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Poultry appears to be one of the fastest-growing livestock sectors in

many parts of Asia, including the Philippines, according to the broiler industry,
one of the most important agricultural industries in the world. Additionally, the
production of poultry boosts the country's gross domestic product (GDP),
increasing employment rates and providing a means of support for the
growing population, which bodes well for the future of the nation. Since they
are one of the most widely used sources of animal meat besides fish and
pork, broiler chickens play a significant role in human life. According to Chang
(2007), A chicken needs to be a certain body weight, in excellent condition,
and with a healthy immune system in order to produce broilers successfully.
From this point on, giving the broiler an appropriate environment and diet will
enable the achievement of optimal performance. Due to its significant
improvement of one's economic situation and global food security, the poultry
industry is a source of satisfaction for many agribusiness entrepreneurs.
However, issues like poor management and the inevitable occurrence of
various poultry parasites and diseases have a negative impact on the growth
and performance of the broilers.
Finding well-known antibiotics that will protect the livestock business
from potential microbial illnesses has become more urgent. The Philippine
broiler business is still on track and is competitive worldwide. Researchers
revolutionized organic medications used as feed supplements or water
additives in order to boost both economic advancement and poultry
production, encouraging the use of more organic procurement methods as
opposed to synthetic ones.
Kerson plant (Muntingia calabura) have been shown to have potential as
a source of natural antioxidants. It is the organ where bioactive substances
concentrate and are linked to antioxidant action. It produces secretions, has
fine hair gummy belonging to the group of glandular trichomes, and has these
characteristics. The plant has been utilized to treat a variety of ailments,
despite the fact that it is still sometimes overlooked and unrecognized. The

Philippines was one of several nations that used flowers and bark as an
antibacterial and to lessen edema in the lower extremities. Leaves are used
to treat colds, headaches, and gastric ulcers. According to Zakaria (2007)
that in addition to their therapeutic purposes, the fruits are regularly cooked
into tarts or turned into jam, while the leaf infusion is consumed as a beverage
resembling tea.

Objective of the Study

This study aims to observe the possibility of Kerson decoction as water

supplement that serves as antibacterial and antioxidant on the performance of

Specifically, the study aims to:

1. Determine the average initial weight and average final weight of

broiler chicken;
2. Determine the total weight gain and average daily gain of broiler
3. Determine the total weight feed consumption and average feed
efficiency of the broiler chicken;
4. Identify considerable effect/s of the Kerson leaves decoction to the
broilers; and
5. Evaluate the return above feed cost and consumption.


Poultry Industry

Poultry farming, specifically the production of meat or eggs from

chicken farms, can be extremely specialized. A feasibility analysis prior to
investment and effective management throughout the operation are
necessary to maximize earnings and plan future business operations.
Efficient production and high quality production (of meat or eggs) are
guaranteed by proper administration. This is achieved by preventing disease,
preserving fed effectiveness, treating waste properly, and disinfecting the
chicken coop. The poultry industry may be a successful business due to low
employee turnover rates and a high market demand (Hamra, 2010). Chickens
grown exclusively for consumption as broilers. In factory farms around the
world, broiler chickens are commonly a hybrid of breeds intended to grow

Philippine Poultry Industry

There are several different parts to the Philippine chicken industry. The
production of broilers and layers of exotic hybrids is carried out in large-scale,
industrialized production systems in the commercial sector. The backyard
sector, on the other hand, consists primarily of smallholders who raise a few
native or hybrid chickens for their own use. Given that it differs from the
commercial sector in terms of production and marketing difficulties and has,
up until now, gotten less attention from researchers and policymakers, the
backyard sector merits a distinct analysis. For both sectors, this report offers
policy implications and identifies major issues. The commercial sector is
primarily threatened by fierce international competition, and its survival is
largely dependent on having access to low-cost supplies and increasing
production and marketing efficiency. The backyard sector experiences low
productivity and high mortality rates because to a lack of technological

knowhow and availability to necessary inputs, although not yet being

threatened by trade liberalization. The identification and elimination of
obstacles to subsistence backyard production are necessary for its future
(Chang, 2007).

Growth of Broiler

Broiler chickens are capable of gaining a lot of weight in a short

amount of time. Broilers, which weigh only 42g at hatch, can develop by 66g
on average every day to a weight of 2,800g in just 42 days. This growth rate
is particularly noteworthy during the first seven days since, from day zero to
day seven, the bird has the ability to gain 450 percent more body weight.
(Kenyon, 2019). The nutrients they can offer, the lack of anti-nutritional or
poisonous elements, their palatability or impact on voluntary feed intake, and
their cost are all taken into consideration when choosing feed ingredients for
poultry diets. The essential nutrients that must be provided by the dietary
components include the vitamins, minerals, and amino acids found in
Energy, which is obtained from proteins, lipids, and carbohydrates, is
also necessary for all life functions. Cereal grains, protein meals, fats and
oils, minerals, feed additives, and other raw materials, like roots and tubers,
are the main categories under which feed ingredients fall. These will be
covered under their own headings further down. The section on feed
formulation has more details on measuring the nutrient composition of
components and the process of creating poultry feeds (Poultryhub, 2022).

Kerson Leaves

A typical roadside tree in Malaysia is the kerson leaf tree, (Muntingia

calabura), which is a member of the Elaeocarpaceae family. Locally, it is
referred to as Kerukup Siam in Malay. It is indigenous to the region and is
widely farmed in warm parts of Asia, particularly Malaysia. Along with being a

renowned hypotensive medicine, this plant is also known for its antibacterial
and antispasmodic qualities. This tree's many parts have a number of known
therapeutic properties. It is thought to have medicinal potential and is rich in
flavonoids, flavones, and flavanones, which contribute to its significant
anticancer activity. While roots are used as an emmenagogue and an
abortifacient, calabura has been used as an anti-septic, an antispasmodic, an
antidyspeptic, a diaphoretic, a tranquilizer, a tonic, and to treat headaches.
According to Mahmood (2014), this plant's floral infusion is consumed as a
tranquilizer and tonic. Scientific studies have demonstrated this plant's
antinociceptive, anti-inflammatory, and antipyretic qualities, as well as its
potential antimicrobial, anti-toxin, and antioxidant activities. It also has a
cardioprotective impact. M. calabura prevented the growth of Candida
albicans and Cryptococcus neoformans in culture as well as the cytotoxicity of
several human cancer cell lines and P-388 cells (Sidding, 2012). Analgesic,
cytotoxic, hepatoprotective, gastroprotective, cardioprotective, antibacterial,
anti-ulcer, insecticidal, tyrosinase-inhibitory, and antifungal effects have been
demonstrated in studies (Stuart 2017).

Kerson Plant

Antioxidants and active ingredients can be found in kerson plants

(Muntingia calabura L.). According to research by Singh et al. (2017), the
antioxidant capacity of the kersen plant's various parts was as follows: flower
(87%), leaf (63%), raw fruit (34%), ripe fruit (30%), and stem (35%). The
flavonoid components in kersen leaf aqueous extract can function as
antioxidants, antibacterials, and anti-inflammatory agents (Arum 2012).
Kerson leaves also include saponins, tannins, steroids, and triterpenes
(Zakaria 2007).

Source: Noel Autor (2015)

Figure 1. Illustration of Kerson Plant

Water Management, Quality and Availability

According to Ralte (2017), water is increasingly short in supply many

parts of the world, the pressure is on to make high-consumption industries
such as poultry farming as efficient as possible, Water is a critical component
of poultry farming. It not only influences birds’ performance and growth but
also has a direct impact on biosecurity. Leventer explains that a shortage of
water might become a breeding ground for harmful pathogens and fungi. The
waste water can also have a negative impact on litter quality, which can lead
to respiratory diseases and other health risk.
Drinking water plays an important role in the transmission of some
bacteria, viral, and protozoan diseases that are among the most common
poultry diseases. Drinking water must be clear, tasteless, odorless, and
colorless. Water is an essential nutrient for birds and therefore quality
preservation is fundamental for good herd performance (Poultry Reporters,
Having high-quality water freely available can make a huge difference
in getting chicks of to a good start. One of the first things a grower should do

in case of inconsistent performance is to have a water sample analysis

conducted. Contact your company or local County Extension Office for help
with water sampling and analysis. If substantial water quality problems are
found, a consultation with a respected water.

Nutritional Content of Kerson Leaf

The World Health Organization (WHO), bioactive chemicals,

particularly those found in small, colorful fruits, are crucial for preventing
diabetes, cancer, and obesity. Fruits like kerson (Muntingia calabura L.) have
the potential to be both nutritive and bioactive antioxidants. This fruit is widely
cultivated in several nations, including Indonesia. According to Pereira
(2016), cherry fruit has a low total calorie value and is high in water (77.36%),
ash (5.65%), carbs (72.15%), protein (8.29%), fat (7.79%), crude fiber
(5.93%), and vitamin C (3.30 mg per 100 g). Additionally, kerson leaves
contribute to the bioactivity of antioxidants like phenolic acids, anthocyanins,
and flavonoids that have antimicrobial, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory
properties. Inhibiting the development of COX and LPS, which are
responsible for inflammatory processes, is one of the anti-inflammatory
properties of flavones, flavonols (rutin, quercetin, kaempferol, and myricetin),
and numerous terpenoids in kerson leaf (Gomathi et al. 2013). According to
Pereira et. al (2016), kersen fruit has phenolic compounds with 526.55 mg of
tannin equivalent (TAE), 4.08 mg of cyaniding glucoside equivalent (CGE),
and 82.25 g/mL of DPPH IC50 antioxidant activity. Kerson's ability is still not
being used to its full potential, though. The tree is often only employed as a
roadside shade tree, and Kerson is only seldom consumed. Kerson leaf has
the potential to be employed in the production of food items with nutritional
value and advantages as bioactive antioxidants.

Table 1. Proximate composition of Kerson leaf (Muntingia calabura) 100g

Water content 77.36%
Ash content 5.65%
Carbohydrate 72.15%
Fat 7.79%
Crude fiber 5.93%
Vitamin C 3.30mg
Protein 8.29%

Source: Pereira (2016)


Accordingly a decoction is the liquid that is produced when a

substance’s essence is concentrated through heating or boiling, particularly
when it comes to a medicinal treatment created from a plant. In decoctions,
plant pieces like leaves can be employed. showed a study
that demonstrates the use of the medicinal plant Akapulko (Senna alata), leaf
decoction, as their method of treatment.


Time and Place of the Study

The study will be carried out at Purok- 2 Laguitas, Malaybalay City,

Bukidnon from September to October 2023.

Materials and Equipment

The main items that will be used in the study: broiler chicks with 60
heads, rearing cages, bamboos, plastic screens, feeding troughs, waterers,
electric and extension wires, bulbs, liter material like old newspapers or
carton, commercial feeds like chick booster mash, starter mash, and grower
mash, record book, weighing scale, and Kerson leaf decoction.

Experimental Animals

A total of sixty (60) heads of (7) days-old broiler chicks, regardless of

sex, will be subjected in the study. There were four (4) treatments and
replicated thrice with five experimental birds in each replication.

Experimental Design and Treatment

The Completely Randomized Design (CRD) methodology will be

used in the study. 60 experimental birds will be divided at random into 4
treatment groups, and each replicate will have 5 experimental birds. The use
of the treatments will depend on the volume;

1. Treatment 0 = Control (Pure Water)

2. Treatment 1 = 1L Water = 30ml Kerson Leaf Decoction
3. Treatment 2 = 1L Water + 60ml Kerson Leaf Decoction
4. Treatment 3 = 1L Water + 90ml Kerson Leaf Decoction

Preparation of Kerson (Muntingia calabura) Leaf Decoction

Fresh Kerson leaves were collected at Laguitas, Malaybalay City

Bukidnon. The freshly collected Kerson leaves were washed thoroughly. The
chopped Kerson (Muntingia calabura) leaves were boiled in two litters of
water in 15 minutes. The boiled Kerson leaves were strained and cooled
down for five minutes to produce Kerson leaf decoction. The cooled Kerson
leaf decoction was then distributed to different treatments.

Experimental Procedure

Kerson plant mature leaves will be chosen and used in the experiment.
The collected leaves will be soak in clean water at the researchers'
designated location. For 15 to 20 minutes, the leaves will be reduced in
boiling water. The time provided for boiling ensures that the leaf juice will be
extracted and released. To separate the filtrates from the debris, the extract
will be filtered. The decoction will be stored until needed in a clean, airtight
container. Different volumes of fresh, clean water will be added to the Kerson
leaves decoction for each treatment: 30ml/1000ml, 60ml/1000ml, and

Preparation of Housing Facilities

A total of 12 rearing cages will be built, and each cage will hold at least
five experimental birds. The cage walls will be composed of bamboo and
plastic screens that will act as dividers inside each cage. This will increase
security and reduce risk to other birds. To safeguard the health of the birds,
the walls and floors will be cleaned. This will be carried out before the chicks
are distributed throughout the raising cages. Based on the planned
treatments, each cage will have a set of cleaned and sanitized waterers and
feeding troughs. This is done so that it will be made simple to determine what

treatment will be used. Each rearing cage will be equipped with a 25-watt
electric bulb. This will keep them warm, particularly at night.

Care and Management

The chicks will be brooded within two weeks before they are
distributed to the different treatments. Old newspaper and cartoons will serve
as their litter material. The behavior of the chicks will be observed during
brooding stage. There will be regular replacement of clean waters and fresh
mash to the chicks and a daily record book will be filled up on for record
keeping and monitoring purposes. Other matters such as bird droppings and
bird mortality, a proper waste management will be considered. This is to
avoid spreading infectious disease and to maintain cleanliness of the
brooding house.


The day-old chick was brooded for up to 14 days for an adjustment

period. Newspaper was utilized as litter material and insulation during
brooding to protect the chick’s feet and legs, and clean tarpaulin was used to
cover the sides of the cages to avoid entry of other animals.

Water Management

Water was available throughout the conduct of the study. Waterers

were washed before use and Kerson decoction was added to water based on
the desired amount in each treatment.

Feeding Management

The birds will be raised 35 days in ad libitum feeding for faster growth.
Starting from day 1 to 2 week of age, the chicks will be fed with chick booster

crumble to provide them enough nutrients to boost their growth and help them
prevent diseases and stress during brooding period. Starter mash will be
given when the birds are about 3 weeks of age and termination the chicks
were given a Broiler Starter Crumble which contains high levels of well-
balanced nutrients ensuring the broilers have a fast growth and efficient feed

Data to be Gathered

The data will be gathered the average initial weight, average final
weight, average body weight gain, average daily weight gain, average total
feed consumption, average feed efficiency, average Kerson leaf consumption
as water supplementation, and return above feed and supplementation cost.

Data gathered were derived using the following formula:

1. Initial Weight will be gotten from the weight of the experimental

animals at the start of 7 days of the feeding period
2. Final Weight will get from the weight of the experimental animals at
the end of 35 days of the feeding period.
3. Body Weight Gain is equal to the difference of final weight to initial
4. Average Daily Gain is equal to body weight gain over number of
feeding days
5. Feed Consumption is equal to the difference of total weight of
feeds given to the left over
6. Feed Efficiency is equal to total amount of feed consumed over
total weight gain of broiler chicken.
7. Return above feed cost is equal to the difference of gross income
to the cost.

Statistical Analysis

All data to be gathered will be organized, tabulated according and will

be subjected to statistical analysis using the analysis of Variance (ANOVA) in
a sample Completely Randomized Design (CRD). Any significance difference
of treatment means will be compared further using the Tukey’s or Honestly
Significant Difference (HSD) test.


Results and discussions will be based on the results and the data
gathered during the conduct of the study. Results obtained will be presented
in the form of tables and figures. Interpretation and discussion will be made
on the result obtained.


Summary, conclusion and recommendation will be based on the result

of the analyzed data.


Arum. (2012). DAFTAR PUSTAKA.

Autor, N. (2015). Noel autor: The Kerson Fruit (Muntingia Calabura). Noel

Chang. (2007). Overview of the World Broiler Industry: Implications for the
Philippines. Asian Journal of Agriculture and Development.

Gomathi, R., Anusuya, N., & Manian, S. (2013). A dietary antioxidant

supplementation of Jamaican cherries (Muntingia calabura L.)
attenuates inflammatory related disorders. Food Science and
Biotechnology, 22(3), 787–794.

Hamra, C. (2010). An Assessment of the Potential Profitability of Poultry

Farms: A Broiler Farm Feasibility Case Study.

Kenyon. (2019). Why the first week’s feed can make or break broiler

Mahmood, N. D., Nasir, N. L. M., Rofiee, M. S., Tohid, S. F. M., Ching, S. M.,
Teh, L. K., Salleh, M. Z., & Zakaria, Z. A. (2014). Muntingia calabura: A
review of its traditional uses, chemical properties, and pharmacological
observations. Pharmaceutical Biology, 52(12), 1598–1623.

Pereira F, Azevedo F, Parachin NS (2016) | SGD. (2016). https://www.yeastgenome.

Poultryhub 2022. (2022). Poultry Hub Australia.

Poultry Reporter (2019). Drinking water management in poultry performance.

Retrieve from

Ratle, R. (2017). Water Management 101.

Sidding (2012). Research II Kerson leaves2.0.docx.

Singh S, Singh, B.B. (2017). Range Manag. Agroforest., 38 (2): 241-248 |

Feedipedia. (2017). https://www.

Stuart Jr., G.U. (2017). List of Philippine Herbal Medicinal Plants. Philippine
Medicinal Plants. StuartXchange-SX. - References - Scientific
Research Publishing. (2017).

Universal Feed Mill Corporation | Home. (2019).

Zakaria, Z.A, Zaiton, H, Henie, E.F.P. (2007).


Appendix Table 1. Sample data table

1 2 3


Appendix Table 2. Outline of Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) table for the

analysis of data
F tab
SV df SS MS Fc
0.05 0.01

Appendix Table 3. Composition and guaranteed analysis of chick booster

Corn Rice Bran D1 Tryptophan Antioxidants
Dried Distillers Grain
Wheat Solubles Limestone Mold
Soybean Meal Brewers Dried Grains Salt Toxin Binder

Corn Gluten Vegetable Oil Mono-dicalcium Phytase

Corn Germ Molasses Phosphate Xylanase
Corn Bran Lysine Hycaphos
Pollard Methionine Vitamin Premix
Copra Meal Threonine Choline Chloride
Crude Protein 22.00 % min.
Crude Fat 4.00 % min.
Crude Fiber 3.5.00 % max.
Moisture 12.00 % max.
Calcium 0.90-1.0 %
Phosphorus 0.70 % min.

Source: Universal Feed Mill Corporation [UFMC] (2019)


Appendix Table 4. Composition and guaranteed analysis of broiler starter

Corn Rice Bran D1 Threonine
Wheat Dried Distillers Grain Soluble Tryptophan

Soybean Meal Limestone Choline Chloride

Animal Protein Mono-dicalcium Phosphate
Vegetable Oil Salt Mold Inhibitor
Corn Gluten Feed Vitamin Premix Toxin Binder
Corn Germ Meal Mineral Premix Phytase
Corn Bran Lysine Xylanase
Pollard Methionine

Crude Protein 19.5 % min.

Crude Fat 5 % min.
Crude Fiber 4.50 % max.
Moisture 12.00 % max.
Calcium 0.80-1.1 %
Phosphorus 0.70 % min.
Source: Universal Feed Mill Corporation [UFMC] (2019)

T4R1 T1R1 T2R2 T3R2 T1R3 T4R3

T3R1 T2R1 T4R2 T1R2 T2R3 T3R3

Appendix Figure 1. Experimental lay-out in Completely Randomized


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