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Centro Nacional de Asistencia Técnica a la Industria – ASTIN 9230-FP-F-322

Versión: 2


Programa de Formación: Ficha de caracterización:
Nombre de la Guía: BASIC ENGLISH Código de la Guía:
Nombre del Instructor: Alex Domínguez Carvajal
Ciudad y fecha: Cali, Jamundi, 2019


Señor/a Aprendiz:
 Resuelva los problemas o casos planteados.
 Al responder escriba con letra clara y sea conciso.
 Entregue los productos al Instructor y solicite retroalimentación del taller.


Reading A
A (r)evolution in chemistry
The power of evolution is revealed through the diversity of life. The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2018 is
awarded to Frances H. Arnold, George P. Smith and Sir Gregory P. Winter for the way they have taken
control of evolution and used it for the greatest benefit to humankind. Enzymes developed through
directed evolution are now used to produce biofuels and pharmaceuticals, among other things. Antibodies
evolved using a method called phage display can combat autoimmune diseases and, in some cases, cure
metastatic cancer.

We live on a planet where a powerful force has become established: evolution. Since the first seeds of life
appeared around 3.7 billion years ago, almost every crevice on Earth has been filled by organisms
adapted to their environment: lichens that can live on bare mountainsides, archaea that thrive in hot
springs, scaly reptiles equipped for dry deserts and jellyfish that glow in the dark of the deep oceans.

In school, we learn about these organisms in biology, but let’s change perspective and put on a chemist’s
glasses. Life on Earth exists because evolution has solved numerous complex chemical problems. All
organisms are able to extract materials and energy from their own environmental niche and use them to
build the unique chemical creation that they comprise. Fish can swim in the polar oceans thanks to
antifreeze proteins in their blood and mussels can stick to rocks because they have developed an
underwater molecular glue, to give just a few of the innumerable examples.

The brilliance of life’s chemistry is that it is programmed into our genes, allowing it to be inheri- ted and
developed. Small random changes in genes change this chemistry. Sometimes this leads to aweaker
organism, sometimes a more robust one. New chemistry has gradually developed and life on Earth has
become increasingly complex.

This process has now come so far that it has given rise to three individuals so complex they have
managed to master evolution themselves. The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2018 is awarded to Frances H.
Arnold, George P. Smith and Sir Gregory P. Winter, because they have revolutio- nised both chemistry
and the development of new pharmaceuticals through directed evolution. Let’s begin with the star of
enzyme engineering: Frances Arnold.

Enzymes – the sharpest chemical tools of life

Even in 1979, as a newly graduated mechanical and aerospace engineer, Frances Arnold had a clear
vision: to benefit humanity through the development of new technology. The US had decided that 20 per
cent of its power would come from renewable sources by 2000, and she worked with solar power.
However, prospects for the future of this industry changed radically after the 1981 presiden- tial election,
so instead she turned her gaze to the new DNA technology. As she expressed it herself: “It was clear that
a whole new way of making materials and chemicals that we needed in our daily lives, would be enabled
by the ability to rewrite the code of life.”
Centro Nacional de Asistencia Técnica a la Industria – ASTIN 9230-FP-F-322

Versión: 2

Instead of producing pharmaceuticals, plastics and other chemicals using traditional chemistry, which often
requires strong solvents, heavy metals and corrosive acids, her idea was to use the chemical tools of life:
enzymes. They catalyse the chemical reactions that occur in the Earth’s organisms and, if she learned to
design new enzymes, she could fundamentally change chemistry.

Hello there
Se estara evaluando con este taller
a. Usa los comparativos/superlativos para socializar la historia o evento.Usa los
comparativos/superlativos para socializar la historia o evento.
b. El vocabulario empleado corresponde a verbos y a sustantivos relacionados a su programa de
c. Expresa con claridad puntos de vista sobre temas relacionados a su programa de formación.
d. Escribe texto claros y detallado sobre temas del programa.
e. Su argumento expresado en el abstract es coherente con el texto original.
f. El escrito realizado cumple con la descripción técnica del programa de formación..

Sobre la lectura anterior (ingles con propositos especificos – ingles tecnico -).
a.Grabar su vocez leyendo lq lectura
b. Crear 8 preguntas con sus respuestas
c. Hacer una lista la lectura; donde saque minimo 12 palabras nuevas para ud(vocabulario) y crear frases
con ellas
d.Sacar de las lecturas 10 verbos donde realice las 4 formas del verbo (go goes going went) y hacer
frases negacion solamente en presente y pasado simple, presente y pasado continuo .
e.Hacer un resumen escrito y hablado la lectura.

Entregar los audios y archivo word; subirlo a su drive y crear una carpeta llamada English for specific
proporses Reading SEP

Enjoy and learn your english!

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