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Do you ever see street artists in your town? There
are lots of famous artists who draw optical
illusion drawings on the street for everyone to
This photo is an optical illusion painting on the
street. What can you see? A big hole in the middle of a street? A melting glacier? You
think there is a big hole, but there isn't!
Optical illusions are very clever because they work with light, patterns and colours to
create an image to trick your brain. You see things which aren't really there! When
you look at the photo, your eyes and brain work together. It takes less than a second
for the brain to work out the information your eyes can see. You can then understand
and describe what you are looking at.
Answer the questions about optical illusions!
a Do you see real things in an optical illusion?

b What does the illusion work with to trick your brain?

c What works with your eyes to understand and describe an object?

d Do you like looking at optical illusions? Why? Why not?

e Have you ever seen a street artist do something similar in your town or city?

2. Answer with the correct superlative and comparative!

a. The city is ___________ than the country. (dirty)
b. the country is _____________than the city. (peaceful)
c. the country is _____________ than the city. (clean)
d. it is the ____________city in Turkey. (Large)
e. it has got the ________________mountains. (spectacular)
3. Choose the correct word!

Sketch Curved Shaded

4. Fill the blanks!

V1 V2


Yong-Hu and Ho-Shing walked through the valley. I'm getting tired,' Yong-Hu
complained. 'Where are we going anyway?' he asked.
We are going to find a city, a lost city. There are wondrous surprises that await the
ones who find the ancient city.'
'Does anvone live there?' Yong-Hu asked.
'Not anymore. At one time it was the busiest city in all of China.'
'Why not?'
Because it is too far out of the way for the trade routes.'
'What kinds of surprises are there? Good surprises?' Yong-Hu asked.
'Magical surprises,' Ho-Shing smiled. 'Come.'
'Is there bamboo in the lost city?' Yong-Hu asked.
'Much.' 'Good. Let's hurry up then. I'm starving.'

A. The lost city is_____

a. in a remotw location b. Near the city c. On a trade route
B. The city________
a. is not a safe place b. Has many surprises c. Is very busy


After several hours, Ho-Shing stopped. 'See the mountains ahead? We are nearly
there. Another hour.'
Just then they heard a growling sound. 'What was that?' Yong-Hu asked.
'A tiger, but it isn't near us. Its roar is echoing off the tall mountains.'
'There it is! There is the lost city! We have found it at last,' Ho-Shing smiled.
'It is magnificent, Ho-Shing. The walls are high and the roofs of the buildings sparkle
in the sunshine. Are they made of jade?' Yong-Hu asked.
'There is much green jade, ivory, gold, silver, and even red rubies. We must hurry,'
Ho-Shing said.
'How do we get inside?' Yong-Hu wondered.
'We must climb these steps,' Ho-Shing said, pointing to very steep steps that led to the
top of the wall.
Yong-Hu laughed and ran up the stairs. After he'd climbed twenty of them he stopped
and took a few breaths. 'I think I'lI walk slowly up the rest of them.'

A. Yong-Hu________
a. run up all the steps to the lost city
b. couldn’t climb to the top of the steps
c. ran up twenty stairs and then walked the rest.


Ah, there is where we need to go,' he said to Yong-Hu as he reached the top step,
'over there, in the middle of the city.'
That is where we shall find our surprises, Ho-Shing said.
They climbed down the steps on the other side of the wall.
'We need to treat this place with respect. Be quiet. Don't touch anything until I say so,'
he warned his friend.
When they reached the centre of town, a huge, golden gong hung from poles. Several
Chinese statues of lions surrounded it.
'Look at their ruby eyes!' Yong-Hu said. 'Can I bang the gong?' he asked.
'Yes.' the wiser panda said.
Yong-Hu picked up the stick and hit the gong.

Where do the pandas need to go to find surprises?

a. They need to go down the steps.
b. They need to go to the statue with lions.
c. They need to go to the middle of the city.


When the noise stopped, silence filled the air. Crickets began to chirp. 'Listen,' Ho-
Shing said. 'It is beautiful.'
'When do we get the rubies and jade,'
Yong-Hu whispered.
Ho-Shing ignored him and listened to the magical music of the crickets. The two
pandas stood silently for an hour, until the crickets stopped singing.
"Our surprise?' Yong-Hu whispered again.
'Yong-Hu, that was our surprise. Nobody in the world has heard anything that
beautiful before.
It is our reward for our journey,' Ho-Shing said.
What about the jade? What about the gold, silver, rubies and ivory?'
Yong-Hu asked.
We cannot touch these things. They belong to the people who lived once in this lost
city. You can eat all the bamboo you want, but the rest must stay within these walls,'
Ho-Shing explained.
At the mention of bamboo, Yong-Hu forgot about all the precious jewels and riches.
'Bamboo!' He ran off to search for his feast.

Yong-Hu’s surprise was_____

a. the bamboo.
b. the magical music of the crickets
c. the rubies and jade.

9. Match the words in bold in the text with the definitions below.
a The sound crickets and birds make.
b A tall, leafy plant that pandas eat.
c A red precious stone.
d The sound a lion makes.
e A green precious stone.
F A large, circular instrument made of metal or gold.

10. Complete these sentences with a verb from number 4 in the past simple.
a They___________a loud roar.
b He____________up the steps to the lost city.
c Ho-shing smiled as he__________ the stairs.
d When Yong-Hu saw the bamboo he ____________ about the jewels.
e The two pandas______________in silence listening to the crickets singing.

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