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Universidad Nacional Experimental “FRANCISCO DE

Área: Tecnología
Programa: Ingeniería Química
Departamento de Idiomas
Complejo Académico Docente “El Sabino”
Unidad Curricular: Inglés I - Lapso Académico: I-2019

Asignación del Corte III (10%)


1. Lea los siguientes enunciados e indica con una X cuáles son Verdaderos (V) y Falsos (F). En caso de ser
Falso, explique: (0,5 pt c/u)

Enunciado V F
a) Instead of: Indica la existencia de otra opción y/0 idea dentro del texto escrito, significa; “En lugar de”.
b) And: Indica adición, su significado equivale a “y”
c) Such as: Su relación denota un orden de ideas y significa; “Tal como”
d) While: Se utiliza para indicar alguna relación cronológica en las ideas plasmada en el texto, significa; “En
primer lugar”

2. Identifica los conectores subrayados en el texto, es decir, qué tipo de conector es, y especifica la
relación que establecen de acuerdo al contexto. (2pts c/u)

3. COMPRENSIÓN. Lea detenidamente el texto y responda:

a) ¿De qué trata el texto? Especifica la información en un máximo de diez líneas. (2,5pts)
b) Describe ¿A qué o a quién hace referencia las palabras resaltadas en cursiva en el texto? (1,75pts c/u)
c) ¿Para qué pueden ser utilizadas las materias primas tanto renovables como no renovables? (1,25pts)

4. Reflexión:
a) ¿Qué beneficios aporta el conocimiento de los conectores y su relación en la interpretación de textos
escritos en inglés? (1,25 pts.)
b) ¿Por qué es importante saber a qué o a quién hace referencia una palabra o frase en el texto escrito en
inglés? (1,25pts)

Chemical engineers with diverse technical skills

Because chemical engineers are well versed in chemistry, physics, mathematics, and
engineering, they are suited to meet the challenges of all types of energy production and have long
contributed to the discovery and commercial-scale exploitation of traditional sources of energy, such
as coal, crude oil, natural gas, shale, and tar sands. The widely used fuel sources, called fossil fuels, all
derived from the organic remains of prehistoric plants and animals. Because their origins (and the
time horizons and conditions required to produce them) cannot be reproduced in our lifetimes, thus
they are also called nonrenewable fuel sources. Recently, chemical engineers have also concentrated
their efforts on such renewable fuels as those derived from biomass feedstocks, hydroelectric power,
geothermal sources, solar radiation, and wind.
Using a vast array of chemical engineering principles, both renewable and nonrenewable
feedstocks can be employed to generate electricity, produce various fuels for transportation and for
industrial and residential purposes, and produce intermediate chemical products and feedstocks, as
well as such high-value finished products as polymers, fertilizers, and paints. In the U.S., fossil fuels
account for about 85% of all the energy produced today. Of the remaining 15%, 8% is produced in
nuclear reactors and 7% is renewable (with biomass gasification and hydroelectric power being the
most widely used renewable).
Energy usage is fairly equally divided among industry and manufacturing applications (33%),
transportation (28%), residential use (21%), and commercial use (18%) (Oct. 2006 data, While all known energy sources will likely
continue to be used, efforts are under way to help society increase the use of promising new
renewable sources of energy to reduce dependence on fossil fuels and the environmental impact
associated with burning coal, natural gas, and petroleum-derived fuels. Considerable efforts are also
being made to commercialize promising new technologies producing electricity and liquid fuels from
coal and natural gas using gasification, instead of combustion.
Several factors are driving chemical engineers’ efforts to develop cost-effective strategies to
help society reduce its dependence on crude oil, natural gas, and coal.
• Combustion of fossil fuels contributes many pollutants to the atmosphere.
• Domestic supplies and new discoveries of natural gas and crude oil are dwindling.
• Crude oil from foreign sources is subject to persistent geopolitical instability in many of the world’s
oil-producing regions creating significant volatility in supply and price for imported fossil fuels.
Chemical engineers are also at the forefront of developing the engineering tools and techniques
needed to improve the conservation of energy and reduce the routine production of pollutants during
the combustion of fossil fuels. Emission of such pollutants as CO2, SO2, NOx, and particulate matter
contributes to health problems, urban smog, acid rain, and global climate change.

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