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occured 发生

make to ... percent 占多少百分比

intense 激烈
urbanization 城市化
globalization 全球化
against 陪衬
living standards 生活水平
fast-paced 节奏很快
argue 主张
consider 认为
former, later 前者, 后者
beautify 美化
enrich 丰富
high efficiency 高效的
lead to 导致
promote 促进
import and export market 进出口市场
local culture and castoms 当地的文化和习俗
carry down 传承
profound and broad 博大精深
national 国家的/民族的
ethic group 少数民族
morality/integrity 道德
be deprived of 被剥夺
horizons 视野
overall 综合的
issue 颁布
ascend/descend 增加/减少
peak 高峰
with age 随着年龄增长

recently there has been a public discussion about...
With the progress of living standards...
there are two different views about this topic...
from my perspective, I support/agree/ with
There are some reasons for my viewpoint

Firstly, besides/in addition/moreover


increase the burden on the tax payers

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