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Hi everybody

Today, I want to share with you about an important issue that affects our
health: sleep disorders. We often take sleep for granted but do not take it
seriously, but in fact, it is very important and has a great impact on our
health. Now, let's find out how sleep disorders affect human health.
1/ Effects on Psychology:
• Sleep disorders cause psychological problems such as stress, worry and
• Lack of sleep often increases feelings of stress, worry and sadness,
making daily life difficult.
• Sleep disorders can impair attention, concentration, decision-making
abilities, and problem-solving skills. This not only affects academic and
professional performance but also increases the risk of accidents and
injuries in daily life.

2/ Effects on Physical Health:

• Prolonged insomnia affects many health problems such as
cardiovascular disease, obesity and diabetes...

3/ Effects on Hormone Balance:

• Sleep disorders cause hormone imbalances, especially hormones that
regulate feelings of fullness and hunger, leading to weight gain and

4/ Effects on Quality of Life:

• The impact of sleep disorders on physical and psychological health
leads to an impact on our quality of life.
5/Cognitive Function:
Sleep disorders, such as insomnia or sleep apnea, can impair cognitive
function. Individuals may experience difficulty concentrating, memory
problems, and reduced productivity.
=> In conclusion, Sleep disorders pose a significant threat to human
health and well-being, affecting cognitive function, emotional stability,
physical health, hormonal balance, and overall quality of life. To
maintain a healthy life, we need to pay attention to our sleep.

1/ How does sleep disorder affect cognitive function?
A) It improves memory retention.
B) It enhances decision-making abilities.
C) It impairs concentration and memory.
D) It has no effect on cognitive function.

2/ What physical health problems are associated with sleep disorders?

A) Decreased risk of cardiovascular diseases.
B) Lower susceptibility to infections.
C) Increased risk of obesity and diabetes.
D) Enhanced immune system function.

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