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St. Anthony of Padua Parish Music Ministry Singalong, Manila

January 23, 2024

Rev. Fr. Victor Apacible

Parish Priest
St. Anthony of Padua Parish
Singalong, Manila

Dear Fr. Apacible,

Greetings in St. Anthony!

I trust this letter finds you in good health and high spirits. I am writing to bring to your attention the need
for financial assistance to address maintenance issues with the pianos in our parish, specifically the piano
in the choir loft and the piano in the music room.

The piano in the choir loft has been experiencing malfunctions in its sustain pedal, power button, and
volume button. These issues significantly impact the quality of the music during our liturgical
celebrations. To ensure that the piano continues to serve its purpose effectively, it has been recommended
by our group of pianists that a YAMAHA technician visit the parish for necessary repairs.

Similarly, the piano in the music room is facing challenges with its volume control. This issue affects the
music practices and lessons that take place in the music room. To address these concerns, it is imperative
that both pianos receive the required attention from a professional technician.

Considering the importance of music in our worship services and parish activities, I kindly request
financial assistance to cover the costs associated with the maintenance and repair of these pianos. The
estimated expenses for the technician's visit and necessary repairs are P1,000 for the initial check-up fee
and the total is after the assessment of the equipment. Additionally, we also request this maintenance
to be an annual activity to ensure that the music equipment is always in its best condition.

Your support in this matter will contribute to the continued enhancement of our ministry and the overall
spiritual experience of our parishioners. I am confident that with your guidance and support, we can
ensure the proper functioning of these essential musical instruments.

Thank you for considering this request, and I look forward to discussing this matter further at your
earliest convenience.

John Arzil E. Manabat

Music Ministry Head

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