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Date and Time: Score:

Fire Safety Checklist
Work Sheets # 8

If a fire starts in your home, you could have as little as two minutes to
escape. Fortunately, there is a lot you can do to reduce the chances of a fire
starting. Take this checklist home and check off each item as you check or observe
Keep items that could catch on fire at least three feet from space heaters, fireplaces,
If anyone in your family smokes, remind them that it is dangerous to smoke in bed.
Do not leave lit candles unattended.
Do not leave cooking food unattended.
Turn portable heaters off when you leave the house or go to sleep.
Install smoke alarms in every level of your home.
Keep pets off of cooking surfaces.
If a fire does start in your house, your chances of getting out of it are best if your family is
When was the last time your family?
Changed the batteries in your smoke detectors? Batteries should be changed every six

Created a family fire escape plan?

Had a family fire drill? Fire safety is everyone’s responsibility

Name: Section:
Date and Time: Score:


Do You Know Your Fire Safety?

Work Sheets # 9

DIRECTIONS: list down inside the box all the things that you and your family are doing around the house
regularly in addressing fire safety.

(Note: Not less than 15 safety practices)

1. Safety practices

2. Explain briefly: do you think these safety procedures being observed by your family are
effective in case of fire in your area?
Name: Section:
Date and Time: Score:



Work Sheets # 10

DIRECTIONS: Fill out the table below with as many things as you can think of.

1. DO: DON'T:

2. Explain Briefly the importance of your DO and DON'Ts answers:


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