providing 33- Former Rivals: Two characters who were
guidance and protection to the others. once rivals have put aside their differences to
survive, but the past still lingers.
15- Old Friends: Two characters are long-time
friends, and their close bond provides comfort 34- Hero-Worship: One survivor greatly
and strength. admires another and often seeks their
approval and guidance.
16- Secret Lovers: Two survivors have been
secretly involved in a romantic relationship,
and their secret is at risk of being exposed.

Rodrigo Martins de Araújo Fernandes

Weekly Tables Volume 10
45- Grief-Stricken: A survivor is struggling to
cope with the loss of a loved one and may
need support from the group.

46- Power Struggle: Two characters vie for

control and influence within the group, leading
to internal conflict.

51- Survivor's Secrets: A character holds a dark

secret from the past that, if revealed, could
change how others see them.

52- Resource Hoarder: One survivor is

hoarding valuable resources, creating tension
in the group.

53- Guardian and Ward: One character takes

35- Unrequited Love: One character has on the role of guardian for another who is
strong romantic feelings for another who does vulnerable or incapacitated.
not reciprocate, creating emotional turmoil.
54- Desperate Alliances: Two characters form
36- Polar Opposites: Two survivors are polar an alliance out of desperation, despite their
opposites in terms of personality and outlook, differences.
leading to both conflict and balance in the
group. 55- Mourning a Shared Loss: Two survivors
are bonded by their shared grief over a mutual
41- Survivor's Guilt: One character is loss.
burdened by overwhelming guilt for not being
able to save loved ones. 56- Youthful Optimism: A younger member of
the group brings a sense of hope and
42- Conflicted Loyalties: A character must optimism to the survivors.
balance loyalty to the group with a personal
connection to an outsider. 61- Senior Wisdom: An older character
possesses valuable life experience and
43- Mutual Dependence: Two characters rely wisdom that benefits the group.
heavily on each other for support and
protection in the post-apocalyptic world. 62- Racial or Cultural Differences: Differences
in race or culture create tension and
44- Nurturing Figure: A character takes on the misunderstanding within the group.
role of nurturing and caring for others,
especially children.

Rodrigo Martins de Araújo Fernandes

Weekly Tables Volume 10

63- Betrayed Trust: A character's trust was

betrayed by another member of the group in
the past.

64- Emotional Coldness: One character is

emotionally distant and struggles to connect
with others.

65- Lost Child: The group is joined by a lost

child who needs protection and care.

66- Religious Differences: Conflicting religious

beliefs within the group create both unity and

Rodrigo Martins de Araújo Fernandes

Weekly Tables Volume 10
21- Mysterious Figure: A mysterious figure
Night events (d66) appears in the night, watching the group from
a distance.

22- Infected Attack: A group of infected

attacks the camp, posing a serious threat.

23- Unstable Shelter: The group's shelter

becomes unstable and could collapse during
the night.

24- Unwelcome Guests: Unfriendly survivors

demand entry into the group's camp, creating a

25- Falling Debris: Debris or objects fall from

above, creating danger during the night.

26- Nighttime Illness: A member falls seriously

ill during the night, requiring immediate
11- Mysterious Noises: Unidentifiable noises fill
the night, raising tension and paranoia among
31- Trespassing Infected: Infected individuals
the group.
wander into the camp during the night, putting
everyone on alert.
12- Stray Animal Encounter: The group
encounters a stray animal, potentially a
32- Vehicle Alarm: A vehicle alarm goes off,
valuable food source or a carrier of disease.
potentially attracting unwanted attention.
13- Sudden Storm: A violent storm sweeps in,
33- Ominous Messages: Mysterious messages
forcing the group to find shelter or risk
or symbols appear around the camp during the
14- Glowing Eyes in the Dark: The group spots
34- Eerie Whispers: Whispers are heard in the
glowing eyes in the darkness, unsure if it's
dark, leading to unease and speculation.
friend or foe.
35- Shifting Shadows: The group sees moving
15- Intruders in the Camp: Outsiders infiltrate
shadows in the night, unsure of the source.
the group's camp, and intentions are unclear.
36- Hostile Encounters: The group encounters
16- Fire Outbreak: A fire breaks out in the
hostile survivors during the night, leading to
night, endangering the group's supplies and

Rodrigo Martins de Araújo Fernandes

Weekly Tables Volume 10
53- Disturbing Dreams: Group members
experience disturbing and vivid dreams during
the night.

54- Wandering Children: Young children are

found wandering alone at night, their origins a

55- Ghostly Apparitions: The group witnesses

ghostly apparitions in the dark, questioning
their sanity.

56- Demonic Encounters: Members

experience encounters with disturbing,
otherworldly entities in the night.

61- Radioactive Threat: The group encounters a

41- Medical Emergency: A medical emergency radioactive hazard during the night, posing a
arises in the middle of the night, requiring danger to health.
immediate action.
62- Secret Meetings: Suspicious secret
42- Raiding Parties: An organized group meetings are observed among some group
attempts to raid the camp during the night. members.

43- Sleepwalking: A group member is found 63- Cursed Objects: The group encounters
sleepwalking, putting themselves in danger. cursed or supernatural objects in the night.

44- Dark Omens: Unusual signs or events in 64- Whispers from the Woods: Whispers and
the night raise fears of impending disaster. voices are heard emanating from the nearby
woods, causing unease.
45- Haunted Location: The group sets camp in
a location with a haunting reputation, leading 65- Distress Calls: Distress calls are heard over
to unsettling experiences. the radio during the night, hinting at nearby
46- Silent Night: The night is eerily silent, with
no sounds or movement, creating an 66- Midnight Pacts: The group members make
atmosphere of dread. midnight pacts or deals, revealing hidden
51- Flash Flood: A flash flood occurs during
the night, forcing the group to escape rising

52- Strange Artifacts: Unusual artifacts or

symbols are discovered near the campsite,
their significance unknown.

Rodrigo Martins de Araújo Fernandes

Weekly Tables Volume 10
underground bunkers (D66) 21- Cryogenic Chambers: The bunker houses
cryogenic chambers with preserved individuals
from the past.

22- Deadly Traps: The group encounters

deadly traps set by a previous occupant to
protect their supplies.

23- Time Capsule: A hidden chamber within

the bunker holds a time capsule with relics
from the pre-apocalyptic world.

24- Dark Experiments: Disturbing evidence of

unethical experiments conducted in the
bunker's past comes to light.

25- Radiation Threat: The bunker is

contaminated with dangerous levels of
radiation, posing a severe health risk.

11- Hidden Supplies: The group discovers a 26- Security Lockdown: The group accidentally
hidden stash of essential supplies within the triggers a security lockdown, leaving them
bunker. trapped or vulnerable.

12- Survivor Refuge: A group of survivors has 31- Diary of a Survivor: A diary or journal from
turned the bunker into their refuge, but they a previous bunker inhabitant reveals their
are wary of newcomers. experiences and thoughts.

13- Cryptic Messages: Cryptic writings on the 32- Hidden Exit: The group discovers a secret
bunker walls hint at a hidden agenda or exit from the bunker that leads to uncharted
message. territory.

14- Emergency Alert: The bunker's emergency 33- Power Failure: The bunker's power source
alert system suddenly activates, warning of is failing, and the group must find a solution
an imminent threat outside. before darkness sets in.

15- Rogue AI: A malfunctioning AI system 34- Apparitions: The group encounters
within the bunker becomes a threat to those ghostly apparitions of past bunker
inside. inhabitants, tormented by their confinement.

16- Infected Intrusion: The bunker is infiltrated 35- Mutagenic Substance: The bunker
by infected individuals, putting everyone at contains a mysterious mutagenic substance
risk. that can alter human biology.

Rodrigo Martins de Araújo Fernandes

Weekly Tables Volume 10
51- Power Struggle: Conflict arises over
control of the bunker's power source and

52- Subterranean Garden: The bunker

contains a hidden garden, providing a source
of fresh food.

53- Stolen Secrets: The bunker holds valuable

secrets or documents that someone is trying
to steal.

54- Infected Hiding: Infected individuals have

found refuge in the bunker, unbeknownst to
the group.

55- Bunker's Legacy: The bunker's history is

tied to a significant event or figure from the
36- Sentient AI: An AI system within the past.
bunker claims to be sentient and seeks to
communicate with the group. 56- Sabotage: Evidence of sabotage within
the bunker raises questions about who can be
41- Hidden Artifacts: The group stumbles upon trusted.
valuable artifacts hidden within the bunker.
61- Innocent Survivor: A lone survivor in the
42- Bunker Politics: The survivors in the bunker is innocent but wrongly accused of a
bunker are divided into factions, each with its crime.
own agenda and leadership.
62- Hidden Medical Lab: The group discovers a
43- Mysterious Experiment: Evidence of a well-equipped medical lab within the bunker.
bizarre experiment conducted in the bunker
comes to light. 63- Elderly Survivor: An elderly survivor in the
bunker possesses valuable knowledge of the
44- Toxic Contamination: The bunker is old world.
contaminated with a toxic substance,
endangering those inside. 64- Collapsed Tunnel: A tunnel within the
bunker has collapsed, blocking access to a
45- Survivor's Paranoia: A survivor in the crucial area.
bunker becomes paranoid and poses a threat
to the group. 65- Bunker Cult: A group of survivors in the
bunker is part of a mysterious and dangerous
46- Hidden Armory: The group discovers a cult.
well-stocked armory within the bunker.
66- Artificial Ecosystem: The bunker houses
an artificial ecosystem with plants and animals.

Rodrigo Martins de Araújo Fernandes


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