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Striving Dreams

Brayan Mirabal

Ms. Dezayas

Period: 5

February 4, 2024
In the videos, we are shown two of the protagonists, DJ and Chantal, who face unique challenges as they
pursue their dreams and navigate the complexities of life. Both share a common thread of resilience and
determination, but their circumstances and aspirations set them apart. Before his shift at Walgreens, DJ
relies on the union's office computer to apply for jobs, demonstrating his enthusiasm for better
employment opportunities. He faces obstacles such as limited access to a computer at home but
remains proactive, driven by a desire to provide a better life for his family. Chantal, on the other hand,
works in technical support at an educational software company. Her loyalty to her job for 19 years
reflects her commitment, but she struggles with feeling undervalued despite her loyalty.

Despite the differences in their work situations, both DJ and Chantal demonstrate a strong work ethic
and commitment to their families. DJ's determination to improve his circumstances by applying for
higher-paying positions and Chantal's dedication to working two jobs show their shared commitment to
providing for their loved ones. The unique challenges they face also highlight their differences. DJ faces
the additional challenge of societal prejudice, as he mentions that he has two strikes against him for
being black and male. Chantal, on the other hand, deals with the emotional toll of feeling undervalued
despite her long-term commitment to her work.

The authenticity and closeness of their struggles attract me to their stories. DJ's optimism despite facing
social challenges and Chantal's resilience in dealing with workplace dynamics resonate with the universal
theme of people fighting for a better life against various odds. Their stories serve as a poignant reminder
of the diverse paths people take in pursuit of their dreams and the strength needed to overcome

In conclusion, DJ and Chantal, despite their distinct backgrounds and challenges, share a common
commitment to family and a desire for a better life. Their stories illuminate the resilience and
determination needed to navigate life's complexities. DJ's optimism in the face of societal prejudice and
Chantal's loyalty to her work provide a compelling narrative that draws attention to people's diverse
experiences in their pursuit of happiness and success.

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