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Topic 1 (viết+nói): Viết một phát minh, cho biết phát minh đó là gì? Công
dụng phát minh đó là gì? Mục đích sáng tạo ra phát minh đó?
Many amazing inventions help people around the world, but the one I find most
impressive is the smartphone. It completely changed how we talk to each other and
find information.
A smartphone is like a pocket-sized computer that can do many things. You can use
it to call people, send messages, go online, take pictures, and use different apps, all
in one device! The first smartphone came out in the early 2000s, and since then,
they've gotten even better and become something we use every day. They're so
handy and can do so much, they've changed how we work, connect with others,
and stay up-to-date.
Topic 2 (viết+nói): kể về một ngày đáng nhớ trong cuộc đời của mình.
My most unforgettable (un-pho-gét-tơ-bồ) memory is from the national high
school exam in 2021. It was the year of COVID-19, a scary time when the sickness
(xích-nịch) spread (sì-brét) quickly and many places, including (in-ku-đình)
mine, went into lockdown. This made me worried about the exam, the most
important one in my school life. I felt down and scared because I had studied so
hard for it. I even thought I might not get into my dream university. But my family
and friends kept encouraging (ìn-ko-rò-chình) me, giving me some hope.
Luckily, the exam still happened. I was so relieved (rì-líp) and happy! That's why
the national high school exam is such a special day for me.
Topic 3 (viết+nói): kể về một câu chuyện cổ tích
Vietnamese folktales are amazing! One story I love is "100-section bamboo." Kind
Khoai wants to marry the rich man's daughter. The rich man tricks him, demanding
a bamboo with one hundred sections! Lost, Khoai meets a helpful Buddha. The
Buddha teaches Khoai to trick the rich man with a regular bamboo! Khoai returns
with his "special" bamboo, but the daughter is already married! Clever Khoai uses
a chant, sticking the rich man, his family, and the new husband to the bamboo!
They all beg for forgiveness. In the end, Khoai's hard work and smarts win him the
girl after all!
Topic 4 (nói): nói về một môn thể thao.
Badminton is my go-to sport after a long study session (séc-sần)! It's a fun way to
stay healthy and relieve stress, popular with people of all ages. Unlike soccer,
badminton needs less space and just two players hitting a shuttlecock (sớt-lơ-cọt)
back and forth (phót). It might seem easy, but mastering it takes practice and
keeps you flexible. Plus, badminton skills can help you pick up other racket sports
like table tennis. With all the physical and mental benefits, it's no wonder people
are turning to badminton. Many schools even teach it! I recommend everyone give
it a try - it's a great way to stay active in our busy world.
Topic 5 (nói): Nói các cách để chuẩn bị cho một cuộc phỏng vấn
Third year here! Graduation's (gra-đu-ấy-sần) around the corner, and to keep
moving forward, I need to find a good job. To nail that interview, here's what I'm
1. Dress professionally - gotta look sharp!
2. Be on time - first impressions matter.
3. Research the company - know who they are.
4. Brush up on the job - show you're prepared.
5. Be polite (pò-lai) and friendly - a smile goes a long way.
6. Thank them afterward - good manners (men-nờ) never hurt.
Following these steps will hopefully lead to a successful interview!

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