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DABON Section Code: B129

Current Type
of training Definition Sample Overall Benefits

Strength training is a form of 1. push-ups 1. Increased muscular

Strength exercise focused on increasing 2. sit-ups strength and endurance
Training muscular strength and 3. squat 2. Improved bone density
endurance through resistance 4. weight lifting and joint health
or weight-bearing activities. It 5. pull-ups 3. Enhanced metabolism
involves performing exercises 6. bench press and calorie burn
that target specific muscle 7. deadlift
groups, using equipment like 4. Better body composition
free weights, resistance bands, 5. Increased physical
or machines, to progressively performance and
challenge and strengthen the functional abilities
muscles over time. 6. Reduced risk of injury in
daily activities and sports
7. Enhanced mental
well-being and
8. Improved posture and
9. Better management of
chronic conditions
10. Long-term health

Core training refers to 1. plank 1. Improved core

exercises and activities that 2. russian twist strength and stability
Core specifically target the muscles 3. leg raises 2. Enhanced posture and
Training of the abdomen, lower back, 4. crunches spinal alignment
pelvis, and hips. The goal of 5. side plank 3. Reduced risk of lower
core training is to improve 6. reverse crunch back pain and injuries
stability, strength, and 7. elbow to knee
endurance in these muscles, 4. Increased overall
which play a crucial role in functional strength
supporting and stabilizing the 5. Better balance and
spine, pelvis, and overall body coordination
during movement and physical 6. Improved athletic
activities. Core training performance in various
exercises often involve
sports and activities
movements that engage
multiple muscle groups
simultaneously, promoting 7. Enhanced body
better posture, balance, and awareness and
functional strength. proprioception
8. Improved breathing
9. Enhanced support for
daily activities and
10.Reduced risk of injury
during physical activities.

Stability training involves 1.single leg balance 1. Improved balance

exercises and activities 2. yoga and coordination
Stability designed to improve balance, 3. stability ball 2. Enhanced core strength
Training coordination, and 4. balance board 3. Reduced risk of falls and
proprioception by challenging 5. single leg stance injuries
the body's ability to maintain 6. toe taps 4. Better posture and spinal
equilibrium and control its 7. taichi
position. These exercises alignment
typically target the stabilizer 5. Increased joint stability
muscles throughout the body, 6. Improved athletic
including the core, and often performance
involve using unstable surfaces 7. Enhanced
or equipment to increase the neuromuscular control
level of difficulty. The goal of
8. Better body awareness
stability training is to enhance
overall balance, reduce the risk and proprioception
of injury, and improve 9. Improved functional
performance in various physical movement patterns
activities and sports. 10. Injury prevention

Mobility training focuses on 1.dynamic 1. Improved flexibility

Mobility improving flexibility, range of stretching 2. Enhanced joint health
Training motion, and joint function 2. joint circles 3. Better posture
through a variety of exercises 3. shoulder mobility 4. Increased range of
and stretches. The goal of 4. spinal mobility
mobility training is to enhance motion
5. ankle mobility
movement patterns, reduce 6. Hip Mobility 5. Injury prevention
stiffness, and increase overall 7. Foam Rolling 6. Enhanced performance
physical performance by 7. Reduced muscle tension
ensuring that joints can move 8. Improved circulation
freely and efficiently through 9. Better functional
their full range of motion.
10. Enhanced mind-body

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