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Farid B.

The Physical Self

The Sexual Self

The sexual self tackles the basic
aspects of human development. And
this lesson served as guidance to
Since reaching puberty, I've had to minimize assist us in being open-minded,
my childhood because my mother always tells particularly regarding sexual things.
people I'm grown up. I must therefore behave
Respect for one's body according to
as one. At first, I didn't see why I would change
his chosen identity is also important.
my daily routine, but as time went on, I
realized that there are times when I don't have But in my opinion, our gender does
to behave like a child. Although I have physical not determine who we should date or
imperfections, I have learned to accept and associate with because we are all
embrace what God has given me. And I am equal.
aware that we are all flawed in some way.
The Cultural Self
The Material/Economic self

The Socio-Digital Self

To be honest, I don't post anything on
my social media. I am very quiet when it
comes to social media. My social media
apps are only Facebook and Instagram. I
This is my family on the
don't post anything there. I prefer to
mother's side. This was
interact with people in person than
during the new year. It is very
important for our family to
celebrate the new year This is my car. It's a Toyota
because we are used to it Cressida 1994. I love cars,
already, and it's already our and one thing for sure is I
culture in the Philippines to want to collect classic cars
celebrate it every year.
in the future
Inner Soul Connections with Nature Discovering Life's Meaning

People need help to define life's

Be contented in purpose accurately. Some people

only care about their happiness,
life, and you will starting a family, and living their
lives as they are. While for some,
find peace and it's all about love, for others, it's
stay happy in I love watching the sunset,
about accumulating a fortune. For
me, the meaning of life is to be
life especially when I'm stressed happy, think positively and just
and going to the beach to swim do the things that make you
happy, and live life to the fullest

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