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Asia International Mathematical Olympiad Open Trials

中一組 Grade 7
時限:70 分鐘
Time allowed: 70 minutes

Question Paper


DO NOT turn over this Question Paper without approval of the examiner.
Otherwise, contestant may be DISQUALIFIED.
請將答案寫在 答題紙 上。
All answers should be written on the ANSWER SHEET.
甲部:每題 4 分
Section A – each question carries 4 marks

1) 現有甲、乙兩種酒精溶液。已知甲的濃度為 3%、乙的濃度為 4%,如果把甲、乙按照 5: 3 的質量

Alcohol solution A has a concentration of 3% and Alcohol solution B has a concentration of 4%. Solution
A and solution B are mixed in ratio of mass of 5 :3. Find the concentration of the mixed solution.

2) 已知一正方形和一矩形的面積均為 100,求兩者周界之差的最小值。
There is a square and a rectangle. The area each of them is 100. Find the minimum possible difference
between their perimeters.

3) 某物質每 10 分鐘增加其體積一倍。在《港澳盃》中一組比賽開始時,把少量物質放在一容器內,
當比賽結束時該容器恰好被全部充滿。已知該容器內部的體積為 1000 立方厘米,求在比賽開始時
A substance will double its volume every 10 minutes. When the 2016 Hong Kong & Macao
Mathematical Olympiad Open Secondary 1 section starts a small amount of the substance is put in a
container. The container is just fully occupied at the end of the competition. Given the internal volume of
the container is 1000cm3, find the volume of the substance at the beginning of the competition. (Show
your answer in decimals when necessary)
  
4) 求 3.13  2.016 的值,並以循環小數表示答案。
  
Find the value of 3.13  2.016 and show your answer in recurring decimals.

5) 參考附圖, AB CD , FG  FH 。若 AGH  x ,求 x 的值。

In the figure below, if AB CD , FG  FH and AGH  x , find the value of x.


60 E
Question 5

6) 一個正常的時鐘,時針和分針每隔多少分鐘重疊一次?(如有需要,答案請以最簡分數作答。)
For an ordinary analog clock, at which interval the hour-hand and the minute-hand overlaps?
(Show your answer in simplest fraction when necessary.)

7) 3 個互不相同的一位正整數可組成 6 個不同的三位數。若某三個一位整數組成的 6 個三位數之和為

6 different three-digits numbers can be formed by using 3 distinct Arabic numerals (0-9). If the 6 integers
formed this way has a sum of 4218, find the smallest possible 3-digit number formed by the three
Write down the answer in the simplest form. If the calculation result is a fraction, please write down the answer as a proper or mixed fraction,
decimal figure is also accepted. You may use square root to represent the answer which is in the simplest form.
Unless otherwise stated, no need to write down any unit. Marks will NOT be given for incorrect unit.
請將答案寫在 答題紙 上。
All answers should be written on the ANSWER SHEET.

8) 求數值 16313 的正因子和。

Find the sum of all positive factors of 16313.

~ 甲部完 ~
~ End of section A ~

乙部:每題 5 分
Section B – each question carries 5 marks

9) 已知有理數 x  0 且 x  3 3 3 ,求 x 的值。

It is known that x is rational, x  0 and x  3 3 3 . Find the value of x.

10) 已知 390625  58 ,求 1  5  25 125  625   390625 的值。

If 390625  58 , find the value of 1  5  25 125  625   390625 .

11) 在「平面直角坐標系」中,已知 M  x, y  是 A  3,13 和 B  9, 3 的中點。求 x  y 的值。

In rectangular coordinate system. If M  x, y  is the mid-point of A  3,13 and B  9, 3 . Find x  y .

12) 已知某直角三角形的兩條直角邊的長度比為 1: 3 。若斜邊為 12,求三角形的面積。

It is known the two sides adjacent to the right angle of a right-angled triangle are in the ratio of 1: 3 . If
the length of the hypotenuse is 12, find the area of the triangle.

13) 已知 N 13  302,875,106,592, 253 ,求 N 的值。

It is known that is N 13  302,875,106,592, 253 , find the value of N.

14) 《港澳盃》中一組的比賽時間為 16:00 – 17:10,在比賽期間,時針和分針重疊的時間是幾時幾分?

The competition time of 2016 Hong Kong & Macao Mathematical Olympiad Open Secondary 1 section
is 16:00 – 17:10. During the competition, when does the minute-hand and the hour-hand overlap?
(If necessary, show your answer in 24 hour system and simplest fraction)

15) 已知 13316 有 6 個正因子,求它的質因子之和。(相同的質因子只計算一次)

It is known 13316 has 6 positive factors, find the sum of its prime factors.

16) 有一個數列:第一個數是 2016,第二個數是 313,從第三個數開始,每個數都是它前面兩個數的

平均數,求數列中第 16 個數的整數部分。
There is a sequence. Its first term is 2016, its second term is 313. From the third term, each term is the
average of the two preceding terms. Find the integral part of the 16 th term.

~ 乙部完 ~
~ End of section B ~

(C) 2016 Hong Kong Mathematical Olympiad Association 香港數學奧林匹克協會 (HKMO)
All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means,
electronic mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of Hong Kong Mathematical Olympiad Association.
請將答案寫在 答題紙 上。
All answers should be written on the ANSWER SHEET.
丙部:每題 7 分
Section C – each question carries 7 marks

17) 在「平面直角坐標系」中,已知 A 和 B 的坐標分別是  14,6  和  7, 3 ,且 M 是 AB 上的一點使得

AM : MB  2:1。若線段 AB 沿 M 點順時針旋轉某角度後,B 點落在  3, 7  ,求 A 點的新坐標。
In Cartesian coordinate system. It is known the coordinates of A and B are  14,6  and  7, 3
respectively. M is a point on AB such that AM : MB  2:1. The line segment AB rotates about M, if the
new position of B becomes  3, 7  , find the corresponding new coordinates of A.

18) 設 a  3.13  3.113  3.1113   3.111 13 ,求 a 的整數部分。

100 個「1」

Let a  3.13  3.113  3.1113   3.111 13 , find the integral part of a.

100 '1's

19) 參考附圖,長方體 ABCDEFGH 的長寬高分別是 3、5、13,求對角線 AF 的長度。

In the figure, the length, width and height of the cuboid ABCDEFGH is 3, 5 and 13 respectively.
Find the length of the diagonal AF.


第 19 題
Question 19

20) 給出五顆均質六面骰子,每面分別代表 1–6 其中一個數字。擲出該組骰子並依次記錄結果,求擲

出數字總和為 10 的的組合數目。(例:11112 和 21111 為不同組合)
There are 5 fair 6-sided dices, which the 6 faces of the dices show numbers from 1 to 6, are thrown.
The outcomes are recorded in order (e.g. 11112 and 21111 are counted towards 2 different
scenarios).Find the number of different scenarios which the sum of outcomes is 10.

~ 全卷完 ~
~ End of Paper ~

Write down the answer in the simplest form. If the calculation result is a fraction, please write down the answer as a proper or mixed fraction,
decimal figure is also accepted. You may use square root to represent the answer which is in the simplest form.
Unless otherwise stated, no need to write down any unit. Marks will NOT be given for incorrect unit.

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