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51. Irian 52. Isiserr 53. Jannor 54. Judela 55. Kabrax 56. Kairda 57. Kenden 58.

Lannus 59. Lodra 60. Mabela 61. Madalaere 62. Malek 63. Melig 64. Menganwe 65. Morgalag 66. Muthmaniel 67. Nalenn
1. Adelt 2. Aegyth 3. Alectan 4. Almarl 5. Anath 6. Arnathelne 7. Arvedu 8. Barus 9. Beleg 10. Briath 11. Bruidge 12. Buhreth 13. Cadwaithel 14. Caerwine 15. Caldeborix 16. Cassiche 17. Cerid 18. Cleericus

68. Nellach 69. Nurnach 70. Orlafur 71. Orlona 72. Othibet 73. Pailo 74. Pradowine 75. Prath 76. Quamnach 77. Quina 78. Quonish 79. Ragalur 80. Riofa 81. Ruenell 82. Rylen 83. Saifrid 84. Salan
pondweed and polliwogs, the first toxic drops of distilled spirit, shards and shapes of sunbaked clay, driving greedy birds away from berries,
1 26 51 76

85. Sammach 86. Shald 87. Shothe 88. Sibin 89. Targa 90. Tefinleigh 91. Tered 92. Theda 93. Thornil 94. Trania 95. Unedwala 96. Vernulas 97. Warhael 98. Wulta 99. Xanda 100. Zavas
all manner of soggy swamp slogs advice to those who just won't hear it returning poultry gone astray dividing the lands of beneficiaries
19. Cletach 20. Colatha 21. Cotuag 22. Creen 23. Degil 24. Dervynnet 25. Drastine 26. Drebin 27. Drond 28. Duneg 29. Dunway 30. Edaigran 31. Ereth 32. Ermen 33. Ertun 34. Esrynn 35. Eurik
36. Feasarai 37. Fincelig 38. Garan 39. Gatas 40. Gualduin 41. Gwanroe 42. Gwath 43. Gwythy 44. Gydan 45. Hegen 46. Helticus 47. Hisie 48. Idwell 49. Illendalf 50. Immoth

forest floor dappled by sun, critters that crave crepuscular dusk, all that snags on bramble or thorn, weighing items in one's hands,
2 27 52 77
holes that appear in things homespun anything made from wild boar tusk un-mended things left torn a horse that hesitates with commands
reeds and rushes, the strap that holds the shield to arm, ice-kissed shorelines and wild, finding that perfect walking stick,
3 28 53 78
young lovers' hurried hushes disputed boundaries of a farm untended grapevines sometimes soothing the homesick
carelessly unfastened saddlebags, the fight of the fish that evades the hook, large, flat stones on which to rest, frogs or insects, kept in jars,
4 29 54 79
and forgotten tattered flags any page torn from a book weary words unexpressed cloudy nights bereft of stars
lover's promises carved on trees, the process of cooling a pie on sill, unattended paper scattered by breeze, thinking fondly of first loves,
5 30 55 80
banishing an untimely freeze the strident call of the whippoorwill calming down a swarm of bees lonely and un-mated gloves
any creature born many-headed, cockerel's crow suddenly cut short, eleventh hour wedding banns ephemeral plans, sketched in sand,
6 31 56 81
the misunderstood and unfairly dreaded being called to serve on a local court and the best sand for scouring pans or an elder's reprimand
pottery that shatters as its fired, sour breath, post-rotgut, predators that lie in wait, water that just won't come to boil,
7 32 57 82
inconveniences undesired time saved from a shortcut last bit of food, left on the plate the kink that frustrates every coil
eggs with double yolks, the contrary thread, refusing the eye, any accident due to weather, trawling for corpses, drowned in a lake,
8 33 58 83
the edible bits of artichokes the first swat miraculously killing a fly or a postponed get together the shudder of being startled awake
smell of the earth after it rains, holding hands to not get lost, the smoky flavor imparted by peat, the malkin who's never caught a mouse,
9 34 59 84
farmer's feet free of chilblains selling something below cost or any other slow-cooked meat growing to love a betrothed spouse
a tree falling of its own accord, a foreboding black cloud all by itself, the moist and mossy sides of stones, being late for suppertime,
10 35 60 85
any blemish in the blade of a sword owing a debt unto an Elf gossip uttered in hushed tones conflicting witnesses to a crime
cinders that rise trying to be stars, glowing tip of a glassblower’s tube, rainfall that interferes the splash of a coin tossed in a well,
11 36 61 86
stories that come with interesting scars anything stacked into a cube with sheep in need of the shears a baby's delicate fontanelle
hearty handshakes sealed with spit, the line of dust that escapes the broom, catchy whistling out-of-tune, lips that grow cracked in the wind,
12 37 62 87
the first time a bread oven's lit the ox spared from a hecatomb any time you drop a spoon laundry that becomes unpinned
smoke rings blown from a pipe, weathering that claims a sturdy fencepost, any stone that skips at least thrice, any cup that earns a crack,
13 38 63 88
fruit that falls still unripe outstaying the welcome of a host any rope that just won't splice that small red speck in a yolk-sac
driest kindling that craves the flame, dancing rainbows born from refraction, any fodder made from weeds, pressed flowers, stored in books,
14 39 64 89
animals one seeks to tame flirty words to express attraction hoping that the flood recedes age not marring your good looks
any litter with a runt, the creak of a chest on opening only, crusty eyes when first you wake, old workhorses, sent to pasture,
15 40 65 90
concessions made so growth won't stunt the lamentations of the lonely rediscovering a lost keepsake creaky joints rubbed with castor
keeping every cellar's salt un-clumped, soot that darkens lanterns and lamps, sparks that fly from sharpened blades, waking up for a midnight snack,
16 41 66 91
last gout of water weakly pumped the twinge presaging monthly cramps small bright flowers in clear glades foiling fungi in your haystack
curls of bark from a birch tree, the unreachable itch in the small of your back, to propagate a plant from cutting, any bird with a broken wing,
17 42 67 92
keeping cow hides blemish-free the lowliest wolf still part of the pack or help a swollen door start shutting any song to sad to sing
the dust that flies from carpets beat, the thorny larder of a shrike, the traveler's arrival unannounced, the scent of cucumbers freshly cut,
18 43 68 93
the plow avoiding sheaf of wheat or any food served on a spike a tricky word mispronounced freeing a wheel stuck in a rut
a strand of hair in your mouth, cobwebs clouding up the corners, a tired tomcat's dramatic yawn, the household's fear of the hungry moth,
19 44 69 94
any signpost pointing south stifled laughs among the mourners the sliver of light that foretells the dawn bones for dogs after the broth
those crunchy bits, leftover from frying, letter that arrives after writer's death, any oath from a notorious liar, running fingers to divide the whey,
20 45 70 95
any secret that takes some prying puffs of vapor on a cold days' breath or overtly revealing attire the stubborn child that won't obey
stale beer, bereft of bubbles, the bounding frolic of baby goats, the nail that hangs a proclamation, testifying against a friend,
21 46 71 96
any cow with calfling troubles forgotten money in the pockets of coats unsuccessful assassination work undone by weeks' end
crinkled lines around the eyes, this specific oxbow lake, the glint of the fry in a kingfisher's beak, last drop of juice, squeezed out for cider,
22 47 72 97
a coracle prone to capsize and a local raisin cake social customs that protect the meek apology spoken to the web of a spider
lines formed from scratching an insect bite, any contest of extemporaneous verse, an ankle-twister, hidden by mist, any time you count by fives,
23 48 73 98
bitter words said in spite the nimble fingers of a cutpurse any item left off a list to break the curse of gifting knives
the tool that breaks when most needed, the swish of cowtails to drive away bugs, treasure rumored to hide in barrow, any garment with mismatched buttons,
24 49 74 99
a stern warning gone unheeded caseless war on garden slugs cracking bones to reach the marrow indigestion given to gluttons
the "thumbs up sign" of approval, the first wall erected of a building, cloying stench of a skunk's spray, the unruly nail that bends under hammer,
25 50 75 100
sucking a finger post-splinter removal any artwork stripped of gilding unwelcome gifts of macramé words delayed by a stammer

Draft Version 03.02.2022 (RIP G+).

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