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Coin Pocket Attach Disposal

Hirdaramani Industries- Kahathuduwa

Research & Development Division
1.1 Introduction

According to the existing situation, the disposal of the coin pocket attach is
done manually. This manual process is time-consuming and requires manual
labor. To address this issue, a machine has been designed to automatically
dispose of the coin pocket attach

1.2 Proposed method.

The proposed solution involves automating the disposal of the coin pocket
attachment. The machine is designed to perform this task automatically,
eliminating the need for manual intervention and saving significant time.

1.3 Benefits

 Reduce operator handling time.

1.4 Time line

Considering the machining operations, programming, and others it would take

approximately 10 days to complete.

create 7 days

Test run 2 days

Fine tune 1 day


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