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Accountancy Business Administration Student Volunteers for Social Actions (ABA-SVSA).


With a steadfast commitment to values that resonate with the very essence of our educational institution, we, the
members of the Accountancy Business Administration- Student Volunteers for Social Actions (ABA-SVSA)
organization, gather under a common banner to inspire positive change and foster holistic growth.

In the pursuit of Social Relevance, we pledge to embody the ideals of a democratic society. We embrace norms,
values, and behaviors that address the needs of the majority and extend a compassionate hand to the less fortunate.
By doing so, we aim to create a positive impact that ripples through our community and beyond.

As an extension of Aldersgate College's visionary outlook, we align with the University's 21st Century Vision.
Together, we envision a global network of learners united by knowledge, enlightenment, and leadership for the
betterment of society. We stand as ambassadors of this transformative mission, driven by the belief that our
collective efforts can illuminate a brighter path for all.


Section 1: This organization shall be known as the Accountancy Business Administration Student Volunteers
for Social Actions (ABA-SVSA).
Section 2: The domicile and principal office of the organization shall be at Aldersgate College, Solano, Nueva
Section 3: The official seal (logo) of the organization shall be as follows:

College of Business Management and Accountancy logo

Aldersgate College Incorporated Logo

Represent Hand with a Heart, The hand holding a heart in gold

symbolizes compassion, care, and a willingness to help others.
It reflects the organization's dedication to extending a
compassionate hand to the less fortunate, as outlined in the
preamble. It's a visual representation of the organization's core
values and its commitment to making a positive impact on
individuals and communities

The gold ribbon with the abbreviation "ABA-SVSA" serves as a

clear identifier for the organization. It represents unity and
cohesion among the members, as they gather under a
common banner, as mentioned in the preamble. The use of
gold in the ribbon signifies the prestige and importance of the
organization's mission.

Represent the central element, the organization's commitment to

providing a secure and supportive environment for its members and
the community it serves. It symbolizes protection, unity, and the idea
of a welcoming home where people can gather, learn, and grow

A circle does not have an end or an edge. ABA-SVSA stands

for its tagline “Leaving a Lasting Legacy” wherein the services
of the organization will not only focus on short term goals but
will last a lifetime leaving a legacy for the next generations to
continue and develop.

The shield is often a symbol of protection, strength, and defense. In the context of ABA-SVSA, the shield
can represent the organization's commitment to protecting and supporting the community and its values, as
mentioned in the preamble. It signifies the organization's readiness to defend and uphold these values in its
mission to inspire positive change and foster holistic growth.
Accountancy Business Administration Student Volunteers for Social Actions (ABA-SVSA).

The logo embodies a color palette that resonates with the essence of CBMA and Aldersgate College, utilizing the distinct shades
of yellow and black. These colors not only symbolize the college's identity but also represent the dynamic energy and
determination of the College of Business Management and Accountancy (CBMA) students.
By integrating the college's distinctive colors, the logo unites the concept of unity and purpose. It pays homage to the
organization's foundational courses while also representing a welcoming and approachable environment. This emblem not only
aligns with the organization's vision and mission but also captures the essence of the AC CBMA members – driven, focused, and

Section 4: The ABA-SVSA seal shall be given the top billing in all materials, reports and communications of
the organization.


Section 1: The Accountancy and Business Administration Community Extension & Social Services envisions
a student sector imbued with a deep sense of responsibility, respect, love, and pride of their society
and keenly aware of their educational, cultural, economic, and political environment.

Section 2: The principal mission of this organization is to promote to the students and the public the
significance of finance in the developing economy, to offer training ground for entry positions to
students of related business fields, to enhance effective communication, interaction, and
cooperation among students in particular, and among them, the faculty, the alumni and the public,
and to contribute to the welfare and development of this country.

Section 3: The organization through the following four thrusts, shall keep the well-roundedness of its
members to develop students as both strong individuals and good team players:
a. Academics shall supplement the student's classroom and theoretical experience with
exposure to an actual business and professional experience;
b. Service shall open the student's mind to the dimension of community problems and shall
provide the opportunity to find solutions to them;
c. Social shall aim to develop the student along the lines acceptable and common to others;
d. Sports shall aim to develop the student physically so he shall be more equipped to face
the working world with a stronger mind and body.

ARTICLE II: Mission and Vision


ABA-SVSA is committed to equipping students with comprehensive knowledge and practical skills in accountancy
and business, while upholding the school's core values of academic excellence, social relevance, and spiritual
nurturance. Our mission is to cultivate a community of learners who are academically and professionally competent
in the fields of accountancy and business, and who are also dedicated to making positive contributions to society
through community engagement and service.

ABA-SVSA envisions a future where its graduates are recognized as leaders and professionals in the fields of
accountancy and business, known not only for their expertise but also for their commitment to social responsibility
and ethical conduct. Rooted in the school's core values, ABA-SVSA aims to produce graduates who excel
academically, contribute meaningfully to society's development needs, and embody the principles of a democratic
and just society. Through their work and actions, ABA-SVSA graduates will exemplify unity, moral integrity, and a
dedication to Christian service, fostering positive change and sustainable growth in both local and global contexts.


Section 1: Purpose and Goals
Accountancy Business Administration Student Volunteers for Social Actions (ABA-SVSA).

The objective of the Accountancy and Business Administration Student Volunteers for Social Actions (ABA-SVSA)
organization is to actively engage in initiatives that bridge the gap between academia, societal needs, and
responsible business practices. ABA-SVSA strives to achieve the following goals:

Goal 1: Social Empowerment

ABA-SVSA aims to harness the power of education, business acumen, and ethical values to uplift
marginalized and underserved communities. By identifying their unique needs and collaborating with stakeholders,
ABACESS seeks to contribute to social progress and empowerment.

Goal 2: Academic Enrichment

ABA-SVSA is dedicated to enhancing the academic experience of its members within the College of
Business Management and Accountancy. Through workshops, seminars, and collaborative learning opportunities,
ABA-SVSA aims to provide practical skills, industry insights, and holistic education that enriches their academic

Goal 3: Responsible Leadership

ABA-SVSA recognizes the importance of producing graduates who not only excel in their professional fields
but also exhibit ethical leadership qualities. By organizing leadership development programs and mentorship
initiatives, ABA-SVSA aims to nurture individuals who embody integrity, empathy, and a commitment to societal well-

Goal 4: Community Engagement

ABA-SVSA is committed to fostering a sense of belonging and purpose within the College of Business
Management and Accountancy. Through community service projects, outreach programs, and active involvement in
societal issues, ABA-SVSA seeks to cultivate a culture of engagement and collaboration among its members.

Goal 5: Sustainable Impact

ABA-SVSA aims to leave a lasting and positive impact on both the college community and society at large.
By aligning its efforts with Aldersgate College's 21st Century Vision, ABA-SVSA seeks to contribute to the global
network of learners focused on enlightenment, leadership, and human service, thereby embodying the transformative
spirit of education.

Goal 6: Spiritual Nurturance

ABA-SVSA recognizes the importance of spiritual growth and nurturance. Rooted in the core values of the
college, ABA-SVSA seeks to evolve and cultivate a spiritual knowingness founded on absolute Biblical truth. This
nurturing of spiritual values simultaneously promotes unity, moral uprightness, and a dedication to Christian service
among its members. Through these spiritual endeavors, ABA-SVSA aims to provide a holistic development
experience for its members.


Section 1: Oath Taking

The members of this organization shall formally take the following oath before an
assembly of the members of this organization, within two consecutive semesters including the
semester in which he was accepted, in a formal ceremony called for that special purpose:

“I, (name of member), having complied with all the requirements of the Aldersgate College
Accountancy and Business Administration Student Volunteers for Social Actions, do hereby pledge
to serve and support the organization, to uphold the Constitution and its By-laws, and to work with
its officers and members in the fulfillment of its goals and objectives to the best of my ability. So,
help me God.”


Section 1: The members of the organization have the following rights:

a. The right to participate in the discussion in all the meetings of the organization.
Accountancy Business Administration Student Volunteers for Social Actions (ABA-SVSA).

b. The right to vote, be elected or appointed to any official position in the Junior Financial
Management Association of this school, provided that they comply with the requirements
and qualifications of the constitution and by-laws.
c. The right of due process.
d. The right of freedom of speech and injury.
e. The right to be informed in any project and activities of the internal and external
organization and to participate in such undertaking.
f. The right to use the facilities or properties of the organization as long as it is solely for an
official business.
g. The right to inspect the financial statements and other records at a reasonable time.

Section 2: The members of this organization have the following duties:

a. The duty to attend meetings, regular or special, called upon by the Executives Council.
b. The duty to vote in the assembly or in any questions or matters which may arise therein.
c. The duty to comply with the provisions of the constitution and by-laws and any other lawful
requirements set by the organizations.
d. The duty to comply with all the provisions of Aldersgate College’ student handbook.


Section 1: The principal governing bodies of the organization shall be:

a. The Assembly (members)
b. The Executive Council (officers)


Section 1: The assembly shall be composed of all the accredited members of the organization.

Section 2: The assembly shall have the sole power to elect the officers of the Executive Council.

Section 3: The assembly shall convene to meet together in a general meeting, which shall be held on the first
Friday of the Start of the School Year at the principal office of the organization or a date or place
designated to them by their respective Adviser.

Section 4: The assembly shall meet once a month and on special occasions as may be required.


Section 1: The elections of officers of the Executive Council of the organization shall be held on the last
month of the 2nd Semester, at a date, time, manner and place described by the adviser,
recommended by the Program Coordinator of Business Administration and the Deans of the
CBMA, and approved by the Coordinator of Student Affairs, Aldersgate College.

Section 2: All Officially Enrolled students during the 2nd Semester shall be qualified to vote.

Section 3: Personal presence in the date, place and time is required in order to vote.

Section 4: The election of officers shall be done through open voting or by special circumstances if needed by
the organization.

Section 6: A failure of election will occur if less than the majority of the membership exercised their right to
i. In case of a tie, a special election shall be held not more than one (1) week after the
general election. If there is a second tie, the Faculty of Business, Management and
Accountancy shall decide on the procedure with which to hold another special
Accountancy Business Administration Student Volunteers for Social Actions (ABA-SVSA).

Section 5: General Qualifications of candidates for the Executive Council:

a. A Bachelor of Science in Business Administration major in Financial Management (BSBA
FM), A Bachelor of Science in Business Administration major in Marketing Management
(BSBA MM), and Bachelor of Science in Accountancy (BSA) students.
b. An individual member in good standing.
c. With good moral character.
d. With Willingness and initiative

Section 6: Candidates must submit the following requirements to the Adviser of the Organization:
a. Duly accomplished Certificate of Candidacy
b. Endorsement from the Dean/Assist. Dean/Program Coordinator or any Faculty member of
the CBMA.

Section 7: Certificates of Candidacy of candidates shall include first and second preferences.

Section 8: If an executive position is still left vacant, candidates with the same second preferences and are
not yet selected to an executive position shall be the candidates for that particular position.

Section 9: For positions where there is only one candidate running for position, a vote of at least a majority
shall be required.

Section 10: The decision of the election process shall be final, executory and binding unless otherwise revoked
by the majority of the Assembly.


Section 1: Subject to this Constitution, the organization shall be managed by the Executive Council, which
shall be composed of the following officers, who are to be elected from among the Assembly:
a. Federation President
b. Executive Vice President
c. Vice President for Documentation and Communication
d. Vice President for Finance
e. Vice President for Events and Logistics
f. Vice President for Membership
g. Director for Documentation and Communication
h. Director for Finance
i. Director for President for Events and Logistics
j. Director for Membership

Section 2: The following are the qualifications of the officers:

a. The Federation President shall come from the 4th/ 3rd year level. The 4th year student
should not be a graduating student for the first semester of the current school year of his
b. The Executive Vice President shall come from the 4 th/ 3rd year level. The 4th Year student
should not be a graduating student for the first semester of the current school year of his
c. All other officers shall be distributed to any year levels and in no case shall they be
graduating students for the first semester of the current school year of their office.

Section 3: The officers shall hold office for one year until their successors shall have been duly elected.

Section 4: In case of vacancy due to resignation or any other cause submitted by the officers, the Council,
with a ⅔ vote is empowered and authorized to designate from among the qualified members of the
organization to fill the unexpired term until his/her successor has been elected and qualified
provided, the certificate of candidacy and the requirements have been submitted.

Section 5: The Executive Council shall meet within one week immediately following the annual election and
shall continue to hold meetings regularly. However, special sessions may be called by the
Federation President with 50% plus 1 of the Executive Council in attendance.
Accountancy Business Administration Student Volunteers for Social Actions (ABA-SVSA).

Section 6: The general management of the affairs and the properties of the organization shall be vested upon
the Executive Council.

Section 7: In absence of the Federation President, the Executive Vice President shall take over all
responsibility of the meetings of the organization temporarily.


Section 1: Executive officers shall possess the following qualifications:

a. He must be a bona fide and officially enrolled in Business and Accountancy Program of
this institution.
b. He must be an active member of this organization with good moral standing.
Section 2: The Federation President
a. He must meet the qualifications as provided in Section I of this Article.
b. He must be a 4th / 3rd Year Financial Management student
c. He must not acquire any other executive positions in other organizations of this institution.
Section 3: The Executive Vice President
a. He must meet the qualifications as provided in Section I of this Article.
b. He must be a 4th/ 3rd Year Financial Management student
c. He must assist the Federation President in all matters where assistance is required or
d. He must not acquire any other executive positions in other organizations of this institution.
Section 4: Vice President for Documentation and Communication
a. He must meet the qualifications as provided in Section 1 of this Article.
b. He must know how to perform tasks including drafting letters, memos, reports, invoices,
and other documents like schedules and attendances meetings in behalf of executives,
taking notes and recording minutes.
d. He/she shall also make sure that there is proper dissemination of information regarding
the details of the organization’s activities.
Section 5: Vice President for Finance
a. He must meet the qualifications as provided in Section 1 of this Article.
b. He must be a 4th/ 3rd Year BSBA FM student.
c. He must know how to manage cash flows, paying an recording bills, and maintaining
record of debt.
Section 6: Vice President for Events and Logistics
a. He must meet the qualifications as provided in Section 1 of this Article.
b. He must be tech-savvy and inclined to writing
c. He shall be responsible for press releases, invitations, and other media information to all
members of the organization or institutions that are necessary in the functions of the
Section 7: Vice President for Membership
a. He must meet the qualifications as provided in Section 1 of this Article.
b. He must be tech-savvy and inclined to writing
Section 8: Director for Documentation and Communication
a. He must meet the qualifications as provided in Section 1 of this Article.
Section 9: Director for Finance
a. He must meet the qualifications as provided in Section 1 of this Article.
Section 10: Director for Membership
a. He must meet the qualifications as provided in Section 1 of this Article.
Section 11: Director for Events and Logistics
a. He must meet the qualifications as provided in Section 1 of this Article.


Section 1: In general, the elected Executive Council shall protect all properties: interest, business and
transaction of the organization, having the authority to manage, supervise and direct the whole
organization until a new set of officers have been duly elected.

Section 2: The Federation President

Accountancy Business Administration Student Volunteers for Social Actions (ABA-SVSA).

a. He is the chief officer of the organization and leads the federation on programs and
objectives centered on the organization’s vision, core values, and thrusts. He represents
the organization's external and internal community.
b. He shall enforce the provisions of this Constitution and By-Laws, and all the policies,
rules, regulations and resolutions.
c. He shall preside in all meetings of the assembly and executive council.
d. He shall have the authority to create committee/s, as he may deem necessary.
e. He shall have the power to approve or disapprove any transactions that are not
beneficial to members of the organization.
f. Supervise, direct and control other officers in the discharge of their duties and
g. Render periodic report of the local federation.
h. Ensure that a bequeathal ceremony is conducted and all pertinent documents and
properties be endorsed within 15 days after the end of the federation year.
i. He shall perform such other functions, duties and power inherent to the Office of the

Section 3: The Executive Vice President

a. Perform duties and functions of the Federation President in case of the latter’s absence,
incapacity or disability.
b. Have direct authority over all other officers and members and may prescribe duties with
explicit permission from the President.
c. Be directly responsible for all affairs and shall act as a coordinator of all activities within
and outside the institution.
d. Perform such other duties inherent to the position and such other functions that the
Federation President may fix or delegate from time to time.

Section 4: Vice President for Communications and Documentation

a. He is the Secretary General of the organization and shall handle communications, public
relations, media and publications of the organization.
b. In charge of information dissemination within the organization and the liaison officer of the
Executive Council.
c. He makes sure that projects, events and meetings are properly documented and well -
presented for reporting and turnover purposes.
b. He shall prepare and serve due notice of all meetings of the organization.
c. He shall turnover to his successor all books, records, and properties belonging to the

Section 5: Vice President for Finance

a. He shall be the official custodian of funds and properties of the organization.
b. He shall be responsible for prompt collections of all fees and contributions of members.
c. He shall receive, disburse funds on behalf of the organization authorized by the President,
however, the petty cash vouchers shall support all disbursement, original receipt or other
supporting documents which will be kept as part of records.
d. He shall keep the bankbook of the organization and submit it to the adviser who is
authorized by the organization for safekeeping during vacation.
e. He shall sign together with the President and Executive Vice President all withdrawals.
f. He shall be responsible for all reports necessary for the financial matters of the
organization to be submitted and audited by the CBMA office.
g. He shall perform such other functions, duties and powers inherent to the Office of the Vice
President for Finance.
Section 6: Vice President for Events and Logistics
a. He is responsible for the coordination of all activities in the affiliated organization
b. In charge of materials, supplies, venues, equipment and other resources to be used and
manages the overall logistics of the organization in functions and events.
c. Submit periodic report to the Federation President.
b. He shall perform such other functions, duties and power inherent to the Office of the Vice
President for Events and Logistics.
Section 7: Vice President for Membership
a. He shall have the duty to comply with membership requirements such as:
i. Directory of Officers
ii. Complete record of all officially enrolled members of the organization
Accountancy Business Administration Student Volunteers for Social Actions (ABA-SVSA).

a. He shall monitor the attendance of the members in all organizational meetings and
b. Respond and attend to the needs of members.
c. He shall perform other duties inherent to the position.

Section 8: Directors
a. They shall assist the Vice President from the identified department of their offices
and legislatures officers in the conduct of official business or transaction of the
b. They shall assist in the information dissemination to other members every after a
meeting is called.
c. They shall perform such other functions, duties, and powers inherent to the Office of the
Vice Presidents in their identified department.


Section 2: All money collection and disbursements shall be covered with receipts or supporting documents
duly registered with the Vice President for Finance and Director for Finance of the organization.
These shall be considered as a general fund of the organization.

Section 3: The general fund of the organization will only be used for the advancement of the College and its
partnered community.

Section 4: Fines and penalties:

Members who fail to attend during monthly and emergency meetings as well as
institutional activities or events required by the Executive Council:
a. Executive Meetings: PHP 100.00
b. Institutional activities:
Officers: PHP 100.00


Section 1: The Adviser

a. The Adviser shall be designated by the Dean of the College of Business, Management
and Accountancy, with the approval of the Vice President of Academic Affairs subject to
the policies and procedures of Aldersgate College.
b. The Adviser shall endorse all documents, activities, meetings and functions of the ACI-
ABACESS, recommended by the Deans of the College of Business, Management and
Accountancy and approved by the Coordinator of the Office of Student Affairs.
c. The functions of the adviser are:
i. Act as the resource person/s on matters referred to him by the organization.
ii. Represent the organization in matters or activities which shall need his presence,
assistance or attention.
iii. Receive all impeachment complaints, appoint an impeachment committee, and
supervise all important impeachment hearings and proceedings conducted by
the Body.


Section 1: Membership
The organization shall choose to formally or informally be affiliated with any international
or local community extension and social services associations, which have similar, or the same
interests as the organization.

Section 2: Participation
Accountancy Business Administration Student Volunteers for Social Actions (ABA-SVSA).

a. The Federation President and Executive Vice President has the primary responsibility of
coordinating the affairs of the affiliations and ensuring the participation and support of the


Section 1: An officer may resign or withdraw from officer ship in the organization by notice and submitted to
the Adviser provided however, that even if date is fixed on said notice; such shall be taken effective
until acted upon by the Executive Council which action shall be taken within seven (7) days from
the receipt of such notice or resignation.
a. Directors/Officers who resign from positions are automatically banned from applying for
positions for two (2) semesters and

Section 2: Any officer of this organization shall be expelled by the impeachment on a conviction or gross
violation of this Constitution and By-Laws, internal rules and regulations promulgated by the
Executive Council. Any officer expelled by impeachment will not be allowed to hold any position in
the Executive Body in any Federation Year.

Section 3: For all other groups, the Executive Council, by 2/3 of votes, shall have the power of impeachment,
including the officer who is to be punished.

Section 4: Three (3) consecutive or non-consecutive absences and/or of an officer shall be automatically
deemed out of office.

Section 5: Any member who intentionally or willingly violated any of the provisions of this Constitution and By-
Laws or grossly violates the rules and ethics shall be dismissed from the organization.

Section 6: Judgement in case of an impeachment shall be final.


Section 1: Grounds for Impeachment

Any executive officer, by impeachment, shall be removed from the position or from the
organization for any of the following causes:
a. Grave and willful violation of the Constitution, By-Laws, rules and regulations of this
b. Gross neglect of any duty or duties;
c. Abuse of power or authority in or out of the organization; and
d. Grave misconduct reflecting upon his moral character which may be deemed sufficient to
warrant such removal or expulsion or both by any affirmative supermajority vote of the
Body present and voting in general meeting or special meeting called for the purpose,
provided that the officer charged shall be afforded the opportunity to be heard at such
hearing and later at the meetings where the Body shall vote.
Section 2: Impeachment Complaints
Reaffirmed members of the organization may file an impeachment complaint with the
organization’s adviser. The complaint must be in letter form, duly signed by the complainants, and
must state the following:
a. Ground/s for impeachment;
b. Specific Executive Committee officer to be impeached;
c. The date/s when the violation/s were committed;
d. Brief narration/s of the violation/s so that these may be taken into context.

Section 3: Impeachment Committee

The ABA-SVSA Coordinator, CBMA-BSA/BSBA, after having received the impeachment
complaint, shall appoint an impeachment committee made up of at least two (2) faculty members
and (3) Executive Officers. The Impeachment Committee shall preside over the procedure for
impeachment and all hearings and initiatives thereof. Appointees to the Impeachment Committee
a. Be reaffirmed as a member of ACI - ABACESS.
b. Have been a bona fide member of CBMA for at least (3) semesters;
c. Faculty/Advisor of College of Business, Management and Accountancy.
Accountancy Business Administration Student Volunteers for Social Actions (ABA-SVSA).

Section 4: Procedure for Impeachment

a. An impeachment complaint must be filled with the ABA-SVSA Coordinator of CBMA-
b. The ABA-SVSA Coordinator of CBMA-BSA/BSBA shall appoint an impeachment
Committee no later than two (2) weeks following the formal filing of the impeachment
c. The Impeachment Committee shall review the impeachment complaint then decide by
majority vote whether the complaint satisfied certain grounds. Votation on these grounds
must be done in the order they are stated:
i. Whether the complaint is sufficient in form; and
ii. Whether the complaint is sufficient in grounds
d. If the complaint is successfully passed by the Impeachment Committee after voting, the
Impeachment Committee shall organize a hearing for the official in question. The
Impeachment Committee must inform the adviser and the Body of the date, place, and
time of the hearing at least one (1) week before the scheduled hearing.
e. A second hearing may be organized by the Impeachment Committee if one is not
f. A supermajority vote by the Body must be obtained no later than three (3) weeks after the
final hearing in order to successfully impeach an officer of the Executive Committee.


Section 1: Contribution
Contributions are to be imposed upon all members when deemed necessary by the
Executive Council after due constitutions and approval from school authorities.

Section 2: General Meetings

A general meeting shall be held regularly or a special meeting may be held at such dates
and the Executive Body may consider the desirable Majority of the members shall consist of a
quorum both in a general and special meeting.

Section 3: Rules of Order

All members are expected to be above reproach on their personal behaviors and general
department. They shall not only display an ordinary form of conduct, must stoop to develop such
qualities as are expected of Leaders and Volunteers.

Section 4: Accomplishment and Turnover Ceremony

a. Accomplishment reports will be passed before graduation. Failure of passing the said
reports, diplomas of officers will be held by the Dean.
b. Turnover ceremony will be on the date after the election of the new set of officers.


Section 1: Name, Vision & Mission, Logo of ACI - ABA-SVSA shall not be subject to change except by
constitutional amendments.

Section 2: Any amendments to or revisions of this Constitution and By-laws may be proposed by any member
of the organization in regular or special meetings called for that purpose.

Section 3: Any amendments of this constitution and by-laws must be approved or ratified at least 50% plus
one of the members present during the assembly meeting called for the purpose or in referendum
whichever is applicable and all that shall supersede any other law/s and all amendment thereto.


Section 1: This Constitution and By-laws shall take effect immediately upon the unanimous approval
members of the organization.
Accountancy Business Administration Student Volunteers for Social Actions (ABA-SVSA).

Section 2: The ACCESS Coordinator of CBMA-BSA/BSBA shall exercise functions until the first set of officers
under this New Constitution shall have been duly elected and qualified.

I/We hereby ratify and pledge to uphold and defend this Constitution and By-Laws

I/We hereby attest to the faithfulness of the above declared statements.



Federation President Executive Vice President


VP for Documentation and Communication VP for Finance


Director for Documentation and Communication Director for Finance


VP for Events and Logistics VP for Membership


Director for Events and Logistics Director for Membership

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