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Some people think that human needs for farmland, housing, and industry are more

important than saving land for endangered animals.

Modern medicines and technologies have advanced humanity and decreased the death
rate, resulting in explosive population growth. Due to that, the human needs for land and food
have increased, occupying and taking lands from other animals. Many people think that those
lands are better for farmland, housing, and industry than saving land for endangered animals. I
have to disagree with this point of view based on the following arguments.

First of all, we are all part of one ecosystem and contribute something that affects our
ecosystem. Every animal, insects, and even bacteria have some purpose, and we are all
interrelated. For example, plants filter carbon dioxide and produce oxygen. Insects help with
pollination and soil aeration, birds eat insects and maintain balance for plants, herbivores eat
plants and become energy to carnivores, and carnivores become nutrient to soil and nutrient
when they die. Therefore, saving lands for endangered animals is necessary for maintaining a
balance in our ecosystem.

Secondly, the human mind and technological possibilities have no limit. Many scientists
are working towards a solution that will help us produce more food ingredients in smaller spaces
and allow people to live using less land. The results of those researches are high buildings which
give people a place to live without stealing from other animals, and scientists are looking for
ways to cultivate plants and food materials indoors. Even industries are using less space as their
equipment sizes have decreased thanks to recent technological advances.

To sum it, all animals deserve to live as we are all part of one ecosystem. Our scientists
are continuously looking for solutions to the growing problems of overpopulation and finding
ways to produce more with less space. We can find a way to live comfortably without taking
land for farmland, housing, and industry from endangered animals.

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