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Facebook Ad Breakdown

Alright, so now we're gonna get into some more specifics with an actual ad starting the
facebook ad first. Um and going to see what that pre sale pages and then obviously clicking
on the sales page, we'll go through this whole process. So before we cover into that, I think it's
important to see like, hey, what the hell am I looking at here?

Um So this is uh this is called Ad Spy. Um this is really just a way to look at other marketers are
doing and what ads have, you know, if facebook ads are are moving there, have a good spend
on them, you can go through and I think it's important to understand but not swipe or steal so
um sometimes people use the software to just rip off somebody else's ads and just copy them
without changing anything That is not okay, not only is it, I would say frowned upon in the
industry to say at least you definitely get into intellectual property rights and it's not just, it's
just something you shouldn't do, especially given that. By the time you end up ripping that off,
that ad might already start going down especially on facebook and you won't really
understand what they did that was so well. Um so you're not gonna be able to be very
effective that being said, let's jump into hold on this specific ad. There you go. I was like why is
it what it's in the video for. So first off, I think one thing here that's important note is you can
see this is coming from an individual.

So Briana devin it's important to make it look like this where this is going to. One thing that's
important is you have to understand the mindset of a facebook user. So facebook users are
people that are just scrolling, they're scrolling and flipping through to be entertained to be
interested for something to catch their eye. Um so when you're talking about coming up with
your ads, you need things that are going to stop the scroll and feel like something that we
wanted them to consume. So in here I'll come circle back on that idea a little bit later. But it's
important to know that I'm not necessarily going to facebook to find specific information. I'm
not really going there to buy something all the time. Oftentimes you're not going there with
an agenda whatsoever except for, I don't know, find something to do before, you know when
you're locked in the bathroom and telling yourself that it's just a big one. Right? So you have to
find something in there. But it's, it's very much so a standout type of medium.

So as we go in here, we can see that this looks like it actually starts with quotes meaning that's
coming from some sort of testimonial or story. I'm so confident in my smile. Now I save my
teeth and gums this new soft mineral melts in my mouth and rebuilds my gums and teeth
right from the get go. It's just totally targeting exactly who they wanted to target um right
from from the actual words and we're gonna cover what you actually probably see first.

But um it's going anyone that's suffering from gum gum and teeth problems, they're gonna
read that and say this is for me, right off the bat. That's important to know. You're not looking
for ads for everybody. You're looking for ads for the people that suffer from what you're going
to solve. You don't identify and connect with that pain and here it's the end outcome. Um I will
tell you ads do best when they sell to an end outcome. First. We want to know where we're
going, not where we are, but we need to have some connection point on that, right? So save
my teeth and gums um confident in my smile. These are really important things to to know
that this is the audience is wanting to hear from.

That's what they want to see. That's what they wanted to be because there's things I don't
have right now, my husband recently did a crazy transformations. Teeth and gums hurt so
much that he just didn't know what else to do, right? So what you're doing here is again, we're
now trying to build empathy. We're showing that we understand um you're really putting in
the words of that. Hopefully your audience is saying themselves um nothing helped from

dentist oils.

Then a few days later I ran my old yoga instructor at a grocery store. We chatted for a bit and I
told her by Hudson's dental issues and how I found him crying because of the pain. Again,
we're using some motion, we're bringing some pain into it, trying to connect with the
individuals and even say if you haven't got brought to tears, you're reading this and you're like
man, it could get even worse. And that's why it's important to go from a very dramatic state
because that's going to capture the people that are there.

They're gonna feel like you're speaking their words, that people are afraid they're going to get
there like, oh my gosh, that's where I could, if I don't do something now. So there's a couple of
things important. That's why you want to start from that peak worst case scenario almost um
lost my train of thought here, should have been told about my husband's dental shoes and I
found him crying because of the pain. She then quickly introduced me to viral video from
world renowned doctor. Um I think one of the things that I really think it's important, this is
not super well written right?

Like even when you read this, she then quickly introduced me to um to a viral video from
world renowned doctor, not from a world renowned doctor. Then most people are like, well
how can you have an ad that works that has um you know, incorrect grammar, it's not written
right couple of things on this. I just want to pause and explain to you first. Um frank Curran
actually used to talk about this all time. He would make sure that every single email he sent
had a misspelling or some sort of grammatical error um with a couple of things that you do
that for one. Um people that notice would respond back and now you're engaged with them,
They're engaged, they're still engaging with your market because it means they read every bit
of it. Um and then to the other side, it's humanizing. We're trying to make this not seem like
an ad. So most of us would think, well, gosh, it was at why would they put a misspelled word
it? Who would do that? Right? Or these people aren't trying to just make money because they
don't even have editors to go and check these things.

It's humanizing. Think if you go through your facebook post, how often is there somebody in
the comments, whether your own or a friend saying, I don't think you use the right adverb
there or something like that, trying to correct the grammar. No one likes that. And people
don't write facebook post that way. They do it from the heart and you know, putting it out on
there and they might have in perfection, they might have a run on sentence, They might be
missing a word or misspell something. So even though this is very much so written by a
professional copywriter that knows how to do all this stuff, they're intentionally making
mistakes because it's gonna make it seem more natural. It's gonna make it seem less ad see
now you can't make really, really atrocious mistakes. You have to make ones that seem simple
and small.

Um, if you just make it seem like the person unintelligent, unless that's your goal, unless that's
the intent, um, you can't hurt things, especially in a story like this, which has some, some
science as we continue to read on. And the other thing I would tell you to is don't be too afraid
of some of these mistakes. So the human brain would engage. It's just gonna basically push
through them anyway. And I'll superimpose what you're trying to say oftentimes as well, um
from the doctor who share a simple morning routine to restore a healthy gum.

Again, that's not, it's not healthy gums, you normally do gums, but just a healthy gum in his
new research. He just figured out the truth behind why people struggle with oral health issues
and it has nothing to do with diet or genetics, but instead was something we put in our mouth
every day that the dental industry is convinced you to believe is actually good for us. So this is
a really important line right here and this is really important for the rest of the copy. And I'll

circle back on this too and we talk about why you do it this way, but what they're really doing
here is they're establishing, again for their target audience, they're creating an enemy there,
give the arrows to sling at, right?

So I'm in pain. I might think it's because I didn't brush my teeth enough, or I might, you know,
you want to point the finger, like, should I point the finger at myself when you do that? Just
makes you feel like crap? Most people don't want to feel like crap, They want to find ways to
avoid feeling like crap, especially if it's our fault.

So what we're doing in here is we're establishing that, hey, this isn't your fault, You just didn't
know. Well why wouldn't I know, you know, I read, I'm smart, blah, blah, blah. We all think that
we're smart, we all think that we read even when we don't, um but people tend to think that,
so what I'm doing here is I'm saying guess what people are keeping this from you, They are
spreading you lies. Um super affirming into that, that's why it's not my fault. That's why I'm
having these pains this, I I didn't even know, right?

Like it wasn't my doing it. Somebody that's doing something against me that's also really
critical to, and critical to know, particularly because of the target audience for this, we're
selling a supplement were selling a supplement towards gum issues which are most likely
going to be towards older demographics on top of that. Those older demographics tend to
lean towards conservative. They're probably going to be more conservative visuals or just
people that have seen a high level of distrust of the government, which has actually been
picked up even more with Covid. This is not me making any sort of political statement, merely
just saying that people don't trust the established organizations.

It's actually even um, not that you might not know this, but it's actually uh politically agnostic
republicans don't trust the government, just like democrats don't. So when you start playing
that to medical fields where people don't trust this stuff, you're really speaking my language. I
want to find a solution that isn't through my doctor. I don't trust them. They're our dentist.
They're trying to just sell me something. They're always have an angle, um, and so on and so
forth. So it's really important to establish that not only is it not my fault, it's somebody else's

Let me show you who it is and it's an enemy is an enemy that fits for my audience, there might
be certain products and certain audiences that if you mentioned that the medical
establishment is out to get you that they won't like it, it won't resonate with them. Um imagine
if you're talking to a lot of professionals that were in the science field to talk about science
being bad is probably not going to resonate with them. So you have to understand the the
market and who you're selling to when you're putting something like that in there.

But identifying an enemy that supports why something is not our fault. Those are keywords
and marketing is really, really huge. So I just really want to bring that out. That that's an
important thing that they're doing in this copy, especially with a story for him. Um I also say
that like oh this is a lot of writing. They of course wouldn't see all this in the post. They're
gonna have to show more. I'm gonna tell you how they bring people in on this with the video
below. But that being said, we're just going through a long copy right now. So let me try and
find my spot again. Um yep. The real reason why gum and teeth problems are due to lack of
good bacteria. Now I'm I'm teasing, I'm giving you an idea of exactly why um in the mouth
that has um and that these bacteria are being killed every day from daily oral health products.

I just revealed the lie bacteria is good for you, which already is one of these things that creates
a paradoxical statement. This is really important. Paradoxical statements are huge in
marketing. What I mean by that is you're telling me something that seems conflicting to what

my beliefs should be.

We are told our entire lives that you need to brush your teeth mouthwash every single day,
right? Um We we talked about There's an enemy. It's not my fault. Well guess what? You need
good bacteria and we know that the bacteria in our mouth should be killed by cleaning it. We
think of bacteria is a bad thing. People are talking about bacteria being bad, bad, bad, bad,
right? Um, and now I'm already, I'm challenging that. I'm saying you need good bacteria.
There's such a thing as good bacteria. But you know, your toothpaste is killing all of that.
You're killing the good bacteria. You need to prevent and protect your gums. That sounds like
something I would want to go. That sounds interesting. I'd like to learn more. So it's really
important to make sure, especially early on in your copy whether it's a headline.

What's your ads somewhere in there? You have living a paradoxical statement in hook. This is
the key to getting people interested to learn more. Um, and making sure that resonates with
the audience. He then developed a special dissolvable mineral and when placed and melted
and like the dissolvable. That's how you spell it. I love that. Um melted in the mouth each
night. Repopulate these good bacteria in the mouth, triggering the mouse natural ability to
rebuild teeth and gums. My husband and I watched the video to the end. Love this. They're
already forecasting. Watch the whole video.

Um, and I was skeptical at first this is important too because already they know that hey, you
might feel a little bit marketing about this, but I'm gonna put give you trust by building a
bridge of empathy. I'm trying to connect to what they might be feeling right now and basically
addressing that objection before we even do it. That's important to you need to connect and
build trust. This is a really quick and easy way to do that. Um, it could be, I was skeptical a lot
of times people say, hey, I know you might be thinking of the scam. I felt the same way,
especially if it's coming from a testimonial story. It's like sometimes people put on there, this is
a scam because people are gonna drive into that and see oftentimes the whole point of that is
your overcoming objections.

Not another weight loss scam is what I said, something like that, those types of words. So
again, we're, we're diffusing the objection of a scam and then also connecting with them at
the same time because if they're feeling that emotion as their brain should because they start
to think about buying something about buying something alleviate it. We're just asking for
you to watch a video, a video that's going to change your life. Don't worry. I was skeptical at
first we watch it all the way the end but decided to give it a try. I was skeptical but try soon
after my husband implemented this morning routine. Um, watch the leader then and I was
skeptical first but decided to give it a try soon after my husband in the morning routine. So like
she's saying she does it now too. So she talks about her husband's like, I actually do this now
too. So again, this is actually not gonna all show this is gonna be collapsed. Here's what
they're actually going to see. So as we watch that, you'll probably just sit there and go, what
the hell was that? So the first thing that they do is just go back to this warning. Dentists all
over the world are in shock warning, right? It gets that attention. It's already trying to grab
your attention right off the get go.

It's a weird, odd looking animated image that you can't really look away. The colors have a lot
of contrast. I don't know why there's this blue area here that matches the background. You
have a hole in his mouth, but it's shocking dentist. They don't give you any more information
from their there. They're showing things that you need to know. It supports what is in here,
but it's also a lot of cuts. It's fast, it's moving, it's engaging. You have some nice music in the
background that just makes you sit there and kind of watch and pay attention.

It doesn't make sense, but you're seeing kind of a kind of a scope in there, right? There's some

sort of mixture, someone's washing something and it's healing cavities like teeth are just
growing back. Um, the whole point of that though again is what we're kind of highlighting the
story and very some quick snippets but it's built for curiosity.

All of this is built around curiosity to get me to just read the rest of this. Which again this is
again to then bring me some of the emotion in the future casting all to eventually click on the
add and move forward. Um So and we even have here on the title to the video the soft and
restored my husband's teeth and gums. Right? So which is gonna be the same in here. And
let's now go into what this leads into here is the final U. R. L. So um I mentioned before the
idea of like who you're picking what the enemy is.

Um So some people are like hey Kyle earlier said it needs to look like a newsletter or bait blah
blah blah, something like that. Not necessarily. Right? So often times you want to make it look
like it's not marketing but dental health research group. So they didn't really do something
really really big with this and then we have top dentist breakthrough melting candy ritual
restored my damaged teeth and gums do this today. So when we think about the ad before,
we're telling the story, um we have this dental health research group and this does look kind
of like something you'd see in an article for maybe a pretty low budget magazine, a research
area. Normally there's times you'd see something like this, like there's no way this would work.
This is just too bad.

People like that scam, right? We just said you're not skeptical. But I mentioned before that this
is something where they're identifying an enemy and an enemy is a big organization, large
control, deep state, blah blah blah, stuff like that. If I have a group that is skeptical of dentist
or the medical industry and I get taken to something like this, it actually affirms to me that this
isn't a mainstream indoctrinated.

Um I guess it's a typical news source, right? So it fits for me because I'm looking for the
solution that people don't want me to find if I made this overly stylized actually becomes
sometimes less believable. But in here, the simplicity for the market makes sense. So all that is
to say is when you're coming up with your pre sell advertorial page, it's super, super critical
that you focus on how this looks. Um, and and how it fits for the audience. So again, top
Dennis breakthrough melting candy ritual. One thing I also put in here, um, it's a candy ritual
melting candy fixing your teeth. That's where we see our paradoxical statement maverick dr

Sutton has uncovered the real root cause of bleeding gums and tooth decay. And one
morning trick to reverse the damage and rebuild your gums and teeth faster than thought
possible. It works so well, Big creations have been on his back since he leaked it to the public.
Imagine we come every morning with no more throbbing tooth pain or sore gums and never
having to go to the dentist again, click on the link below to watch this short free special video
and see how thousands of people were taking advantage of the 22nd ritual to talk smile and
eat with confidence again.

Also, great animated gif here, just clicking, boop, boop. It just makes you what your eyes want
to click on it. You see the serum, You see the teeth. It's also things you might want to really
pay attention to.

Its very congruent, right? What we saw in the ad, we're now seeing here in the advertorial, it's
different, but it's similar. It's more of an article. We're getting to a sales page, but at the same
time we're using some of the same language as we're using morning ritual. We're talking
about teeth. We're talking about the dental industry being in the enemy's right? All that's
fitting in very, very nicely and cohesively.

By the time that we click here to go to the sales page, we can see it now. Let the soft mineral
melt in your mouth to rebuild your gums and teeth. Now I mentioned before this is the offer
owners job. They're the ones that have to convert now. So we're not gonna go into all this
stuff, but things that I think are really really important with this. We've heard this line already.
I think we've heard almost every single one of these words from this headline. This is a soft
mineral melt in mineral melt in your mouth to rebuild your gums and teeth. The advertiser,
the media buyer here took what was on the page and in the video and brought it into their

This is critical for when you're doing this I can't emphasize enough. If you create a big
disparity or a large shake up as you go along throughout this process you're going to get
lower conversions. You need to make sure um that your ad and you know your pre sell page
advertorial page is going to have this exactly similar if not exactly the same language is on the
sales page. It all fits. It all feels like we're in a cohesive experience um Which is not going to
trigger to me that I'm being sold.

It doesn't make me start asking questions on the validity of everything it builds trust. And now
I know that I need to watch a video. I've been told twice to watch this video and entirety. I've
been told there's a soft mineral melt that's going to be rebuilding my gums and teeth. I have a
testimonial tied to it. I know that there's an enemy that's the dental cos I know this guy is a
doctor that is challenging them right now. So we're seeing a lot of things that fit exactly what's
in this V. S. L. It's so important that you pair those up because if you don't and you create that
disparate experience people won't want to buy.

So just to recap again um as we go through here we're gonna go from ad we want to make
sure that we are you know future casting. We're using positive stuff. We have images that are
going to stop the scroll. Um I think here we're building some sort of trust whether it's
testimonials whether through curiosity. Um If it's a science thing this is kind of a little bit of
both. We have the curiosity of video with an emotional testimonials. So they're actually doing
two and one. Um And using the same language is really really key. So I'm gonna tell you if you
go and do that on your pre sell lander pages and you do it on your ads. You're gonna see a
massive lift um in your performance. The other thing I'm gonna tell you too that it's a bonus.
That's a bonus add in here these images and videos. Test a lot lot of them. You never really
know what's gonna make somebody stop until you just test it.

So a lot of these really simple videos. Whether it's a simple image. Sometimes animated GIF.
Um Just test a lot there. Um It's one of the biggest things because the first thing that they see.
We'll talk about that more in the native section as well.

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