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Future Career

Planning is not always easy and it´s one of the biggest problems of teenagers. Choosing
in a few minutes a profession that could be for all life is stressful.
A part of our life that I’m sure everyone has already idealized a thousand professions
was in our childhood. In my childhood, I wanted to be a veterinarian because I loved
animals but I was afraid of the bigger ones, I wanted to be a butcher because I love
handling the meat when my grandfather killed a pig and I think everyone wanted to be
the girl or the boy at the supermarket cashier just to pass the products and hear “pi,
pi” when they passed.
When we are children, everything seems easier and more magical but when it comes
to choosing, it’s more complicated. Also, because society pressures young people to
have a good position which in the eyes of society is beautiful as a doctor, lawyer,
banker and does not encourage teens to choose what they really like. All professions
are worthy and equally essential in the world and as long as they exercised with
pleasure, they are already worth it.
I want to be a doctor and now this is contradictory to what I just said but I really like, al
least for now, the idea of being a doctor specifically surgery to have more adrenaline
and I like the practice od medicine being constantly changed and innovated. I started to
like medicine when I started watching grey’s anatomy and I really think it’s the ideal
profession for me because I would love to help people even though I’m very sensitive
and being afraid of needles is what I would like to do.
This is my ideal profession and my future career, and I would really like you to be brave
and choose your career according to what you like and what you really admire others
to do!

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