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Lesson 3 Demo 2

Cross Site Scripting (XSS)

Objective: Perform XSS on a live website to execute a malicious script in the Browser

Tools required: Browser

Prerequisites: None

Steps to be followed:

1. Performing Cross Site Scripting using vulnweb

Step 1: Performing Cross Site Scripting using vulnweb

1.1 Open the vulnerable site to perform the attack:

1.2 Click on Acuart link:

1.3 In the search art field enter the following code and click the go button:

1.4 If the XSS is successful, you should be able to see an alert message hacked:

1.5 Click on the Signup Page and login using the username test and the password test:

1.6 After successful login you should see the profile details for user test:
1.7 In the Your Profile page, enter the following code in the Name field and click the update

1.8 You should be able to see the cookie value for the user test:

1.9 In the Your Profile page, enter the following code in the Name field and click the update

1.10 This code will redirect the user to another site. Every time the user logs in to the site
from the signup page, the user is automatically redirected to a fake site:

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