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Sekarang ini olahraga telah menjadi aktivitas ruti bagi beberapa grup. Stellar Powerhouse adalah
gym yang menyediakan calisthenis untuk membentuk badan dengan membangun otot melalui
exersice. Calasthenics has many benefits in building muscle strangth and endurance.


Stellar Powerhouse di dirikan oleh Dedy Darsono yang memiliki luka scoliosis. Dia pergi ke Taiwan
untuk berobat dan dokter disana merekomendasikan untuk melakukan olahraga calisthenics. Lalu di
tahun 2014 Dedy menemukan komunitas calisthenics di indonesia yang bertempat di Taman
Sulawesi Surabaya. Melihat tumbuhnya peminat calisthenics dedy akhirnya memutuskan untuk
membuka Stellar Powerhouse

Business Model

Stellar Powerhouse membuka program membership include dengan personal trainner fee. Mereka
menyediakan berbagai program mulai dari Reguler (Semi Private), Private 1 on 1, or Fat Loss Class
training program dengan periode 45 hari. Personal traners ditugaskan untuk mengarahkan para
member yang akan di bagi dalam team untuk melakukan excercise. Proses regrestrasi, pengambilan
paket, pembayaran dan kehadiran dapat dilakukan di aplikasi yang telah disediakan oleh Stellar


1. Membuka progam membership include dengan personal trainner.

2. Menyediakan gratis traning 1x untuk member batu.
3. Mempunyai aplikasi 3.0 yang suport IOS dan Android guna membantu mempermudah
pelanggan untuk registrasi,
4. Memiliki prinsip low price for high quality


1. Many convensional fitnes centers are now starting to open calisthenic classes.
Summery Case

Stellar Powerhouse emerges as a beacon of calisthenics culture amidst the evolving fitness
landscape in Indonesia. Founded by Dedy Darsono, the gym offers specialized calisthenics training,
emphasizing bodyweight exercises for muscle building and overall fitness. Despite challenges posed
by the COVID-19 pandemic, Stellar Powerhouse has persevered, attracting members seeking
effective and holistic fitness solutions.

Dedy Darsono's journey, stemming from personal health challenges, led to the inception of Stellar
Powerhouse in 2015. Inspired by his own recovery through calisthenics, Dedy established Draconian,
a precursor community promoting bodyweight exercises. Witnessing the community's enthusiasm,
Stellar Powerhouse was founded to institutionalize calisthenics training, with Surabaya serving as its

Stellar Powerhouse adopts a membership-based model, integrating personal training fees into
package costs, streamlining the sign-up process. Offering various training programs, including semi-
private and private sessions, the gym accommodates different preferences. The implementation of
Stellar Pass 3.0 application enhances member experience, facilitating digital transactions and
promoting community engagement.

With branches strategically located across Java and Bali, Stellar Powerhouse ensures accessibility to
its specialized training. Emphasizing affordability without compromising quality, the gym aims to
make calisthenics accessible to a wide audience. Tailoring promotions to regional preferences
underscores the gym's adaptability, catering to diverse member demographics.

Stellar Powerhouse employs several marketing strategies to attract and retain members. These
include offering free trials, leveraging word-of-mouth testimonials and social media activation,
implementing referral programs, and promoting member-generated content. The Stellar Pass 3.0
app serves as both a marketing tool and a platform for member engagement.

The proliferation of conventional gyms poses challenges for Stellar Powerhouse. To overcome this,
the gym must emphasize the unique benefits of calisthenics and the value of personalized training.
Additionally, Stellar Powerhouse needs to enhance its digital capabilities to cater to tech-savvy
members, including millennials and Generation X, while also providing support for less tech-literate

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