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Editorial by vishal sir

Unacademy Plus Class

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Vishal Parihar


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Salutary reminder(Editorial-1)

Retail Inflation (noun) = the increase in prices

of goods and services that consumers buy
directly in the retail market (खद
ु रा मद्र
ु ास्फीति)
Synonyms: Consumer inflation, price rise
Antonyms: Deflation, price drop
Sentence: Retail inflation has made everyday
essentials more expensive for the average
Salutary reminder(Editorial-1)

Benchmark (noun) = a standard or point of

reference against which things may be
compared or assessed (मानक)
Synonyms: Standard, gauge
Antonyms: Abnormality, exception
Sentence: The software's performance was
evaluated against industry benchmarks to
ensure competitiveness.
Salutary reminder(Editorial-1)

Underlying (adjective) = basic or

fundamental, but not immediately obvious
Synonyms: Fundamental, basic
Antonyms: Superficial, apparent
Sentence: The underlying cause of the
problem was much more complex than we
initially thought.
Salutary reminder(Editorial-1)

Cereals (noun) = grains used for food, such as

wheat, oats, or corn (अनाज)
Synonyms: Grains, breakfast grains
Antonyms: Pulses, legumes
Sentence: Cereals are a major source of
dietary fiber and essential nutrients.
Salutary reminder(Editorial-1)

Stubbornly (adverb) = in a manner that shows

determination not to change one's attitude or
position on something, especially in spite of
good arguments or reasons to do so (ज़िद्दी
िरीके से)
Synonyms: Obstinately, persistently
Antonyms: Flexibly, willingly
Sentence: He stubbornly refused to admit his
mistake, even when faced with evidence.
Salutary reminder(Editorial-1)

Prospect (noun) = the possibility or likelihood

of some future event occurring (संभावना)
Synonyms: Possibility, potential
Antonyms: Improbability, hopelessness
Sentence: The prospect of economic recovery
seems more tangible now than it did last year.
Salutary reminder(Editorial-1)

Reservoir (noun) = a large natural or artificial

lake used as a source of water supply (जलाशय)
Synonyms: Lake, basin
Antonyms: Drain, desert
Sentence: The city's reservoir is filled to
capacity after the recent heavy rains.
Salutary reminder(Editorial-1)

Agitation (noun) = a state of nervousness or

unrest (उत्तेजना)
Synonyms: Unrest, disturbance
Antonyms: Calm, peace
Sentence: The proposed new law caused great
agitation among the population.
Salutary reminder(Editorial-1)

Rebound (verb) = to recover in value, amount,

or strength after a decrease or decline (पलटाव)
Synonyms: Recover, bounce back
Antonyms: Decline, deteriorate
Sentence: The stock market rebounded
quickly after the initial shock of the news.
Salutary reminder(Editorial-1)

Idioms & Phrases

✓ N/A
Salutary reminder(Editorial-1)
Phrasal Verbs (Verb + Preposition)

✓ Lagging behind - Falling short of a certain

level or standard.
✓ Breaking down - Failing to continue or come
to an unsuccessful end.
Salutary reminder(Editorial-1) 1Min For Reading

Retail inflation data for January provides a clear reminder as to why

the RBI’s Monetary Policy Committee opted last week to not only
hold benchmark interest rates but also chose to remain resolutely
focused on achieving durable price stability. While the data for
Consumer Price Index-based price gains show the headline number
having eased from December’s 5.69% to a three-month low of 5.10%
last month, inflation readings for key food items including cereals,
vegetables and pulses continued to stay elevated at 7.83%, 27% and
19.5%, respectively, despite moderating from December’s levels.
Among the vegetables sub-group, 12 of the 19 items monitored by the
Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy (CMIE) posted accelerations
in year-on-year price gains last month from their readings in
December, signalling that the underlying trend in inflation is
Salutary reminder(Editorial-1) 1Min For Reading

persistently high. Cereals, which have the heaviest weight in the food
group, also stayed stubbornly stuck in a higher trajectory, with the
month-on-month inflation for the sub-group that includes the key
staple of rice, barely nudging lower at 0.75%, compared with
December’s 0.76%. Rice was the primary drag, with its price at non-
PDS outlets accelerating both sequentially and on-year, by 1.02% and
a six-month high pace of 13%, respectively. With a recent CMIE
estimate for rabi sowing of rice, revealing a 2.7% drop from last year,
the prospect of prices softening significantly in the near future
appears remote.
The data on reservoir storage levels also add to the disquiet on the
outlook for prices, particularly of food items. With water storage at
150 reservoirs showing live storage as on February 8 at 49% of
Salutary reminder(Editorial-1) 1Min For Reading

capacity, and lagging appreciably behind both the year-earlier and

average of the last 10-years levels, output of the rabi sown crops,
including cereals and more particularly pulses, are at risk of being
impacted. Given food’s large share in the overall consumption
basket, food price gains pose a wider risk to overall price stability,
both directly and through spillover to the prices of non-food items, as
a research article by RBI officials concluded. The central bank’s
survey of households’ inflation expectations found the median
inflation expectation for three months ahead rose by 10 bps from the
previous survey in November to 9.2%, with a greater share of
respondents — 78% versus 74% two months ago — expecting
inflation to accelerate in the near term. With talks between the
government and some farmers’ groups breaking down and farmers
Salutary reminder(Editorial-1) 1Min For Reading

threatening to intensify an agitation over demands that include

assurances on a guaranteed minimum support price, policymakers
face a challenge to ensure inflation does not rebound and undermine
overall macroeconomic stability.
Salutary reminder(Editorial-1) Question

What is the primary tone used by the author in the

passage discussing retail inflation data for January
and its implications?

A) Neutral
B) Informative
C) Alarmed
D) Optimistic
E) Dismissive
Salutary reminder(Editorial-1) Question

What is the primary tone used by the author in the

passage discussing retail inflation data for January
and its implications?

A) Neutral
B) Informative
C) Alarmed
D) Optimistic
E) Dismissive
India’s Diplomatic Victory(Editorial-2)

Veteran (noun) = a person who has a lot of

experience in a particular area or activity
(अनभु वी)
Synonyms: Experienced, seasoned
Antonyms: Novice, rookie
Sentence: The veteran journalist shared insights
from his long career during the workshop.
India’s Diplomatic Victory(Editorial-2)

Hail (verb) = to greet or acclaim enthusiastically

(अभभवादन करना)
Synonyms: Acclaim, praise
Antonyms: Boo, jeer
Sentence: The scientist was hailed as a hero after
making the groundbreaking discovery.
India’s Diplomatic Victory(Editorial-2)

Ensnared (verb) = caught as in a trap (फंसाया

Synonyms: Trapped, caught
Antonyms: Released, freed
Sentence: The young actor felt ensnared by the
contract he had signed without reading carefully.
India’s Diplomatic Victory(Editorial-2)

Espionage (noun) = the practice of spying or

using spies to obtain information about the plans
and activities of a foreign government or
competing company (जासस ू ी)
Synonyms: Spying, surveillance
Antonyms: Transparency, openness
Sentence: The novel is a thrilling tale of
espionage set during the Cold War.
India’s Diplomatic Victory(Editorial-2)

Concerted (adjective) = planned or performed

together for a shared purpose (संयक्
ु ि प्रयास)
Synonyms: Joint, cooperative
Antonyms: Individual, solitary
Sentence: The team's concerted effort led to the
successful completion of the project.
India’s Diplomatic Victory(Editorial-2)

Precarious (adjective) = not securely held or in

position; dangerously likely to fall or collapse
Synonyms: Unstable, risky
Antonyms: Stable, secure
Sentence: The economy is in a precarious state,
making investors nervous.
India’s Diplomatic Victory(Editorial-2)

Delicate (adjective) = very fine in texture or

structure; of intricate workmanship or quality
(नाजकु )
Synonyms: Fragile, fine
Antonyms: Robust, sturdy
Sentence: The delicate lace on the dress was
handcrafted by skilled artisans.
India’s Diplomatic Victory(Editorial-2)

Culminate (verb) = to reach a climax or point of

highest development (पराकाष्ठा पर पिुुँिना)
Synonyms: Peak, climax
Antonyms: Begin, start
Sentence: The festival will culminate in a
spectacular fireworks display.
India’s Diplomatic Victory(Editorial-2)

Expatriate (noun) = a person who lives outside

their native country (प्रवासी)
Synonyms: Emigrant, exile
Antonyms: Native, resident
Sentence: The expatriate community in the city
is very active, hosting events that celebrate their
diverse cultures.
India’s Diplomatic Victory(Editorial-2)

Bilateral (adjective) = involving two sides or

parties, typically of two countries (द्ववपक्षीय)
Synonyms: Mutual, reciprocal
Antonyms: Unilateral, one-sided
Sentence: The bilateral agreement between the
two countries aimed at increasing trade.
India’s Diplomatic Victory(Editorial-2)

Humane (adjective) = having or showing

compassion or benevolence (मानवीय)
Synonyms: Compassionate, kind
Antonyms: Cruel, inhumane
Sentence: The shelter is known for its humane
treatment of rescued animals.
India’s Diplomatic Victory(Editorial-2)

Crosshairs (noun) = a pair of thin wires in the

form of a cross, used in the eyepiece of optical
devices as a sighting aid (तनशाना)
Synonyms: Target, aim
Antonyms: N/A
Sentence: The photographer felt like he was in
the crosshairs of criticism after his latest work
was published.
India’s Diplomatic Victory(Editorial-2)

Idioms & Phrases

✓ in the crosshairs of - in a difficult situation.
✓ Cast a pall over - To cause a feeling of sadness
or gloom.
✓ Brings to light - To reveal or uncover hidden
India’s Diplomatic Victory(Editorial-2)
Phrasal Verbs (Verb + Preposition)
✓ Engage in - To participate or become involved
India’s Diplomatic Victory(Editorial-2)1Min For Reading

In a move that has been widely hailed as a diplomatic victory for

India, the release of eight Indian Navy veterans by Qatar marks a
significant moment in Indo-Qatari relations. These individuals, who
found themselves ensnared in the complexities of international law
and espionage allegations, have now returned to their homeland,
thanks to concerted efforts by the Indian government. Their arrest in
August 2022 on charges of espionage and the subsequent death
sentence had cast a pall over the otherwise robust ties between India
and Qatar, highlighting the precarious nature of international
diplomacy and the value of human life within it. The Ministry of
External Affairs’ (MEA) announcement of their release, just a day
before Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s visit to the United Arab
Emirates, underscores the nuanced and often delicate dance of
India’s Diplomatic Victory(Editorial-2)1Min For Reading

diplomacy. The Indian government’s unwavering commitment to its

citizens’ welfare, demonstrated through persistent legal and
diplomatic endeavors, has culminated in this commendable outcome.
Qatar’s decision to release the veterans reflects the strength and
maturity of the bilateral relationship between the two nations. It is a
gesture that not only resolves a potentially volatile issue but also sets
a positive precedent for the treatment of similar cases in the future.
The involvement of a significant number of Indian migrants in Qatar,
contributing to the country’s development and acting as a bridge
between the two nations, adds layers of complexity and mutual
dependence to the relationship.
However, the incident also brings to light the vulnerabilities faced by
Indian expatriates working in sensitive sectors abroad. It underscores
India’s Diplomatic Victory(Editorial-2)1Min For Reading

the need for a comprehensive framework to protect their rights and

ensure their safety, emphasizing the importance of preemptive
measures and swift, coordinated responses to crises. Such cases
invariably become focal points for broader discussions on the
government’s foreign policy and its ability to safeguard the interests
of its citizens overseas. As we welcome back the veterans to their
homeland, this episode serves as a reminder of the ever-present need
for vigilance, preparedness, and the ability to engage in high-stakes
diplomacy. It also underscores the significance of maintaining and
strengthening bilateral relationships, not just for economic and
strategic gains but also for the humane treatment of individuals
caught in the crosshairs of international law and geopolitics. It is
imperative now, more than ever, for India to continue fostering a
India’s Diplomatic Victory(Editorial-2)1Min For Reading

diplomatic approach that balances strategic interests with

humanitarian considerations, ensuring that the rights and dignity of
its citizens are preserved across the globe.
India’s Diplomatic Victory(Editorial-2) Question

What is the primary tone used by the author in the

passage regarding the release of Indian Navy veterans
by Qatar?

A) Celebratory
B) Critical
C) Reflective
D) Objective
E) Cautionary
India’s Diplomatic Victory(Editorial-2) Question

What is the primary tone used by the author in the

passage regarding the release of Indian Navy veterans
by Qatar?

A) Celebratory
B) Critical
C) Reflective
D) Objective
E) Cautionary


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