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How did Social media turn the world upside down

You have it always by yourself you need it everyday and you can`t live without it for a day. It is not the
mobile phone I am talking about, it`s the real heart of the phone. Social Media.

Social media is a platform online, where you can basically do everything you want to. You can communicate
with your family or friends by texting or calling them, watch fun videos on various
apps like TikTok and Youtube or inform yourself about currents events, celebrities and generell information.

I couldn`t imagine not using Social Media for one week, because it is really fun and I often need it to text
some friends, for school works or projects. I have been using Social Media for almost 5 years now and it is
still good.

Despite these facts Social media has some upside downs. Firstly it made a lot of people addicted causing
them to lose focus on important work they had to do. Secondly by watching the movie: Social dilemma, I
found out, that mostly all Social Media apps were created for you to get addicted. You also get manipulated
through out your life. Systems were created just for you to stay online and buy products and the
advertisement your are getting is calculated for you to be the best. For me, all this is really sad to hear.

Even though Social Media can be a great place for everybody it is a big problem that the whole society is
getting used by all those powers, while most of the people don‘t even realise it.

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