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Student: Enrolment:
Karla Vianey Escobar Santos AL02815361

Course: Ingles Avanzado lll Teacher: María Lucía Garzón Arce

Module: 3 Practices: Evidence 3
Date: 07/05/2023

1. Individually, make a video recording about the importance of going

global, whether it is with technology, working with communities, using
technologies, etc.


2. Write a 2 page essay of what going global means to you.

 What are the main concern for a person who want to be global?
 What can you do to be in touch with the global community?
 Which are the main values of a global person?
 What kind of attitudes or ideologies go against being global?
 Why do we need to be global both in business and in our daily

Being global is a concept that goes beyond the mere idea of being connected
with people and communities in different parts of the world. For me, being
global means taking a broader perspective and being aware of the cultural
complexities and diversities that exist in the world, and being committed to
making a positive contribution globally.

The main concern for a person who wants to be global is the ability to
understand and respect the cultural and linguistic differences that exist around
the world. It is important to bear in mind that not all communities are governed
by the same values and practices, and that what works in one cultural context
may not be appropriate or effective in another.

To be in touch with the global community, different tools and resources can be
used. For example, online platforms can be used to connect with people from
different parts of the world, attend international events and participate in
projects that have a global reach.

The main values of a global person include openness, curiosity, empathy and
respect for cultural diversity. It is important to be open-minded and willing to
learn and explore new cultures and perspectives. It is also important to be
sensitive to the needs and concerns of global communities and committed to
making a positive contribution at the global level.

On the other hand, there are attitudes and ideologies that go against the idea of
being global. For example, extreme nationalism and the exclusion of those who
are considered "different" can undermine the idea of an inclusive and diverse
global community. It is also important to take into account the impact of our
actions and decisions at a global level and work to minimize any negative

In today’s world, globalization is an undeniable fact. Global connectivity has

transformed the way we interact with the world and has created new
opportunities and challenges for businesses, professionals and communities.
Being global is important both in business and in our daily lives, as it allows us
to connect with people and cultures around the world, learn from them and work
together to solve problems and face global challenges.

In conclusion, being global means taking a broad and conscious view of cultural
differences and being committed to making a positive contribution at the global
level. To do this, it is important to have an open mind and be willing to learn and
explore new cultures and perspectives, and work together to address global
3. Make a slideshow with the key information and images. Record a 5-
minute video exposing your ideas, pros and cons of going global, and
example of the actions that people can do to become global.


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