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During the Leadership Cafe, I had the opportunity to connect with two professionals in a
leadership position the first one was CEDE Aruba manager where I learned about her
career, responsibilities, and views on the industry. The second one was Stichting Hunto, a
foundation dedicated to the support of people with mental health and addiction

Interviewee 1: Mrs. Magriet Lee-Tromp

Position: Project Manager
Organization: CEDE Aruba

Interviewee 1 STARR Method:

Situation: Mrs. Magriet was tasked with overseeing the implementation of a community
development initiative aimed at creating a cohesive and sustainable neighborhood in
Aruba as the Project Manager for the “Bario Uncio” project.

Task: Her main responsibilities were to develop a strategic plan for the project,
mobilization of resources and stakeholders, coordinate with local organizations, and
ensure effective communication and collaboration among team members.

Action: to accomplish these tasks, she carefully evaluated the needs of the community they
wanted to help, identified important individuals and potential collaborators, and created a
detailed project plan that outlined their objectives, tasks, and deadlines. To gather input
and foster ownership of the project, she actively engaged community members through
meetings, workshops, and outreach activities.

Results: Progress is being made toward the goal of creating a unified and sustainable
neighborhood in the “Bario Unico” project in Aruba. This includes improving infrastructure,
implementing community programs, and empowering residents to contribute to the
development of their neighborhoods. By fostering a sense of community ownership and
collaboration, the project is seen as a positive force for change. There is continued support
and recognition of the project's impact and potential for long-term success based on
feedback from community members, partners, and government officials.

Reflection: Leading the “Bario Unico” project taught me valuable lessons about managing
projects, engaging the community, and working with stakeholders. Mrs. Magriet said: ‘that
it was rewarding to see the improvement of the neighborhood and the empowerment of its
residents’. However, she also faced obstacles such as dealing with bureaucracy and
balancing different priorities. This experience underscored the importance of strong
leadership, communication, and determination in creating positive change in communities.

Interviewee 2: Randel van Triget

Position: Leader of Stichting Hunto
Organization: Stichting Hunto

Interviewee 2 STARR Method:

Situation: As the director of Stichting Hunto, Mr. Randal makes sure that the organization
is going in the right direction and doing his job well. Every day he makes sure that his
mission is to help people with their emotions and addictions.

Task: Simply put, Mr. Randal's job is to take care of the people who work and help with
the organization. He also makes sure that they have good relationships with other
important people and organizations. Mr. Randal also helps raise money for the
organization and makes sure they reach the goal.

Action: Mr. Randal provides a leadership role in overcoming challenges such as funding
limitations, administrative barriers, and the social stigma associated with mental health and
addiction, while at the same time implementing innovative approaches to address these

Results: Stichting Hunto has made significant progress in providing essential mental health
care to children and adolescents and in addressing addiction issues in the community
through collaborative efforts and strategic initiatives. The positive impact on people’s lives
has been a very satisfying experience to be a witness to.

Reflection: Despite the challenges inherent in this role, including dealing with funding
limitations and social stigma, the opportunity to make a tangible difference in the lives of
those they serve is extremely rewarding. The key to success in this type of field is
continuous learning, collaboration, and a commitment to their mission.

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