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Hints & Solutions

1. (d) Cu2+ interfere in the sperm movement, 6. (b) An intrauterine device (IUD) is a small
which suppress the sperm motility and contraceptive device, often ‘T’-shaped, often
fertilising capacity of sperms. containing either copper or levonorgestrel,
2. (d) Amniocentesis (also referred to as which is inserted into the uterus. They
amniotic fluid test or AFT) is a medical are one form of long-acting reversible
procedure used in prenatal diagnosis of contraception which is the most effective
chromosomal abnormalities and fetal types of reversible birth control. The LNG-20
infections, and also used for sex determination is so-called because it releases 20 micrograms
in which a small amount of amniotic fluid, of levonorgestrel per 24 hours, compared with
which contains fetal tissues, is sampled 30 micrograms of levonorgestrel in some
from the amniotic sac. Cleft palate is a mini-Pills.
developmental abnormality which can only 7. (c) Jaundice cannot be detected in a
be detected by sonography. developing foetus by amniocentesis. It is
3. (d) Vasectomy is a surgical procedure for a foetal sex determination test based on
male sterilization or permanent contraception. chromosomal pattern in the amniotic fluid
During the procedure, the male vas deferens surrounding the developing embryo. It is now
are severed and then tied or sealed in a legally ban in India.
manner so as to prevent sperm from entering 8. (d) Medical termination of pregnancy
into the seminal stream (ejaculate) and (MTP) or induced abortion become legal in
thereby prevent fertilization. India from 1971 with some strict conditions
4. (d) A hysterectomy is a surgery in which to avoid its misuse. Such restrictions are
woman’s uterus is removed. It is adopted for important to check indiscriminate and illegal
the treatment of uterine fibroids and cancer female foeticides which are reported to be
of uterine zone. high in India. All the other options are of
5. (a) Tubectomy also referred to as tubal natural methods of contraception.
sterilization is a surgical procedure done 9. (c) Oxytocin is birth hormone and acts
on women as a permanent method of on the smooth muscles of our body and
contraception. In this method fallopian stimulates their contraction. Vasopressin acts
tubes are blocked so that the ova or eggs mainly at the kidney and stimulates resorption
are prevented from travelling to the uterus of water and electrolytes and reduces loss of
from the ovary. This prevents any future water through urine. Hence, it is also called
pregnancies to occur after the surgical as anti-diuretic hormone (ADH).
procedure. 10. (c) The figure shows the tubectomy. This
Fallopian tubes is a surgical method to prevent pregnancy
in women. In tubectomy small part of the
fallopian tube is removed or tied through a
small cut in the abdomen or through vagina.
It is very effective method but reversibility is
Uterus very poor.
Cervix 11. (d) Intra uterine device (IUD) is a method of
Vagina contraception in India. The IUD is inserted
in the woman’s uterus through the cervix.
Reproductive Health 285
12. (c) Cu ions released by copper releasing intra trichomoniasis, hepatitis-B and AIDS are
uterine devices suppresses sperm motility. some of the common STDs. Haemophilia is
Intra-uterine devices are inserted by sex-linked recessive disease, which show its
doctors in the uterus through vagina. They are transmission from unaffected carrier female to
available as the non-medicated IUDs, copper some of male progeny. Sickle cell anaemia is
releasing IUDs and hormone­releasing IUDs. an autoimmune linked recessive trait in which
13. (a) A. The pill — Prevents ovulation both the partners are carrier for the gene.
B. Condom — Prevents sperm 21. (d) In Intra-Uterine Transfer (IUT) embryo
reaching cervix with more than 8-blastomeres stage (morula)
C. Vasectomy — Semen contains no is used for transfer into the uterus.
sperms 22. (d) Test tube baby programme employs
D. Copper-T — Prevent zygote intrafallopion transfer (ZIFT)
implantation. technique. In this technique fusion of ovum
14. (a) Copper ‘T’ is an intrauterine device and sperm is done outside the body of woman
which prevents the fertilized egg becoming to form zygote which is allowed to divide
implanted in the wall of the womb. forming 8 blastomeres, then it is transfered
15. (b) Infertility cases due to inability of the fallopion tube of the woman.
the male partner to inseminate the female 23. (b) Medical termination of pregnancy
or due to very low sperm count in the is considered safe up to twelve weeks of
ejaculates, could be corrected by using pregnancy.
artificial insemination (AI) technique. In this 24. (a) Gamete intrafallopian transfer (GIFT) is
procedure semen is injected directly into the recommended for those females who cannot
vagina or uterus. produce an ovum. In this process, the eggs
16. (a) In ectopic pregnancies, the implantation of the donor woman are removed and in a
of embryo does not occur in uterus but at form of mixture with sperm transferred into
other site. fallopian tube of another woman who cannot
17. (b) IVF (In vitro Fertilization) is the process produce ovum, but can provide suitable
of fertilization by manually combining an environment for fertilization. Thus in GIFT,
egg and sperm in a laboratory dish. The
site of fertilization is fallopian tube, not
process involves monitoring and stimulating
a woman’s ovulatory process, removing
25. (c) Statements i and iii are correct.
ovum or ova (egg or eggs) from the woman’s
ovaries and letting sperm fertilise them in a - Medical Termination of Pregnancy
fluid medium in a laboratory. The fertilised (MTP) during first trimester is generally
egg (zygote) is cultured for 2-6 days in a safe.
growth medium and is then transferred to - Intrauterine device like copper-T are
the mother’s uterus with the intention of effective contraceptives.
establishing a successful pregnancy. 26. (d) Amniocentesis involves prenatal
18. (a) GIFT (Gamete Intra Fallopian Transfer) diagnosis of metabolic error and other genetic
is a technique helping to have a child. abnormalities.
19. (b) In Artificial Insemination (AI) tech- 27. (c) In test tube baby, fertilization of the sperm
nique, the semen collected either from the and the ova is carried out in lab conditions
husband or a healthy donor is artificially (in vitro) and when the embryos have reached
introduced either into the vagina or into the the 32-celled stage, it is implanted back into
uterus (IUI – intrauterine insemination) of the uterus of the mother.
the female. 28. (b) Amniocentesis is the most widely used
20. (a) STDs are more common in 15-24 method for prenatal detection of many
years age group. Gonorrhoea, syphilis, genetic disorders. It is also a technique used
genital herpes, chlamydiasis, genital warts, for determining the sex of the foetus.

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