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环境恶化 environmental degradation 主流学生 mainstream students 双刃剑 double-edged sword

合力 join forces 积极和自律 motivation and self discipline 不礼貌的语言 foul language
世界范围的 on a global scale 学习效果 learning outcomes 暴力行为 aggressive behaviours
环保 environmentally friendly 技术革新 technological innovation 反社会的行为 antisocial behaviours
主动 take the initiative 疏远感 sense of alienation 心理不正常 eccentric behaviour
资源的投入 resource commitment 习惯于 be accustomed to 性格有缺陷 character flaws
以惊人的速度 at an astounding rate 充分利用 take full advantage of 惯犯 repeat offenders
急需 in desperate need of 食物中毒 food poisoning 同伴的压力 peer pressure
用积极地眼光 in a positive light 列举 spell out 一时冲动 on the spur of the moment
消除语言障碍 bridge the language gap 自我表达 self-expresion 造成严重的伤亡 cause serious injury or death
政府赞助 government sponsorship 关注的事情 matter of concern 有震慑力 has deterrent effects
家庭背景不好的 of low socio-economic status 出于公共安全考虑 on the grounds of public safety 严厉刑罚 stiff sentence
背景好的 of higher socio-economic status 与普遍观念不同 contract to popular belief 严重罪行 serious offence
带来不确定因素 add uncertainty to 合理的决定 well-informed decisions 改造方法 correctional method
接受教育 access to education 免费入场 free admission 改造计划 rehabilitation programs
高收入人群 high income earners 随意地 as they please 重犯 habitual offenders
言论自由 freedom of speech 跨越国界 across boundaries 潜在的罪犯 prospective offenders
随心所欲 act at will 减少环境压力 reduce the strain on environment 惯犯 repeat criminals
新兴经济 emerging economies 最前沿 brought to the forefront 连环杀人犯 serial killers
国家财富 national wealth 核心的问题 central question is 重新回到社会 reintegrate into society
不断提高的 ever-increasing 折中条件 trade-off 青少年罪犯 juvenile offenders
阶级矛盾 class conflict 水土流失 soil erosion 青少年犯罪 juvenile delinquency
以牺牲环境为代价 at environment`s expense 时间观念 time conscious 疏于管教和关 a lack of proper parental
更便宜地 at affordable price 核心家庭 nuclear family 爱 supervision and neglect

干净的水源 access to clean water irregular working hours 干预方法 intervention methods
消费力 buying power non-standard work schedule 需要协调努力 make a concerted effort
执法机关 law enforcement 分量很大 served in large portions 初犯 first-time offenders
再分配 income redistribution 都市生活 urban lifestyle 技能培训 vocational training
经济过热 economic overheating 时间的考验 test of tiome 守法的公民 law-abiding citizens
隔阂感 a feeling of isolation 形成鲜明对比 stand in stark contrast to 非暴力手段 non-violent means
三思 think twice 提高收视率 raise viewing rate 社会秩序 social order
行为异常 deviant behaviour 钟爱 show a preference for 维护生态系统 maintain natural ecosystems
学习能力 intellectual competence 不无道理 not without justification consistent with the principle
确保可持续发展 of sustainable development
文化水平 literacy skills 城市中心地带 inner city area
虚荣心驱动 motivated by vanity 一次性产品 disposable products 可以从动物身 draw on animal-based
接触广告 advertising exposure 需要重视 place emphasis on 上获得灵感 research for inspiration

消费方式 consumption habits 家电产品 household appliances 物种的起源 the origin of life
情感健康 emotional wellbeing 可分配收入 disposable income 科学研究 scientific research
民意 public opinion 摆脱贫穷 break the cycle of poverty animal welfare
专业 area of specialism 城乡收入差距 rural-urban income disparity animal rights
时间的限制 time constraint 经济不平衡 economic imbalance 虐待动物 animal cruelty
不足为奇 it comes as no surprise that 住房紧缺 housing shortage 强烈的道德意识 a strong maral compass
归属感 sense of belonging 倒闭 go bankrupt 细胞组织 cell structure
获得好处 reap benefits 知识全面 full knowledge of a subject 副作用 side effect
榜样 role model 养成好的生活习惯 maintain a healthy lifestyle 加大力度 step up efforts
暴力手段 violent means 符合社会要求 adhere to code of condect 弱势群体 disadvantaged groups
课外活动 extra-curricular activities 好的动手能力 first-hand knowledge 受到歧视 face discrimination
全面的发展 all-round development 文化差异 culture specific 保护他们的权益 protect their interets
因有能力而出名 known for the ability to 有意义和成功的人 meaningful and fulfilling life 缺乏接受新知 unable to adopt new
识和技术的能 technology and learn new
依靠经验知识 rely on rules of thumb 缩短距离 close the gap skills

劳动力年龄结构 a shift in the age structure of 辅助资源 support resources 社会地位 social standing
的变化 the workforce 施加压力 impose strains 语言障碍 language barriers
寿命 life expectancy 工作节奏 pace of work 体力劳动 labour-intensive job

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