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The pancreas is located in the back of the abdomen.

It is
Subtopic Anterior
approx 6 inches long. Pancreas

The effects of these hormones are the increase of your heart

rate, which also increases the amount of oxygen you take in, This layer is located in the centre of the gland, it makes Main topic
the increase of blood pressure, it increases your eyesight adrenaline and noradrenaline. These hormones are what Adrenal Medulla
temporarily, and it causes the liver to produce more glucose controls your "fight or flight" responses.
which provides more energy.
from JGA area of nephron (juxtaglomerular
Renin apparatus); converts the blood protein
Angiotensinogen to Angiotensin
C ortisol - This controls the glucose production in the liver
and protein breakdown in the muscles. Kidneys 7
Adrenal glands are 2 layer glands that sit on top of your
Increased reabsorption of water and
kidneys in the deepest part of the abdomen (the retro- Adrenal Angiotensin sodium into the bloodstream (less
Aldosterone - C ontrols blood pressure by the amount of fluid peritoneum).
urine, more blood plasma)
Subtopic that the body holds onto. This affects the heart and blood The C ortex is located on the outer layer and it creates 3
vessels. main hormones which help control the heart, kidneys, GI Adrenal C ortex
tract, bones, genitalia and the immune system.
Stimulates appetite; rises after weight loss
Stomach Ghrelin
Androgens and Estrogens - These are sex-hormones that (hard to stay on diets!) Role in obesity.
control the growth of the reproductive organs (testes &
ovaries) This also effects the development of the male and
female characteristics. Androgens control male growth and as fat accumulates, leptin levels rise &
Estrogen for the female growth. Endocrine cells appetite is supressed; as fat decreases, so
Tissue (Body Leptin
found inside non- does blood leptin, and appetite increases.
Paracrine Cells endocrine system Role in obesity: potential treatment?
organs, often with
local effect only.
Secreted after meals; appetite suppressant.
Small Intestine PYY
Failure of PYY system is a factor in obesity.

Protects embryo by suppressing

Human maternal immune cells; maintains
C horionic corpus luteum during pregnancy;
Estrogen is vital in the development of breast, the
Gonadotropin used in pregnancy tests; may
distribution of fat in the hips, legs, and breasts, and the
have role in tumor formation.
development of reproductive organs.
Placenta & Uterus 5

Makes pelvic ligaments more flexible,

Estrone (E1) -C onsidered a weaker type of estrogen. It is weakens pubic symphysis (centre of
Estrogen Relaxin
the main form of estrogen in menopausal women and is pelvis) for labour; in first trimester,
found in adipose tissues. increases blood flow & cardiac output.

Estradiol (E2) -Dominating estrogenic form in the female. The ovaries (the female gonads, label 4) are located
Produced in the ovaries and adrenal glands. Estradiol is at the ends of the fallopian tubes, on either side of
Types of Estrogen
considered the strongest and most active type of estrogen. ADH, or vasopressin, is a hormone created by the
the uterus (label 5) and they produce hormones hypothalamus and released by the pituitary gland. It mainly
that regulate the female sex organs. Anti-diuretic hormone (ADH) effects the kidneys by increasing permeability of the
Estriol (E3) -A waste product of estradiol and is produced in colecting ducts to encourage water absorption into the blood.
the liver. When it binds to an estrogen receptor it prevents Without ADH water would flow out as urnine.
the effects of estradiol. Thus having both estrogenic and
antiestrogenic properties.
Ovaries C orticotropin is a hormone that has the main function of
controlling stress. It controls the release of the
adrenocorticotropic hormone from the pituitary gland. The
C orticotropin-releasing hormone (C RH) adrenal glands are then stimulated and will release cortisol,
the stress hormone. This hormone also helps the body
counter-act things such as appetite and can help highten
one's attention.

This hormone stimulates the pituitary gland to release two
more hormones: follicle stimulating hormone and luteinising
Progesterone is imperative for the regulation of ovulation The hypothalamus is the link
hormone. The follicle stimulating hormone acts on the
and menstruation. Lack of progesterone can cause women to between the nervous ovaries and the testes to stimulate and maintain their
not have periods. system and the endocrine Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH)
reproductive function. The follicle stimulating hormone and
system. It controls the luteinising hormone both work together to regulate the
internal balance of the amount of hormones the two reproductive parts produce in
men and in women.
Hypothalamus body, which is also known
as homeostasis. The
hypothalamus (label 11) is I wonder what these hormones do. Hmm. Oh wait, I know!
located above the pituitary They stimulate the pituitary gland to release or inhibit growth
hormones into the bloodstream! Yay! Another name for the
gland and below the Growth hormone-releasing hormone (GHRH) growth hormone inhibiting hormone is Somatostatin. the
thalamus. Growth hormone-inhibiting hormone (GHIH) hypothalamus secretes this hormone in order to inhibit the
release of the growth hormone in the pituitary gland. The
This hormone is a androgenic hormone that controls the growth hormone releasing hormone also has some affects
growth and functions of the males reproductive organs. It on sleep, food intake among other things.
causes the development of the male characteristics during
puberty such as facial hair, deepening of the voice and
growth spurts. The hypothalamus and pituitary gland control Oxytocin is secreted by the pituitary gland, controlled by the
the amount of testosterone that the testes produce. hypothalamus. It is most known in women as it is
Testosterone also provides the main stimulus for sperm responsible for contraction of the uterus and lactation.
production. Oxytocin is also present in men, however, helping the
movement of sperm cells and the production of testosterone
in the testes.
Hypogonadism is a condition that ocurs when sex glands
produce little or no Testosterone. Hypogonadism is a
condition that you can be born with or it can develp from an These hormones are responsible for stimulating the
infection or injury. Primary Hypogonadism is when the Prolactin-releasing hormone (PRH) production of the hormone prolactin in the pituitary gland.
human body doesn't have enough sex hormones, the gonads Hypogonadism Prolactin-inhibiting hormone (PIH) Prolactin is shown to have over 300 functions in the human
are reciveing the message to produce hormones but are body and is located in places such as the breasts and uterus.
unable to do so. Some symptoms that occur in males are
loss of body hair, reduced growth of penis and testes, low
sex drive, infertility, and loss of muscle mass.

Endocrine System and Hormones

The Testes ( the male gonads, label 6) are

located behind the penis in a pouch of skin
called the scrotum. The Testes lie outside of the
body but are are still attachted to the body wall The adrenocorticotropic hormone is a polypeptide that
controls the nutrition and growth of the adrenal cortex. The
by a thin cord called the spermatic cord. They Adrenocorticotropic Hormone
hormone also stimulates the production of steroids in the

Testes produce hormones that regulate the male

reproductive organs.
cortex of the adrenal gland

The luteinizing Hormone stimulates ovulation in females and

Luteinizing Hormone the synthesis of androgen in males. It stimulates the testes
in males for production of testosterone

The Human Growth Hormone is a peptide hormone that

Human Growth Hormone stimulates growth and cell reproduction. When things goes
wrong here, it can cause gigantism or dwarfism

TSH promotes the growth of the thyroid gland in the neck

Thyroid Stimulating Hormone
Anterior Pituitary Gland and stimulates it to produce more thyroid hormones.
This hormone is essential to the development during
puberty and the function of the Testes. FHS acts on sertoli
cells in the Testes and promotes sperm production. This FSH have a different role for female and males. It regulates
hormone is regulated by levels of Testosterone and Inhibin. Follicle-Stimulating Hormone growth and development and also puberty. In females, it
The pituitary gland is the main endocrine gland, known as releases estrogen and in males, starts production of sperm
the master gland because it releases hormones that control
Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) other glands and body functions. The pituitary is a pea-sized
Increased Levels of FSH can lead to Kallmann Syndrome
which can cause Testicular Failure. This is a genetic condition gland located in the center of the brain and is composed of 2 Prolactin prepares the breasts for production of milk when a
where the main symptom is a failure to start puberty or to parts, the posterior pituitary, and the anterior pituitary. female is pregnant. After birth, it is now responsible for
complete it. This condition affects the production of promoting milk production as long as the mother keeps
hormones that are responsible for sexual development.
Kallmann Syndrome Pituitary Prolactin
breast-feeding. When the mother stops breat-feeding,
Other common symptoms are infertility and hypothyroidism. dopamine is released sending a signal to the brain saying
People with Kallmann Syndrome also tend to a weak sense that milk is not needed anymore so production of it, stops.
of smell or none at all.

a-MSH is responsible for stimulating melanogenesis which

Alpha Melanocyte-Stimulating Hormone
Decreased levels of FSH can lead to lack of sperm produces the pigmentation of skin and hair.
production which in turn causes infertilty, and can also
caause delayed puberty. FSH can be used to determine
wheather a couple can or can not become pregnant. They
can test both the male and females FSH levels to make sure Oxytocin is responsible for stimulating the contractions
that their sex organs are working properly. during birth and also for lactation when babies suckle on
Oxytocin mother. Oxytocin is also released when someone is
comfortable with someone, and is the feeling people
describe when they fall in love
Posterior Pituitary Gland

Vasopressin is a peptide hormone that stimulates capillary

Vasopressin muscles increasing blood pressure. Vasopressin also reduces
the flow of urine but increases its concentration.

Main topic

Endocrine System Diagram

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