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Veronica Flores

Professor Guzman
OGL 482

OGL 482 Pro-Seminar II

Unit 3 Assignment:
Career Plan Template
Section 1: Creating your BHAG
Following the information in the “Good to Great Connections” PowerPoint presentation and all
of the additional information provided under the Module 4 content area, and taking your Personal
Mission Statement development efforts into consideration, carefully develop your own personal
long term BHAG (***one amazingly HUGE, your world changing goal***). The timeframe for
your BHAG is 10-25 years out, however it will depend upon your age. For example, a 55 year
old person might be closer to the 10 year BHAG, whereas a 30 year old or younger person
should be considering a BHAG 25 years out. This BHAG may be related to your overall
life/lifestyle aspirations, or it could be related to some organizational, protean, or
entrepreneurial vision you have for the future. Dig deep and and go beyond the job. That is up to

Answer the following:

1) What is your BHAG (***one amazingly HUGE, your world-changing goal***)?

(Insert 1-3 Sentence Answer Here)

My BHAG for the future is to have raised well-rounded individuals who have a

passion for helping others. I want my kids to be educated enough to understand the issues

of the time, as well as confident enough to do something about those issues.

2) Why is this your BHAG?

(Insert Paragraph(s) Answer Here)

I have decided to make my kids my priority for my BHAG because I think the

way we raise the next generation will affect the world. I believe that I will have a career

that I love, but I want to prioritize my family first. It has always been important to me to

have a family, and as I am going into this next season of my life I feel that I am realizing

the importance of leaving a lasting impact. I want my kids to understand the important

things in life and to treat others with kindness and respect. I have chosen this for my

BHAG because I think that being a parent will be the hardest thing I will do in my life

and it is something that I do not want to mess up. I will most likely have more than one

job in the future, but being a mom is a job I will have forever and I only get one chance.

3) How does your BHAG align with your vision statement from Module 4?

(Restate your Vision Statement and Insert Answer Here)

My vision statement is “ I will continue to learn and grow, sharing what I know along the

way.” I believe that we are always going to be learning for the rest of our lives. We should be

in a position where we want to learn instead of thinking that we are too old to learn or that we

know everything. Sharing what I know relates to whoever is willing to listen, whether that is

coworkers or friends, I will share what I know. I also know that I will be responsible for

teaching my kids a lot of useful information, which connects to my BHAG.

4) How does your BHAG align with your mission statement from Module 4?

(Restate your Mission Statement and Insert Answer Here)

My mission statement is “I will be committed to living my life to the fullest,

pursuing my dreams with success, and maintaining the priorities that bring my

happiness.” I believe that happiness is the most important thing in life. When I started my

new job, I was consumed by it and it affected my mental health and the people around me
suffered because I was unhappy. Eventually, my fiance talked to me about how I did not

seem happy and I realized that it was time for a change. I actively worked on myself and

focused on separating work and life. I did things outside of work that made me happy and

things that I would look forward to. This made me realize that life is short, and I should

never put that much energy into things that are going to drain me. Circling back to my

mission statement, I know that my happiness comes from things I do with my family and

I cannot wait to watch it grow.

5) List your top five (5) obstacles in order from number 5 being least difficult
and number 1 being most difficult you need to overcome in order to obtain your
BHAG and explain the relevance of each one.

(Insert Obstacle 1 -most difficult- with Explanation Answer Here)

The most difficult obstacle for me will be to keep my negative outlook in check. I

am a bit of a worrier about anything and everything. When you have kids things are

bound to go wrong and I have to accept that. I also have to try to keep a positive attitude

so that I don’t affect the people around me.

(Insert Obstacle 2- with Explanation Answer Here)

I believe the second hardest obstacle will be actually raising kids. While I have

heard it is the most rewarding thing a person can do, I have also heard it is the hardest

thing a person can do.

(Insert Obstacle 3 with Explanation Answer Here)

Another obstacle is finances, living in California is one of the most expensive

states and with kids and a house, the cost of living increases exponentially.

(Insert Obstacle 4 with Explanation Answer Here)

Something that I can see myself struggling with in the future is time management

of all the things I have to do to take care of kids and a house including chores and making

sure everyone is fed. I will try not to get overwhelmed with all the things and to keep a

positive attitude.

(Insert Obstacle 5 -least difficult- with Explanation Answer Here)

Keeping my life full of exciting things will be relatively easy. It is something that

I do not want to lose sight of in life to make sure that I am focusing on happiness.

Section 2: Career Vision

Consider your long-term vision for your career. Respond to the following questions, and make
connections to your personal mission statement, your BHAG(s), the themes you developed in
Module 4, and the textbook/supplemental readings (as applicable).

Answer the following:

1) Analyze the type of career you want to have, in terms of an organizational

career or a protean career, and make sure it is clear you understand the concepts as
outlined in the textbook. Why?

(Insert Answer Here)

The type of career I want to pursue is a business analyst for an organization that

gives good benefits. I chose this career because all of my career interest tests and what I

would be good at had the same results. This career relates to a protean career because I

am always going to be in a position where I am expanding my knowledge and growing in

my role to fit the business needs. I will need to collaborate with other people to show

them business trends and talk about goals for the future. Then I will also be responsible

for making charts that will show the progress of these goals. This career is also pretty

flexible because it is mostly online-oriented, a lot of these roles are work-from-home

roles or minimal office days. This also relates to my BHAG because having a remote job
will be beneficial for me when I have kids so that I can be at home with them while


2) Analyze your career with an explanation as one that moves you up the
organization or one you develop seeking alternative career paths. If you see yourself
taking an alternative career path, which one(s) sound the most likely? Why?

(Insert Answer Here)

My career path has the potential for me to move laterally from organization to

organization. However, it also has the potential to grow into the next role for an analyst

which would be a managerial position. My degree is in organizational leadership with a

focus on business data analytics, so I have the degree and knowledge to become a

manager if I want to. An alternative career path would only make sense for me if it

worked the best for my family. As I have mentioned, that is the most important thing in

my life and one of my biggest considerations when looking for a job. I would like to try

to get a government job because I know they have good benefits and job security which

are two of my top priorities.

3) Discuss and explain if you see yourself working an alternative or flexible

work schedule/arrangement? If so, which ones and why?

(Insert Answer Here)

I could see myself working either full time with the Monday to Friday 40-hour

work week and having my kids in daycare. However, I think that a flexible work schedule

would be more beneficial for financial stability based on where we live. Daycare is

expensive in California, and I have some family members and friends who had one

person quit their job to stay home with the kids because the daycare costs more than their

income. Therefore, they would save money by staying home. I think that a work schedule
where I could still have an income and also be able to stay with my family would make

the most sense for my situation.

Section 3: Long-Term Strategy

Develop a strategy for moving toward your ideal future work/life situation and the realization of
your BHAG(s). Consider the timeframe for your BHAG(s). Provide a vivid description of life
“the way it will be” once your BHAG is realized.

1) Critically think about and then list out (not a narrative format) the interim
steps or milestones you have laid out for yourself that will aid you in reaching your
BHAG (you should have at least 10 to earn a rating of excellent and be referenced
by time)

(Insert Your 10 Time Referenced Milestones Here as a list)

1. Get married (This year)

2. Get a job with good benefits (this year)
3. Create financial security
4. Have kids (two-three years)
5. Get a house (five years)
6. Encourage kids in their growth (lifetime)
7. Stay educated on current events and educate kids (lifetime)
8. Create goals for kids to pursue as they grow (ten years)
9. Find positive solutions in life (lifetime)
10. Have a job with flexibility (five years)

2) In addition to career-related roles, consider your other life roles in relation to

your career goals. Revisit your responses to the Identities Exercise that you
completed in Module 1 of the course. Based on your long-term strategy what are the
3 most precious things you are willing to sacrifice, besides time, to achieve your
BHAG? Why?

(Insert Sacrifice 1 Here with Paragraph Explanation)

I would be willing to sacrifice my job which is really important to me. In all of

my personality tests the top result for me was job security and financial stability. If I had

to make the biggest sacrifice to make my BHAG come true it would be to be a

stay-at-home mom and not have any personal income. While I plan on staying married, I
have always wanted to have my own financial freedom and not have to rely on anyone. I

would give this up to reach my goals and raise well-rounded individuals.

(Insert Sacrifice 2 Here with Paragraph Explanation)

Another big sacrifice for me that ties into the first one is financial stability. I am a

person who likes to be comfortable and not have to worry about money. I would like to

have a significant amount of savings just in case I should need it. However, I am also

good at planning and organizing. While it would stress me out to not have the most

financial stability, I believe that I could manage what I had well enough to still have

significant savings.

(Insert Sacrifice 3 Here with Paragraph Explanation)

One sacrifice I would give up is having a home that we own. Living in California,

the reality of becoming a homeowner is getting farther and farther because of the cost of

living. I would be willing to either live in a home that we rent or the other option would

be to move out of state and find somewhere cheaper to live. The only problem with this is

our families are here and it would be hard to leave. I would hope that we could still own a

house here eventually, but it is something that I have come to accept as a reality.

Section 4: The one to two-year plan

Using a SMART goals-based approach, as well as project planning and management skill best
practices, create a detailed project plan for at least two specific goals. At least one must be
related to your long-term BHAG. The other may be related to some other aspect of your career
development or career-life integration. Both of these goals need to be things that you are
passionate about accomplishing.

Your selected goals and SMART plan (see SMART goal information provided in the module)
should be structured based on a one to two-year timeline. It should include specific milestones,
action items, sub-tasks as well as task-related interdependencies as applicable. With respect to
each goal, critically think about what specifically are the things you will do in the next one to
two years to achieve these goals.
Develop a clear and detailed SMART plan, with facilitating goals and steps/actions required
to accomplish your selected goals. It should be evident, by looking at the format and structure
of your plan, that you have developed some significant skills with respect to project
management. Include Gantt charts (T) or other visual project representations as you see fit, and
be sure to address your approach to tracking/measuring your progress (M).

1) What is your #1 Goal? (at least one of the following must be related to your

My first goal is to be an example to my kids of who I want them to be, even if that is not

always who I am.

(Insert your #1 Goal above and provide short answers below describing your goal in
terms of the SMART model. Finally, provide a Gantt chart using the tools provided).

a. Specific (provide details about the goal)

This is a specific goal that will help me to reach my BHAG of raising

well-rounded kids who help other people.

b. Measurable (explain how you’ll measure your progress or completion)

I can measure this progress by checking in with my personal progress to make

sure that I am keeping up with the behavior I want them to follow.

c. Attainable (explain why this is possible)

This is an attainable goal because I will be able to implement it into my daily life

for the foreseeable future.

d. Relevant (explain why this matters to you)

This matters to me because I will only get one chance to raise kids and to me,

there is nothing more important than bringing up the next generation.

e. Time-Based (provide the timeframe in which you’ll complete this goal)

This time frame will be from when I have kids to the time they are 18 because

after that I can help them but I cannot make decisions for them anymore, they will

be their own people.

(Insert Gantt Chart)

2) What is your #2 Goal? (at least one of these must be related to your BHAG)

My second goal is to be able to grow into my role as a business analyst and feel

comfortable enough to help others learn as well.

(Insert your #2 Goal above and provide short answers below describing your goal in
terms of the SMART model. Finally, provide a Gantt chart using the tools provided).

a. S
This is a specific goal that involves other people, I will not be the only one

impacted by this.

b. M

I can measure these actions by looking back at my growth in my role as a business

analyst to make sure that I am still on the right track.

c. A

This goal is attainable because it is something that I can work on over time, there

is no deadline.

d. R

This matters to me because I want to be able to share my knowledge with other

people just like I have had knowledge shared with me.

e. T

The time frame for this goal is a few years after getting into my job as a business

analyst. However, the goal of teaching is ongoing for anyone who comes along

and needs help.

(Insert Gantt Chart)

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